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    Doing Shots With Angelina (Task of the Month)

    by , 05-03-2014 at 01:12 PM (448 Views)
    I went to see a movie today and got my first look at the trailer for "Maleficent" with Angelina Jolie, who seemed to be making recurring appearances in my dreams.

    After driving through downtown Chicago, I'm staying in a lakefront house where one whole wall of the house is windows facing the shore. While exploring the house, I come across Angelina Jolie. She's wearing half of her Maleficent costume and seems pretty confused. She gives me a phone number to call to bring her tour bus to pick her up.

    I woke up somewhere around four AM and decided to make a WILD attempt. I'm not usually as successful at these when I know I have to be up in a few hours, but apparently I'm on a roll this week.

    I'm in a bar. I focus a little bit on stabilizing the dream, running my hands over the bar top and noticing details (where these rounded bullnose countertops?). I even drop a quarter in the jukebox and sit back as a Huey Lewis song comes on. I remember that one of the tasks is to do tequila shots with a DC. The first DC I come across, believe it or not, is Angelina Jolie. She seems like a cool person to have drinks with, so this won't be so back. We order a couple rounds of tequila shots with lime and salt. I haven't actually done this before, so it takes me a little while to figure out how to coordinate taking a shot before doing the salt and lime. Angelina is kind of amused at this. I start telling her about my problems at work and she listens carefully before suggesting that maybe I'm too good for my job. She talks a little bit about her kids and what baby products she found useful (since I sell baby gear). After a few shots, I suggest maybe I could come home with her and watch her and Brad have sex. This makes us both giggly and I wake up.

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    Tags: wild
    lucid , task of the month
