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    1. Hugging my Son

      by , 11-16-2014 at 06:19 PM
      I became spontaneously lucid in a dream. When this happened everything went black and I couldn’t see anything. Not sure what to do next, so I asked for my son to give me a hug. Instantly, I heard, “Sure dad!” My son is a 6 foot huge, blonde, Scandinavian man, solid as a rock. He gets those traits from his mom’s side of the family. In the darkness I put my arms around his arms, with my finger tips barely touching behind his back, and then he hugged me back. It felt exactly the same hugging him, as it does in the waking world. We stood there hugging. I ask him if sees anything, because I couldn’t. He said he couldn’t see anything either and he had no idea where we were. We continued to hug for about a minute trying to figure out where we were. I didn’t mention we were dreaming, because things always seem to fall apart when I mention that to dream figures. I woke up as soon as the lights came back on. I saw him for an instant! I’ll ask him if he had similar dream (when he wakes up). I’m going to pick him up a Timmies hot chocolate first.

      Updated 11-16-2014 at 06:21 PM by 71173

    2. Pigging Out on Cream Pie while Lucid

      by , 11-15-2014 at 07:06 PM
      I found myself in a lucid dream with cream pies in front of me, and then I thought about what I had read on Dreamviews about how good food tastes when dreaming. Licking my lips, I grabbed a piece of pie and took a bite. Holy smokes, this tasted great! It was cool, sweet, and creamy, with lightly flaked crust. When I swallowed I could feel the food going down my throat. It was the same as waking world pie. I proceeded to eat piece after piece until two pies were gone. I was about to eat a third pie, but I became worried. What if I was actually eating my bed sheets! This sounds crazy, but I once ate my house coat belt while sleeping, and I didn’t want a repeat.
    3. I’m a Dairy Cow, and I’m Terrified!

      by , 11-15-2014 at 02:25 AM
      This was a fairly odd Lucid Dream, where I became a dairy cow, standing in line, waiting to be milked. That in itself isn’t really odd as far as lucid dreaming goes, but when I was a cow in my dream, I had the intelligence of cow, and I wasn’t lucid anymore. I was terrified! It really was a nightmare.

      I entered the dream lucid using the WILD technique. I was floating in the darkness of ‘the void’, whatever that is, and off in the distance I could see a glowing bluish light. I moved toward the bluish light instinctively. As I got closer to the glowing bluish light I realized it was actually made from millions of individual glowing bluish spheres of light. These glowing spheres of light looked about 10 to 15 feet in diameter, and spaced about 80 feet approximately apart, though it was really hard to tell, because I had no real reference to compare too. There was no issue with keeping lucidity here, because it was very mesmerizing flying between the sphere of light, and it was a very safe place. Then, all of a sudden, I was sucked into one of the spheres. I instantly became a dairy cow!

      At this point I was no longer lucid, and I had the intelligence of a cow. That in itself is very hard to describe. During the dream, when I was a cow, I was unable to describe what I was seeing, but after I woke I knew what I was going on. This is what I saw. There was another cow in front of me. Its legs were vibrating (from pain). There was a pulsing, vibrating sound (milking equipment). The cow in front of me had two udders cut off half way. Milk was spraying out of these cut udders. The ground was flat and hard (concrete) and covered in mud (manure). There was no sun (inside a dark barn). I was so terrified and confused, that I woke up immediately from the nightmare.

      I hadn’t really thought much about cows up until this point, but after this experience, I have to say, we should treat our dear cows a little better. I looked on-line about why the cow had its udders cut off, and apparently this is done when a cow has a bad case of mastitis. I did not know this.

      See link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzcISH4h200
    4. God Does Not Exist!

      by , 11-12-2014 at 08:25 PM
      Many people have asked in their Lucid Dreams to meet God, so I figured I would give it a try. During one of my lucid dreams last summer, I was trying to find my daughter, but I was having no luck, so I decided to meet with God instead. I’ve never attempted to do this before in my 40 plus years of Lucid Dreaming. Before I begin, I would like to point out that I do in fact believe in God, have faith, but I have not been a strong, practising, church going person, though I grew up in a strongly religious home. I have full respect for God.

