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    Lucid Dreams

    1. LD: Flying

      by , 11-14-2012 at 05:37 PM

      Yesterday I had a lucid dream after a WBTB. I just wanted to fly and fly. And now I really don't remember the details. But I do know that that's what I wanted to do, so I can't complain.

      Oh yeah, I did have a little problem with powerlines at one point. I remember being afraid of getting shocked.
    2. Mini LD: Observing

      by , 11-14-2012 at 05:36 PM

      Brief LD yesterday.

      Didn't do much except look around and observe. RC was floating.
      Tags: float
    3. LD: Changing Colors

      by , 11-14-2012 at 05:35 PM

      I had two LDs this morning doing WBTB. Mostly flying. Also dream control changing the color of clothing. I'm still good.
      Tags: clothes, flying
    4. LD: People Watching

      by , 11-14-2012 at 05:33 PM

      Oh, and I did have a mini lucid dream last night. I mustn't forget to mention that.

      I was walking up onto college campus that was supposed to be my college. I saw people walking toward the large parking lot holding instruments. I thought, "Wow, I remember I used to do that. That's where we would practice our field shows."

      And then as I looked the people seemed out of date. I could see that a lot of them had 80's hair styles and clothes. I started taking a really good look at each of the people that passed me. I started to realize that this wasn't real... that it was just a dream. I was amazed that I was able to see so much detail on each person. And for the remainder of the dream I just people-watched.....thinking how cool that it was that my brain was able to create things so perfectly.

      Updated 05-01-2015 at 05:11 PM by 5578

    5. LD: DV Tasks

      by , 11-09-2012 at 05:02 PM
      Lucid Dream:

      I was at a church activity. Everyone around me was eating chocolate cake. But I couldn't eat it because I am back to eating a raw vegan diet. I kept looking at it. It looked so good. The person next to me took a bite. I could almost taste it. I finally said, "What I miss most about chocolate cake is the salty taste." As I said that, I could almost feel the cake in my mouth and I noticed how the salty taste really brought out the chocolate flavor. (In retrospect, I really don't know why I was focusing on the salty flavor. I have never associated chocolate cake with salt.)

      I noticed my mom was there, and she was making a sort of an apron from a blue patterned material. I also saw a lady putting up a game in a basket ball hoop. I couldn't tell what it was, but it looked interesting.

      And then it all faded. I felt disappointed that this dream had come to an end before I had been able to enjoy the activity.

      Then I concentrated and willed it all back.


      It was all back. Now I could participate.

      Wait. If this was a dream, it meant that I was....lucid! Who cared about that activity--I was LUCID!

      I jumped up in the air and did a very slow motion flip. I watched as the room slowly spun around me. Then I landed.

      I then remembered that I really wanted to do one of the tasks. I decided to start with the one I could do the fastest--Spell "November" backwards.

      I knew I had to spell it and also write it. I didn't have any paper so I decided to just make the letters appear in the air.

      So I said, "R....E....M...no, no....R....E...B." I saw the letters appear in the air before me. They were blue and a little wispy and glowed slightly. I continued, "M....E....wait--is that right? Yeah, that's right." I repeated again what I had spelled out: "R...E....B...M....E" And then I ended with a fast, "V..O..N!!"

      There it was all floating in the air in front of me: R E B M E V O N

      "Yes!!" I shouted. I heard it echo through the gym that I was in. I was pleased that I was able to do it without much trouble.

      I then decided that I needed to try another Task. The one that I thought would be interesting was the "go to Purgatory and save a soul" task. I started flying. I was in a school. I flew til I saw a vent. I stopped and decided to open the vent and fly downward. I figured all I needed was a start in the downward direction and my mind would do the rest. So I took off the vent cover. But I saw a hot blue flame inside. It made me nervous. I didn't want to fly into it. I decided I would go outside and dig a hole instead.

      I flew out the doors. The scene before me was beautiful. I could see the lake. The sun was going down and shone through slits in the clouds. The sky was red. I stopped and hovered for a moment and took in the beauty. But then I notced that the wind was blowing me away from the lake. I decided to land.

