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    Xanous' Dream Journal


    by , 05-18-2014 at 09:23 PM (594 Views)
    #317 - DEILD Chain - 5:00AM

    I awaken from a dream where I am at a high school basketball game. I try to find a seat in the bleachers but I see no familiar faces. I feel lonely.

    I DEILD by focusing on relaxing every muscle in my body. The vibrations start quickly and transition just as easy. I focus on seeing my pregnant stomach. It seems to have grown but feels like I am just pooching it out. Its dark in the room but moonlight is filtering through the blinds as it usually does in waking life. As I walk out I see my shadow on the wall. I look really pregnant now. I'm not sure why I leave the bedroom. Maybe its just habit but I want to find a place to give birth.

    The living room is just as dark and the dream seems just slightly unstable. I rub my hands and clap while focusing on what the house looks like in the daytime. This usually works but not this time. I try the light switch several times but it doesn't work either.I see a light coming from my sons room. I am now on my hands and knees feeling the floor for stabilization. I start to go in there but feel the dream slip.

    I'm not sure if I wake or just dream that I am back in my bed but I go through the DEILD processes. I remember the OBEs seems to be more literal so this time I focus on visually entering the dream.
    I think I hear my wife talking and I become irritated that she is waking me up. I say, "Alysha, what the fuck?" I feel like I actually spoke in my sleep and woke myself a little. My wife turns over and mumbles something. I'm not sure if this was dream or waking life.

    I go into DEILD mode anyway and accidentally let my awareness slip a little. Fortunately, I come to full lucidity again when a scene materializes before me.

    I am standing just outside the bedroom. Its still dark but this time the bedroom light is on. I return to bed for the birthing process. My wife is laying awake. I ask for her help as I lay down. I take a second to look for my double. My side is clear and I'm glad.

    My wife gets up and starts cleaning or doing some task. I am focused on my stomach. Its flat again and I have to will myself to look pregnant. Once satisfied, I start pushing but if feels like going to the bathroom. I let out a few dream farts making me wonder about my physical body. This isn't working. I feel my crotch and clothing. I get naked and try to imagine a vagina while pushing. No good. I feel normal down there. Ok its C-Section time.

    I ask my wife to cut me open and she gives me that look that I get when I'm being a dork. I use expectation to get her to cooperate while I focus on my belly again. I begin to use some emotion and think of this a little differently. Unfortunately, sci-fi movies enter my mind. I think of the Shit Weasel from Dreamcatcher and the Chestburster from Alien. My stomach starts churning and I see something with a long slender face pushing out against my flesh. I moan the words, "It's an alien."

    My wife appears with an x-acto knife and begins to make a cut. My skin seems extra tough and the blade catches a bit then flicks off making a gross sound. It reminds me of trying to cut up a whole chicken with a dull knife. I see that even-though she hasn't really cut me, there is a nice scoring on my skin. I push and press trying to open it up but it doesn't work. I tell Alysha that she will have to cut really deep this time. She makes another cut and this time she opens me up.

    I have a open cavity just above my bellybutton about six inches long with very little blood. Inside, I see something like a thick, congealed blood clot to the left and the other side has white-ish looking flesh like a part of my intestine or stomach. I don't see anything else in there and I assume that I will have to go deeper to reach the Alien inside me. I realize this has gone horribly wrong and I wish that I had never attempted this task. This whole experience has become too much for me to handle and I begin to feel really sick and woozy. I want out. My vision begins to fade and I frantically pull myself out of the dream.
    CanisLucidus likes this.

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    Updated 05-18-2014 at 09:47 PM by 5967

    Tags: totm


    1. DawnEye11's Avatar
      O.o woah...That is one crazy task.
      Xanous likes this.
    2. Xanous's Avatar
      I knew it would be a challenge but I had no idea.
    3. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      LOL. That was one of the most insane LD experiences I've ever read. You're a braver man than me! I'd have probably lost my nerve after the part where you were trying to push and instead ripping out "dream farts". (Your wife was of course awakened at 5:05 AM to the sound of you screaming in labor pain while you gassed up the room.)

      Seriously, though, great testament to your skill and fearlessness on these lucid tasks. I was definitely on the sidelines for this one!
      Xanous likes this.
    4. Xanous's Avatar
      Thanks but I'm not looking to try anything this ballsy for a long time. Its one of those things I just had to try.
      CanisLucidus likes this.