Aug 10, 11, 16 & 17 2019
, 08-19-2019 at 06:38 PM (374 Views)
Dream 1: I'm taking a shower in a public shower, like the one at my Jr. high school back in the 80's. There are 2 other guys with me; 2 I don't know and the 3rd is Sylvester Stallone. As I took off my shirt i was feeling very confident with my physique (as I am in real life, for a 50 year old guy).
Dream 2: I was in a 3 level apartment building, on the 3rd floor. There was a big storm going on outside. I am looking out of window in a door leading out to a deck. I see the water level is almost up to the 3rd floor (20+ feet). I go out the door onto the deck to look around. I slip and fall on the wet boards. The boards turn into a flexible material that looks like window blinds. As the waves below me come up and go down the material moves under me. I was very afraid that the deck was going to collapse. ... [Jump]... I'm back in the apartment building and I am very comfortable here as I know I live here. I have forgotten all about the storm. I'm walking down the hall. On my right is an open door. I look in, as I pass, and see a man in a wheel chair. I know him as a neighbor in my dream but not in real life. I suddenly hear music; it is an instrumental version of the song "Once Upon a Dream" from the Disney movie Cinderella. I begin to dance down the hall, along with the song, until I get to my room. I go into my apartment which is just a bedroom. The man in the wheelchair comes down to the doorway and picks up a small picture frame sitting on a small table near the door. I say, "That is a picture of my mother." He takes the picture with him as he wheels away.
Dream 1: I'm sitting on the toilet in the larger bathroom in my house. I notice my tub is damaged. I know my wife will be upset and it will cost a lot of money to fix. I'm feeling negative emotion and do not do a RC.
Dream 2: I'm in a room and laying on a platform. To my left is a man in a strange, very large, scuba diving suit. it covers his entire body and is very large. It looks like something from a Sci-Fi movie.
Dream 3: I'm standing on the street in a city. Above me is a tall building. I see a man on the edge of the top floor doing a human flag (a very difficult gymnastics hold - just Google it). he is lowering and raising his legs like he is exercising. I worry he will fall.
Dream 1: I'm on a college campus. A young Leonardo DiCaprio is standing along a sidewalk. He is trying to make conversation with women as they pass, but they are ignoring him. He has a horrible, patchy facial hair. It just looks terrible. I walk up to him and start talking to him about better ways to meet women. I tell him to stay in school so he can get a good job in the future. I tell him that good hygiene is very important. I also tell him to shave because it is better to be clean shaven than to have a bad mustache and beard.
Dream 1: (Close to lucidity) At one point in the dream I am in a basement that I know is mine, but looks nothing like my actual basement. I am standing in front of the fuse box, about 6 feet away and I know something is wrong with it. Under the fuse box, leaning against the wall below it, I see a flat, rectangular piece of blue plastic (light blue with a dark blue boarder) which is about 4 feet tall by 6 feet long. I know it is something I need to use to fix the fuse box. I am staring at the plastic thing and I become confused and frustrated because I know I can't fix the fuse box with that plastic thing. I know something isn't right with this situation, but never do a RC. (this is a good sign that I may be getting closer to having a LD).
I'm in a house with other people. I believe it is a dorm and I am back in college. I need to fill out paperwork, but I can't understand the writing. I am very frustrated (but don't think to do a RC)... [Jump]... I'm still in the house. I'm in a room and there is a broken bed frame which I need to set up, but the pieces of wood don't look like parts of a bed frame. I am confused and frustrated because I don't know how to put them together (I don't think to do a RC)... [Jump]... I'm with a young blond woman. She calls me over and tells me to look into a fish tank (which has no water, just some branches and leaves). I look in the open top and see a tiny (the size of a bumble bee) red bird in the tank sitting on a tiny branch. It looks like a red bird from the Angry Birds video game. (On this one again, I'm getting close to have a LD based on the confusion over things in dreams.)
19-Aug-2019: Due to unexpected work issue I had to be online over night, so I set my alarm for 11 pm, 2 am, & 5 am. Each time the alarm went off I know I was dreaming but could not recall anything. This is a problem I have with waking up to an alarm; startling away almost always prevents me from remember dreams. I'm hoping for better dream recall tonight.