      I landed on a steep grassy hill. I did the first thing that came to mind--I somersaulted all the way down. Finally I decided to start "digging". I focused on the ground with my mind. I could feel myself start to sink. It wasn't too fast--maybe a foot a second, but I felt glad that I would not have to dig with a shovel. Soon I was underground. I had created a very small space for my body, enough the the surrounding rock and dirt wasn't touching me, but not enough that I had any space to really move around. I kept going down. I started to feel claustraphobic. I wasn't seeing any people or any sign of Purgatory. So I came back up and decided to try somewhere else.

      I did the same thing again with the same results, except this time as I went down I heard the some sandstone slabs above me cave in. It spooked me. So I came up again.

      I saw a group of people. In the group I saw a guy I recognozed. This guy was my nenesis. He was in all my lucid dreams. (In retrospect...not true). I smiled. I flew to him and grabbed his shoulders to get his attention...then gave him a quick kiss on his forehead. I then laughed and flew off. I flew around the corner of a building...and there he was. This time he was laughing at me. Dang.

      So I did the first thing that came to mind. I took off my shirt.

      (And I am going to skip a little here.)

      I then ran off.

      I saw this creepy Jamaincan guy. He was standing by the edge of the ocean and watching me. I was buttoning up by blouse, but had only gotten the bottom two buttons. My breasts were still partly exposed. The creepy guy grabbed his crotch and told me that watching me made him hard. I gave him a little smirk and walked towards him. When I was about 10 feet away. I spread my arms out (which also spread my blouse open exposing myself again. And then I slowly floated up into the sky.

      Then I woke up.

      Updated 11-09-2012 at 06:15 PM by 5578

      lucid , task of the month
    6. LD: Flying Topless...Again

      by , 10-26-2012 at 04:26 PM
      WBTB into a Lucid Dream

      I was laying in bed thinking about things when I suddenly heard an ice cream truck. It sounded really close. I glanced over toward the front of the house. I had no view of a front window to see out on the street. But suddenly I could see the truck anyway. I realized that is was traveling down the hallway of the house. That seemed really strange. I wondered if this were a dream. I decided to climb out fof bed and test it. So I jumped up. I hovered just slightly longer than I would have in real life. I then was sure. I decided to find a window and fly out. I ran to a large room and flew out an open window. There was a deck or patio outside the window. I could see several people, including Jeff sitting at a table eating. I didn't pay them any attention, but kept on flying. I suddenly realized that it felt like I had not shirt on. I looked down and saw that I was indeed topless. It was no surprise since my dream self seems to be happier when I have my shirt off. I touched my breasts to see what it felt like.
      Tags: flying, jeff, topless, wbtb
    7. LD: Discussing LDing with DCs and Trying to Sense my Real Body

      by , 10-23-2012 at 03:44 PM
      I just had one of those lucid dreams where you don't fully realize you are lucid...except you are talking about being in a dream, so you know in retrospect that part of you knew you were dreaming, but not enough to really take advantage of the dream.


      I was with these girls that were supposed to be my college roommates, and we were stripping down and getting naked and going outside. And I remember pointing out to the others that we were outside where anyone could see us. And a couple of the girls got embarrassed.

      But then I pointed out that it didn't matter because this was a dream and nobody else was real (but I was still talking to the roommates as if they were real) and it didn't matter if anyone came by and saw us. That, in fact, I could start shouting for everyone to come look at us (and I did). I pointed out to the girls that the only problem with that would be if my real body really started shouting in my sleep. But I was pretty sure that wouldn't happen. I also told them that sometimes in my dreams I would try to be aware of what my real body was doing. And I stopped and tried to sense my real body...but I wasn't feeling anything but my dream body.

      And that's all I remember.
    8. Possible WILD: Flying in the Rain

      by , 10-18-2012 at 01:21 PM

      I was doing a WBTB. I was laying there getting really bored and wondering if I should just let myself fall asleep.

      The next thing I know I am laying on the floor in my sister's place and I am being pulled by my feet by something unknown into the room behind me. I felt really freaked out. I tell myself that this is just part of the WILD expereince and that I should just relax and let myself fully enter the dream.