      In a perfectly lucid dream I approached two dream figures. I said in a firm voice, “Where’s God? I need to meet with him.” They looked at each other, and the one dream figure said to the other, “What did he just say?” The other figure then said, “I think he said he wants to meet with God.” They chuckled at each other, shrugged their shoulders, and then looked back at me with a questioned look. I said, “Where’s God?” The first dream figure then pointed at a building that was under construction, and he said, “God’s in there.” I walked up some concrete steps and entered into a building that only had plywood on the exterior, and truly was under construction. It was a real mess. I searched for God room to room. Finally, on the second storey, I found a very old, withered man in a small, closet size, bedroom. The old withered man was under a tethered blanket. He was wearing an old blue parka and faded torn, blue jeans. His hair and beard were blondish grey, long, knotted and dreaded. He was wrinkled skin and bones. His eyes were closed, and he was unconscious. I felt sorry for him, whoever this abandoned old man was, and I scooped him up into my arms, in a cradled position, and I carried him out of the building. After I carried him outside I woke up from the dream. I was a little disappointed after I woke up that I didn’t find God in the building.

      The following week I had another lucid dream about God. Suddenly, in the lucid dream, this same old guy, from the prior dream I described above, appears right beside on a park bench. He even has the same blue parka and jeans, but this time he looks much healthier. He looks straight into my eyes, and then raises his head to the sky and shouts, “GOD DOES NOT EXIST!” His eyes were a glowing baby blue colour. I’m so shocked by this I wake up. I start to think about what these two dreams were about. Maybe I did meet God, and maybe he is saying to me that my faith needs a little bit of work?

      The following week, after the second dream, I was driving home from work (in the waking world) to have lunch. On the side of the road, sitting on a park bench, I see the same old man! He looked exactly same right down to the long greyish blonde dreaded hair and beard. He even had the same blue, winter parka. I’d like to point out, who wears a parka on a hot summer day? It was about 85 F. I drove right past him. He looked like a homeless man. That in itself is very strange, because there are no homeless people in this suburban neighborhood. I began to think that maybe God wanted me to stop and visit with this homeless man. Maybe that’s what these two lucid dreams were about? If there was some meaning behind these dreams, I didn’t want to blow it by simply driving by and ignoring him, so I immediately went and picked up ‘lunch for two’ at Tim Hortons. I have to admit I felt a little odd doing this, but it just seemed like the right thing to do. He was the most humble man I’ve ever met. His name was Paul. He even had the baby blue eyes like my LD. We sat for a ½ hour and discussed life in general. He was explaining how people are so busy trying to make money that they miss out on life itself. He said, “To enjoy life, you really don’t need anything. All you need is already here.” I asked him about wearing his winter parka when it’s so hot out, and he replied, “I never take it off.”

      Later that night, I’m heading out to the cabin for the weekend (in the waking world), and I see his blue parka lying in the middle of the road, not far from where we had lunch. It made me think.
      lucid , memorable
    5. iPhone Induced Lucid Dream! IILD

      by , 11-12-2014 at 03:06 AM
      Last night I had an IILD! Btw, don’t Google that one, I'm playing off DILD! I had another fishing dream where I caught a 4 foot long Mahi Mahi. I wanted to take a picture of it, so I pulled out my handy dandy iPhone. Instead of taking a picture, the iPhone acted like a projector. It projected a picture onto the wall beside me. When I turned the iPhone off, the picture was still on the wall! Very cool! The picture was printed onto the wall by the iPhone. There was one problem, the picture wasn’t straight, and so I raised my hand and straightened it out by simply waving my hand at it. I knew there was no way my iPhone could do this, and I certainly couldn’t straighten a picture out by waving my hand at it. Lucid again! I pulled my iPhone out and showed my cousin how it could print pictures onto a wall with it. My cousin was very impressed with this. I then decided to go for a flight and see if I could find my daughter, but instead I found my mom.

      I flew up into the sky to go search for my daughter. It was beautiful, sunny, summer day. The sun was reflecting off the lake, causing it to dance with light. I came in low over the trees, and discovered I was in my home town, and then I flew down my parent’s street. A dream character stopped on the street and stared up at me. Her face seemed to come straight at me momentarily through a cloudy gray fog. She was an old woman and she gave me a look like, what the heck are you doing now? I flew past her and landed on my parent’s front yard. I walked into the back yard where I found my sister and mom. I first went to my sister and patted her on the shoulder and told her I loved her. She told me she loved me too. The dreaming was starting to fade, and I should have done something about that, but I just wanted to hug my mom, so I quickly headed over to her. She smiled brightly, and before I could hug her, I woke up. Next time I’ll stabilize and not be so rushed.

