Another lucid success, DILD!
, 07-25-2018 at 05:03 PM (379 Views)
My memory is failing me this morning. I remember a few dream fragments, but the full contexts are forgotten. Let's start with the interesting one.
My family were all doing some sort of secret mission, and I decided to sneak into the van they were driving. Sadly I got caught and they treated me like a stranger and threw me out. I found myself at a gas station in the middle of nowhere, in a snowstorm. I felt something wasn't right. I was so sure this was real, but it just didn't seem like a normal situation I'd found myself in. I did a nose plug reality check, and sure enough I could breathe normally. I was shocked honestly. I have never had a lucid dream hit me this hard, but I just stood there for a bit taking in the scenery. It wasn't much to look at, but I was watching the beautiful snow all around, feeling the cold temperature of it all. I noted how vivid and real it was, and then I decided I wanted to get out of there and go to my dream hub. I walked forward a bit and then reached for the sky. I wanted to fly there this time. I started flying into the sky at what felt like a decent speed...until I looked down and realized I had gone only a few feet and was going very slow. I fell back to the ground and the dream ended.
I had another dream that took place at the dream hub, but I didn't actually take notice of where I was. I was in a heated argument with a grouchy neighbor. He was very conservative, but very anti-trump. He was arguing something about tulpas and how demonic they are, and I tried explaining how they have nothing to do with magic or witchcraft. Tulpas are basically glorified imaginary friends. Anyway, I recall 2 or 3 vague arguments, but another thing that happened with him was a wooden fence between my house and his. I noticed it was on fire for whatever reason, and though I was trying to extinguish the flames, he thought I caused the fire.