      I then felt that humming vibration. Again, I tell myself that it is just part of the WILD and that it means that things are moving along nicely.

      Then I feel myself being lifted up. That part freaked me out even more, but I made myself relax and told myself that this part of the process of entering the dream.

      I didn't let myself move for a little while because I thought it would wake me up if I accidentally moved my real arms instead of my dream arms. And I wanted to make sure I was fully my dreamself before I tried.

      I finally did and flew back out of the bedroom and out the front door of what was my mom's house. It was raining outside. I remember thinking that I had never flown in the rain before and that this would be a unique experience.

      So then I just started flying around. The rain felt very real, both nice, yet a little cold and uncomfortable.

      I was near my grandparents' house at some point. I wasn't aware of any transition. I remember swooping down through what might have been buildings, but then I think they were canyons. Because later I am flying over Lake Powell and excited about doing that.

      Anyway it wasn't my best LD, but I was really in the mood to fly again. I was telling myself that before bed--how much I really needed to fly. So I did get to do what I wanted.

      Now that I have started up again, I need to focus focus focus. SO I can accomplish many things.
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    9. LD: Sponge Bob...and Eating ice Cream

      by , 10-18-2012 at 01:09 PM

      I was watching Sponge Bob and Patrick building a castle from cardboard boxes. I knew that they were using their "Imaginations". They were taking paper and coloring it like grey colored rock. They placed it on the sides of the boxes. I noticed how the boxes fit together perfectly and no seams showed.

      I realized this was possible becasue this was not real. I also knew that because this was not real that I could make an ice cream cone appear. I put my finger out in front of me and concentrated. An ice cream cone slowely materialized. I put it into my mouth. It melted and was gone in two bites. I decided that because this wasn't real life that I could eat as many ice cream cones as I wanted. I pointed my finger again and got another cone. I noticed that the ice cream was pink. I tasted it and noticed how real it felt to be eating this ice cream that wasn't real. I finally did it a thrid time. I was impressed with myself as I realized that I ususally wasn't this good at creating things out of thin air and I ususally had to do anther tricks to get these results.

      Updated 10-18-2012 at 01:16 PM by 5578

      Tags: eating, taste
    10. 4 LDs: Flying and Kissing

      by , 10-18-2012 at 01:05 PM

      I've had about 4 LDs since I've last written here. I seem to have less motivation in writing them up. They were pretty interesting though.

      Twice I ran around in my LD until I found a guy to take flying with me. You wouldn't belive how hard it was to find a decent guy. And I didn't think I was being overly picky. I just wanted a guy between the age of about 18 and 50 who was average or above average in looks. I had to pass dozens of people each tme before I found the one. The first guy was about 20 and blond. I grabbed his hand and told him that I wanted to show him something and just ran until we took off flying. He was totally impressed and afterwards we kissed for a while. He was an especially good kisser.

      The second time I finally found an even nicer looking guy who was in his mid to late twenties. I also grabbed his hand and told him he had to come with me. He gave me this look that told me he was thinking I was offering something a little more intimate. I remember feeling a little smug inside and couldn't wait to show him that what I was going to show him was much better than sex. I finally took off flying with him and I think he was cool with that. Afterwards we kissed a little too. But he wasn't nearly as good as the first guy.

      In another LD, I thought I was talking to my mom in real life. I told her that I was drifting into a LD. I couldn't see her. All I saw was the view as I flew and swooped around in the sky. I told her how real it felt and how cool it was that I was still awake enough to talk to her and experience this at the same time. I told her tht if I had a funny look on my face it was because I was letting myself fall and it was very exhilerating.

      I had another flying LD that I no longer remember any details.
    11. LD: Walking on Hands, Transforming into Dragon

      by , 10-18-2012 at 01:02 PM

      I had a lucid dream two nights ago.

      Here are the key things I remember:

      I remember I wanted to walk on my hands. It reminded me of walking on my hands in a swimming pool.

      I tried to turn into a dragon. At first all I could see is that my front "feet" were kind of a pink and blue color and had claws. Then I could kind of see my face--like I was seeing out of a mask. I could see my long snout out in front and a little of the shape of my head.