      Oh, I had another lucid dream last night, just before this one, where everything was dark and gray. There was no color. I don’t remember why I was lucid, it just seemed to happen. I was going around turning gray leaves green by pouring water on them. I was explaining to a dream character how the leaves are green in the waking world. He said it never rains here, and then he started to cry. I started to cry too because I could feel his deep sadness. There were tears pouring down my cheeks as I walked away from him, and then I lost lucidity, and I continued dreaming.
    6. Digital Water

      by , 11-11-2014 at 04:01 AM
      Dream Induced Lucid Dream - DILD. I was in my parent’s bathroom. The water was overflowing the sink and running down a board that was placed at angle to the counter. For some strange reason, and I don’t know why, but the water appeared to be digital in pattern. It looked like thousands of rectangular patterns, of different shades, travelling down the board. Kind of like a low resolution, tube monitor from the 80’s (what’s that!) playing an ancient video game. Hmmmmmmm, am I dreaming? I then did a reality check where I pushed my index finger through my other hand. Holy smokes! I’m dreaming! What should I do now? The first thing I thought of was to ask for my daughter to join me. I planned to open the bathroom door, and she will be on the other side. Just then, I heard a load door slam, BANG, and I woke up. Darn! I went to investigate why I heard a door slammed in the middle of the night. It turned out to be dream sound that woke me up, and not the waking world. I guess I was thinking too hard about my daughter being on the other side of the door.

      Remembrance Day tomorrow- I remember and appreciate the sacrifices given.

      Updated 11-11-2014 at 04:07 AM by 71173

    7. Dream Creepers Causing my Dreams to End

      by , 11-10-2014 at 12:49 AM
      Last night I had back to back lucid dreams throughout my entire REM cycle. This is first time I’ve been lucid every dream. I remembered 7 long lucid dreams in detail, and 3 other fragmented. I also had 1 OBE style dream with vibrations, where I almost made it out. I simply observed what the dream characters were doing, kept my lucidity under wraps, and then examined how they reacted when they figured out I was lucid. I’ll describe two of the dreams, because I found a new way (at least to me), to keep an ‘exposed’ lucid dream from ending.

      I was at work in my office. There was one problem, I was only wearing briefs. This fear of being exposed in public has given me many lucid dreams. I even had a wedgy, which I couldn’t seem to fix. I knew I was dreaming, but I didn’t want to venture out into the work area half naked. It just felt wrong. I stared out the door watching dream characters interact with each other, and carry on busily. Suddenly somebody walked by my office that I recognized. I shouted his name out so he would come and visit with me. He didn’t come. I shouted his name again, but this time two fellows dressed in suits came. Crap, I recognized one of them from a previous lucid dream. In a previous lucid dream this character grabbed onto me and wouldn’t let go, and told me to tone it down, because people are starting to notice. Anyway, I walked out of my office by a couple of feet, and told him, “I was just calling for this guy to come into my office, because I’m half naked, and I need a bath robe.” That sounds pretty lame I agree, but that’s all I could think of saying. These guys knew I was lucid. The one fellow looked like he was about to blow a gasket. To calm him down, I asked him, “Do you have some advice for me?” He seemed shocked by the question, and didn’t know what to say. There was this awkward silence. He then said, “Yeah, get back into your office!” I turned around and walked back into the office with these two guys following me. I figured I would smooth talk him by complimenting his suit jacket, so I said, “That is a real nice suit jacket!” I was actually thinking to myself how weird his jacket was, because it was white and covered in what looked ancient symbols, which made no sense whatsoever. I noticed out of the corner of my eye, the second guy slipping in behind me. Suddenly I went from a perfectly vivid, clear dream, to abruptly fading, and then to being awake. What the heck happened? I was perfectly calm, and there was no reason for me to wake.

      I was lying in bed thinking about this lucid dream. Why did that guy slip in behind me? Why did my dream end after these dream characters figured out I was lucid? It then occurred to me that maybe this guy that slipped in behind me somehow influencing me to wake. I then decided to do a test, and see what happens if I quickly turn around 180 degrees, the instant I feel my lucid dream fading (see who’s behind me). I then went back to sleep to give this a try, using the WBTB technique. I went into a lucid dream and declared to a room full of people I was lucid, in an effort to test my theory. Within 10 seconds I could feel my dream fading quickly. I turned 180 degrees and came face to face with a man who was standing right behind me, inches away! The dream character looked totally shocked when I caught him. My lucidity then came back perfectly clear. I then saw somebody else try to scoot in behind me, so I instant transported myself so my back was to the wall. This seemed to work, but everybody was now staring at me. I decided to quickly leave the room, to see if I could salvage this dream, but I woke up before I got out the door. I’ve caught these dream creepers behind me before, and I’m starting to think they’re somehow waking me after I’ve blown my lucidity cover. Or maybe I’m just creating my own dream consequences because I believe this to be the case. In the meantime I’ll just be quietly lucid until I want the dream to end, then I’ll have some fun.

