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    Old Fancy Hotel with Businessmen in Black Suits – Jan 10, 2015

    by , 01-11-2015 at 11:51 PM (300 Views)
    I’m in the void, between dreams, waiting for the next to start. I could feel occasional vibrations, but not enough to try an OBE exit. Then I started to spin clockwise, round and round in my bed, while I was lying on my back. This seemed really odd; because the wall is right beside me, so how could I be spinning continuously (this is what I was thinking)? Then I rotated to sitting position in a bed, and I found myself in a bedroom I didn’t recognize. The room was very old fashion looking, woody, and had sloped ceilings that looked like dormers. I checked to see if my physical body was on the bed beside me, because the environment resembled an OBE in feel and color, but it wasn’t. I guess this was some sort of cool lucid dream.

    I stood up and walked to the bedroom door. The door was very small, and I was questioning if this was the closet door, but this was the only door in the room, so I opened it. On the other side was a hallway with several doors with numbers on them. I realized I was in a very old hotel. The staircase was right beside me, so I headed downstairs. I decided to count softly to help maintain lucidity. I proceeded down three sets of stairs, through a couple of hallways, and I ended up in fancy hotel lobby which was very well lit by chandeliers. By this point I had counted just past 60. I’ve never tried counting before to keep my lucidity, but I have to say, it works really well! There were dark stained wood casings everywhere, with inset wall panels covered in red velvet, and there was gold trim everywhere. There was nobody at the check-in counter.

    I could hear people talking on the other side of some very large, wooden, double doors, so I decided to walk in there and take a look. The door knobs were about 3 inches in diameter, golden, and embedded with a red pattern. This was the hotel’s main ballroom! There was a large stage off to the right, multi-level seating, heavy wooden tables and chairs everywhere, with a large walk up bar at the far end. There were a couple of men standing by the stage talking, and there was one bar tender. I couldn’t help notice the Marshall stacks on stage which seemed really out of place, plus all the other band gear and lighting. This place was all setup and ready to party! I walked across the ballroom and approached the bar tender. I felt like asking him for a drink, but I remembered from a previous lucid dream that this just eats up valuable time asking a dream figure to make a drink. They tend to look at me and say, “What, me? Make you a drink? You’re kidding, right?” The dream figure looked at me and said, “Why don’t you follow me, and we’ll sit at the table over here and talk.” I said, “Sure, let’s do that!”

    We sat at a table in the middle of the ballroom, and I was facing the stage. Again I noticed the Marshall stacks. Two more men, dressed in black suits joined us, and they immediately started talking business and money. I was thinking to myself, man, you guys sure know how to bore a lucid dreamer to death. I was also thinking, I’m here trying to find my daughter, and now I ended up at table with a bunch of stiffs. People kept appearing out of know where and they were intently watching us. Everybody was silent, so was I. I’m normally very talkative while lucid, but something was very off with these guys. I felt my lucidity failing, as these guys rambled on about investments. I said, “Excuse me, I have to do something.” They stopped talking and watched me as I stood up and started to swirl round and round, while I sang a little song, and happily waving my arms. My lucidity came back, and I stopped swirling. That’s when I noticed people giggling at me, and the two men in black suits were shaking their heads in disbelief. I said, “I need to do this to maintain my state of being.” That’s when I noticed my dream guide sitting in the crowd.

    He was making major eye contact with me and was signalling me to shut up and get the hell out of here. This guy usually shows up when things are about to get out of hand. Somebody from my work then appeared literally right in front of me, out of nowhere, and started asking questions. He was totally out place, and had nothing to do with what was going on. By this point I was totally confused, and then I woke up.
    JadeGreen likes this.

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    1. JadeGreen's Avatar
      By this point I had counted just past 60. I’ve never tried counting before to keep my lucidity, but I have to say, it works really well!
      Gotta give this a go.
      I was thinking to myself, man, you guys sure know how to bore a lucid dreamer to death.
      Bwahaha! I've felt that way about DCs before.

      Cool dream.
      Tihiti likes this.
    2. Tihiti's Avatar
      Thanks Jade for reading! I'm going to try counting again. Maybe I'm on to something for linter lucids.