      I flew around for a while. I had trouble for some reason. I tried picturing rockets coming out of me feet and it helped for a little bit, then I had trouble again.

      I was looking at these really cool hissing cockroach necklaces. They were carved out of wood and put together so they moved--like those little fish necklaces made out of metal where the tail can move back and forth. I was impressed with the heaviness and quality of the wood/carving. I told my mom who was next to me how much I was bummed out because even if I bought one that it would go away as soon as I woke up.
    12. LD: Flying Over the City with Jeff

      by , 10-18-2012 at 12:59 PM

      Lucid Dream:

      I was flying over the city by my Grandparents' house. I was aware that I was going much faster than normal. I then noticed that Jeff was with me holding my hand. I was also talking on the phone to Sherri telling her that this was the best flying lucid dream ever. The wind and motion felt very real and very good.
    13. LD: Drawing Pictures...and Pigging out AGAIN

      by , 10-18-2012 at 12:57 PM

      Lucid Dream:

      I was in this big dance hall type place when I became lucid. I don't remember what triggered it. I was watching a fitness competition. I got excited knowing that I was lucid because I would have the ability to do all kinds of fantastic feats of strength. I jumped on the stage area and was about to begin to show off.

      But then I wondered if I should try to do a task. I thought for a second and then decided that the task had been to draw a picture. I jumped over to a table and found a piece of paper and a pencil I was curious to try this. I had never drawn anything in an LD before.

      The first thing I drew was a cat. It was very simple and sloppy, but I didn't notice that at the time, but only in retrospect. I was amazed how real it felt to hold a pencil and how my contol seemd exactly the same as in real life. I could even feel and hear the lead as it moved on the paper as I drew.

      Next I drew a face. Also in retrospect I see that it wasn't something really my style. And it was also not very good. But in the dream I was satisfied that I was succeeding in my effort to draw and thus completing as task (which I have to now be satisfied that it was my personal task because it wasn't any official task).

      There is a transition period here that I don't remember.

      I was with my mom next. I suddenly thought about how I needed to take advantage of the LD by eating bad things that I can't eat in real life. I looked around for something good to eat. I didn't see any food. But I was confident that I could find something. I looked over what might have been a kind of booth. On the other side I saw a plate of cookies. It was stacked up with large chocolate chip cookies, chocolate cholocate chip cookies and these bar cookies that had white frosting with a reddish drizzle on top. I wasted no time and grabbed stacks of two to three cookies at a time and stuffed them in my mouth. They were a very soft texture. I stuffed them in my mouth until there was hardly room to chew. They tasted fantastic and the soft texture was wonderful.

      It seemed like I was distracted at this point. I may have had a false awakening. But at some point I remembered that I was still in a dream and that I could eat more cookies. So I found another plate. This on was filled with mostly bar cookies with different kinds of frosting. I followed the same pattern of cramming in as many as I could unitl I could hardly chew.

      Then the same thing happened. I went on to something else before I remembered again that I was in a dream and which point I found more cookies to gorge myself with.

      Haha...I feel like such a pig after I wake up from these dreams. But the good thing is that I use these dream to act out somethig that I would never do in real life. So my physical self never has to worry about the consequences of stuffing myself with all those cookies. And that is a good thing.

    14. LD: Showing Off

      by , 10-18-2012 at 12:51 PM

      Lucid Dream:

      I was doing a not-planned-WBTB. I was having trouble going back to sleep. But finally I realized that I was in a room in some industrial type building and knew that I was dreaming. I did what I always do and took off flying. I flew through some rooms enjoying the ability to fly, but still not feeling the total freedom of flying outdoors. I thought about the tasks, but couldn't remember them. I then decided to change the scenery to something more interesting.

      I don't actually remember what happened at that point. My next memory is of me doing tricks in front of several Dream Characters. I was showing off my great strength (I know this sound silly, but this seems to come naturally for me just like flying. I do this without a lot of thought).

      Instead of doing pull ups like I often do I was doing push ups. Then I would balance on my two hands and slowly bring my back legs up to a handstand position. The I would slowly bring them back down.