      Updated 11-10-2014 at 12:53 AM by 71173

    8. Dream Sign Induced Lucid Dream – Black Cat

      by , 11-07-2014 at 07:41 PM
      WOW, did I just coin a new phrase? Nope, just did a Google check DSILD

      My dream sign is a black cat. Whenever I see a black cat in my dream I become instantly lucid, even if I’m beyond tired and in a deep sleep. I have these little pictures of cats scattered around my house and at work, and whenever I see these pics, I do a reality check. It has worked out really well.

      Last night in a dream, I was under a table, on my hands and knees organizing some files. Out of the corner of my eye I could see a black fuzzy thing sneaking up alongside me. I flicked this creeping black thing away using the backside of my hand, without even thinking, and it was sort of like a panic reflex. I then took a close look at what I just flicked, and it was my beautiful black cat, my dream sign. I became instantly lucid. I then looked at the cat and said, “Oh, is that you? I’m sorry, come here.” I called the cat by her name. The cat quickly came to me and I hugged it in my arms. The cat then kissed me right on the lips, just like a person would. Lips actually formed on the cat for an instant as it kissed me, and I felt its little teeth hitting mine. This little cat helps me to become lucid at least once or twice per week, and we always do some snuggles! I swear this cat seeks me out.
    9. False Awakening - Levitating a Curtain as a Reality Check

      by , 11-07-2014 at 12:25 AM
      I woke up in my room (false awakening), but there were two things wrong; it was way too bright, and the window was on the wrong wall. As a reality check, I focused on the curtain and levitated it to the middle of room, and then it vanished. I figured great! Now I can go and explore my dream house! Btw, I’ve never managed to explore my house in a false awakening. I leaped from my bed in excitement, and then I woke up. Dang!
    10. False Awakened by Wife

      by , 11-05-2014 at 07:44 PM
      I blew a perfect opportunity for a lucid dream by not recognizing a false awakening. In my dream I woke up because my wife was tapping me on the hip. I opening my eyes a little bit and saw her standing beside the bed. The room was dark, as it should be; and everything else looked exactly the same as waking life. She continued to tap me on the hip, but I didn’t want to get up because I was working on having a Wake Induced Lucid Dream - WILD. I continued to lie completely still and ignore her. I was thinking my alarm was set to get me up at the correct time, so why was she disturbing my sleep? She knows every morning I’m busy trying to lucid dream. She then sat down on the bed beside me with her hand on my hip. I continued to ignore her for the next 5 minutes until she finally left. After she left I repositioned, and then I started to think, why was she getting me up so early? Why was she up so early? This made no sense. I then thought maybe I had a false awakening. In the morning I asked her if she had tried to wake me up during the night, and she said, “No? Why?” I explained what had happened, and she gave me this ‘you’re nuts’ look. Anyway, the moral of the story is, ‘Don’t ignore your wife, or miss out on a LD!’ BTW, that’s the 2nd time this has happened in the last couple of months.
    11. An OBE, Yah you know me!

      by , 11-03-2014 at 07:32 PM
      In this dream (DILD to OBE), my wife and I were walking through this old store that looked like something out of the 1800’s. At the back of the store was our bedroom. My plan, in this dream, was to go bed and try and to do a Wake Induced Lucid dream. Yes, I was dreaming about wanting to lucid dream. I opened the bedroom door and saw two beds. As I walked into my room, my wife suddenly turned into a child who hopped into one of the beds. I thought that’s a little odd. Next, I went to my bed to crawl in, and there was a baby girl in there, maybe 1 or 2 years old. This is also strange. I picked up the baby in the blanket and tried to look closely at who this was, but it was too dark in the room. I realized this was all too weird and I must be dreaming. I was lucid.

      Suddenly, I’m back in my bed, lying face down. This made no sense to me either, because I went to bed lying on left side, I don’t change positions while I sleep, without waking up. I then felt a light vibration in my body, which started in my chest area, then spread out to my limbs. It lasted a few seconds and stopped. Then it came back full strength. I was vibrating violently in bed, and my ears were buzzing. I then remembered what I had read in the Forums about OBE’s, and I opened my dream eyes. Yes, I can see! I was lying on my stomach with my head turned to the right. I could see my right hand, raised up by my shoulder. My hand was vibrating violently! There was bright light shining everywhere. My blanket was hovering above me by a couple of inches, except it wasn’t my blanket. It was white, and had white tassel edging, whereas my blanket is blue/purple without tassels. The blanket was also vibrating violently, and the tassels were shaking so fast I could hardly make them out. There was wind blowing everywhere. I then remembered about trying to move my dream body, without moving my physical body. I couldn’t move, except I managed to move my right hand slightly. I then tried to roll out of my body, but woke up. I found myself lying on left side, with my blue/purple blanket, and everything was normal (besides my heart pounding from all the excitement).

      Updated 11-03-2014 at 07:38 PM by 71173

      lucid , false awakening
    12. You Have so Much Empathy for Human Beings

      by , 11-02-2014 at 09:04 PM
      I didn’t have a lucid dream last night, so I’ll describe one that happened July 14, 2014 - dream journal entry. This lucid dream had an interesting twist after I woke up and described it to my wife.

      I entered this dream, lucid, and I kept it a secret. My wife and I were sitting in courtyard style café, with a stone patio, and old brick buildings surrounding us. The table was a marble topped, a petite antique, with a metal frames chairs to match. The sky was blue with scattered clouds. My wife was sipping her tea and we weren’t talking, because we were just taking in the view and enjoying the ambiance. It really was a beautiful place, perfect for a lucid dream. There was nobody else in the café, except for one young girl, who was sitting off to the side, and was she watching us very closely. She was very pretty, and had long curly brown hair. I did not recognize her. I said to my wife, “Let’s go talk to that girl!” Both my wife and the young girl had real looking eyes that were full of life and expression. I often find that dream characters either have eyes that appear to be painted on, or they look absolutely real, right down to the blood vessels and dilating pupils. The dream characters with ‘real eyes’ need special attention. My wife said, “Okay!”, so we got up and walked over to the young girl. As I neared the girl, I felt that maybe she was my daughter, I could feel the love, so I said, “Sandwich hug!” We then sandwich hugged the little girl and she smiled ear to ear. The girl looked at my wife and said, “You have so much empathy for human beings.” I then woke up and recorded the lucid dream in my journal. I had no idea what empathy meant.

      The next morning I went to my wife and told her my dream. She had shocked look on her face. I then asked my wife what empathy meant. I jokingly said, “My gas tank is empathy.” She didn’t laugh. My wife then explained empathy means you’re able to put yourself into someone else’s position and really feel what they’re feeling. I said, “How could I even dream about this word when I don’t know what it means?” My wife then explained her shocked look. She said the night before she was talking to her mom, who had passed away 12 years earlier, hoping she was listening. My wife was asking her mom why she had so much empathy for her elderly aunt, for whom she was taking such good care of.
    13. The Way You Make Me Feel – Michael Jackson

      by , 11-01-2014 at 04:15 PM
      I used the WILD dream technique this morning, and ended up at a family gathering in a kitchen. I was asking who everybody was and hugging them. Everybody seemed so young, and it was difficult to figure out who was who. I said, “Where’s Daughter?”, and then I found her in the living room. She was much younger, maybe 7 years old. We started dancing in the living room without music. Daughter and I then transitioned into this very cool lucid dream.

      We instantly appeared inside a rusty metal framed greenhouse with a concrete floor. The greenhouse was completely underwater, except for the glass roof panels that had waves washing across the top. The sun was shining through the waves casting reflections throughout the room. Suddenly Michael Jackson crashed through one of the glass roof panels in a wall of water, perfectly landing on the ground in a kneeling position, head tilted forward holding his cap, and then he did his trademark, “Whoohoo!” Water washed across the concrete floor. His hit ‘The Way You Make Me Feel’ starts playing, and then he moon walks off to the side, and starts singing his song. I tried to moon walk too, but I couldn’t do it, so I did some other ‘old man’ moves. Guess I gotta work on that – lol, for the next dream. Daughter and I started to dance to the music as Michael played. At one point I held my hand up and Daughter did a pirouette. As the song was nearing the end, my daughter started to run around totally excited, as she was talking nonsense like any 7 year old would. Daughter then began to shrink in size to about the size of a cat, and she ran off while 5 people started to chase her. I became furious, and I threatened them in an effort to get them to stop chasing her. Two of them instantly stopped and backed off. The other 3 remained in pursuit. I was about to draw my magical sword, given to me by a DC in a previous LD, but I became too angry, and woke up. I’m glad I woke up, because a perfectly good lucid dream was about to become a disaster. I find I jump to assumptions and conclusions way too quickly when I’m lucid. I need to work on this. Aside from the ending, I really had fun in this lucid dream!