      It felt so good that I could do this that I think I got distracted from lucid dreaming and let it fade into a normal dream.
    15. LD: Pigging out...Again/Green Ham/DV Member/T-Rex

      by , 10-18-2012 at 12:47 PM

      Dream 1 (Lucid and DV member):

      I was in this large building. I walked out to this one large level part and saw this huge pool. As I looked in the pool I thought I saw a killer whale. I wanted to take a picture of it so I went to get my camera. When I returned I saw a girl in the huge pool room. The killer whale was out of the water. She was having it do tricks like roller and she was then rubbing it and it was making happy noises. I talked to the girl and she told me how to get it to do the tricks. I had it roll over and it roller all the way across the room. I ran after it and rubbed its "chin". It felt so incredibly smooth. As I rubbed it, the killer whale made deep happy moans. It was really cool.

      Then I went out of that room I was a group of people. One of the people had a T Rex with him. I felt angry. I knew that the guy who owned him probably thought it was very safe. But I also had heard enough stories about wild aminals being kept as pets attacking people.

      Suddenly I felt very nervous. I decided to run into the next room which was the center of the building and very open. I was afraid that the T Rex was chasing me. I came to a dead end on a balcony overlooking the huge open center of the building.

      At that point I suddenly realized that I knew how to fly (I don't think I realized that I was lucid yet--just that I had my lucid abilities). I jumped up on the rail and flew to the center of the building. At the top were all these cords. i grabbed onto one and found that it was stretchy. I swung on it and started flipping around and doing tricks and making up a sort of dance.

      I then decided to fly outside. I flew down and ended up out on the courtyard. I then saw DV member Ame sitting at a table with several other people that I knew were also DV members. I listenend to their conversation. It seemed that Ame had come up with an idea a having a contest to see who could dance the best in their dreams. There was another girl who wanted to criticise everything that Ame came up with. I could see that the conversation was not going well.

      I then spoke up and told of how I had just been "dancing" on the cords in the building. And how that could count as "dancing in dreams"

      At that point I was fully aware that I was dreaming. I then remembered that I really needed to eat some ham to get credit of the "Green eggs and Ham" Task that I had started in my last LD.

      I was now in an alley with my old best friend Marie. I saw a doorway up on the second floor I grabbed her hand and told her that we were going to fly up to the door. She was easy to lift. We flew in the door.

      I saw several people I decided that instead of looking for Ham (like I did in the last dream and had no luck with) that I would ask someone to bring me some. I called out that I needed some ham, and a guy brought me a bite-sized hunk. It was normal colored. I suddenly wasn't sure if the ham needed to be green, or just the eggs. I decided to play it safe and make this ham green. I focused on it until it slowedly turned first white, then green.

      I put the piece of ham in my mouth. It tasted just like I remembered ham tasting like. The texture was just right and it had a salty taste. I swallowed it. I felt good that I had been able to get that done do easily.

      At that point I was suddenly hit with a wonderful idea. Why stop with ham?? Why not eat something I really wanted to eat. Next me me was a Japanese girl. I asked her if she could bring me some chocolate. She left and came back with the tiniest thinest piece of chocolate. I put in on my tongue and let it melt. I could taste a little chocolate flavor.

      I saw row of freezers along the wall. I asked the Japanese girl if anyone would care if I ate something out of the freezers. Then immediately I remembered that since this was my dream I could do what I wanted and no one would care.

      I opened the freezer in front of me. It was full. I could see a slice of pie in from of me. It looked like it was made out of mint chocolate chip cream. I grabbed it and stuffed it in my mouth. In two bites I had it all in. It was cold, but not frozen hard. It didn't hurt my teeth by being too cold.

      I then looked and saw a few ice cream sandwiches. I pulled one out and tore half the wrapper off. I ate the first half in one bite, then I sqeezed the wrapped and the other half just slid out into my mouth. The favor was wonderful. The temperature and texture were also perfect. I thanked my mind that it was all so enjoyable. After eating a few ice cream sandwiches, I saw some Twinkies. I unwrapped one and found that it was also cold but not frozen hard, but cool and slightly firm. I ate that in one bite and went to grab another one.

      Then I started to lose the dream and everything faded.
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