      Updated 11-01-2014 at 05:45 PM by 71173

    14. Dream Character Asks How I Knew I was Dreaming

      by , 10-31-2014 at 12:26 AM
      I went to bed last night planning not to lucid dream because I was sick with the flu, and I wanted to sleep through the night to get some rest. This wasn't the case. I first had a lucid dream about fishing, followed by a real interesting second Dream Induced Lucid Dream (DILD), where the dream character said something totally unexpected. I will describe the second dream.

      I had a false awakening, where I woke up in bed, but I was actually dreaming. My room was full of people from work. There was an overhead projector with a Power Point presentation being given on crucial accountability. A course I've never taken, but plan too. I sat up in bed, in total confusion, wondering why all these people were in my room. I watch the presentation for a while, and then one of my co-workers started to comment on how nice my home was. Suddenly, my bedroom grew twice the size, and it truly was amazing. I knew instantly this was a dream (I should have figured it out earlier, lol). I find flying helps boost my lucidity, so I ran out my bedroom and jumped like Super Man over the 2nd storey foyer railing and flew around the living room and foyer area. As I was flying I looked at the co-worker, who had commented early about how nice my home was, and I said, “My house also has an anti-gravity device installed!” Below me, near the basement stairs, I could see this wrinkled old man standing there. I remembered my conviction to interact with dream characters, so I landed beside him.

      He looked at me, and his eyes were full of life. I asked him, “How are you doing!” He didn't answer my question, but said, “What were you writing on your hand in that dream?” In a recent lucid dream I had marked down a dream character’s cell phone number, but I was unsure how to reply to his question so I said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He then said something totally unexpected, “How did you know you were dreaming?” I remembered from my previous dreams that dream characters generally get upset when you tell them I'm dreaming, so I said, “Hold on, I didn't say I was dreaming.” He then said to me, “Why were you flying?” I then told him, “Like I said when I was flying, I have an anti-gravity device installed in my house.” He then smiled and grew much younger, turned, and walked down into the basement. I floated along behind him. He turned his head, smiled, and said, “There’s no such thing as anti-gravity.” I replied by saying, “Yes there is, and a person like you (dream character) described to me how it works, and it made sense.” He then stop, and turned to face me with a questioned look. I figured, great, we can engage in some real interesting conversation! I got so excited, I woke up. I felt like I made some positive progress on how to interact with dream characters.
    15. Telling a Dream Character I’m Dreaming

      by , 10-28-2014 at 06:47 PM
      In this dream, I was getting ready to go and have a shower. I put my towel around my waist and walked out my bedroom door, with no clothes on, and I found myself in the middle of a public park! I looked down to make sure my towel was covering everything up. I realized instantly this is a dream, no reality check needed, I am lucid. The clarity was absolutely perfect, more so than the waking world.

      There was a concrete path with a manicured lawn, huge trees, and people here and there. It was fall time, the leaves were gone. I then remembered my quest to understand dream characters. The first person I came upon, who was sitting on a concrete/wooden bench, was a young woman in her thirties. She had long brown hair, and greenish yellow rimmed eyes. She smiled at me, and I apologized for only wearing a towel. She said that was okay. I asked if I could sit beside her, she laughed, and said yes. We had some small chat, and I was observing her very closely, trying to find any clue at all that she was a dream character. There was nothing to suggest this, she was absolutely perfect. I then commented on how beautiful her eyes were. I tried to make eye contact, but she looked away. I leaned forward and stared straight into her eyes. I invaded her comfort zone, and I she had the appropriate look suggesting I certainly did. I commented on the green and yellow colors in her eyes, and then she said, “Sometimes they sparkle gray.” As she said this her eyes grew twice as big, and colors became more pronounced. Goggles then appeared on her face. She reached up and rubbed her eyes, and they returned to normal, and the goggles were gone. She looked uncomfortable. I then said to her, “You’re your eyes sparkle especially when you’re dreaming.” She gulped, and looked at me and said, “What?” I then told her I’m dreaming. She said, “What are you doing?” She was upset, and starting to look around frantically. She then pushed her forearm against my chest, and then I woke. I didn’t try to go back into the dream.

      Updated 11-01-2014 at 05:51 PM by 71173

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