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    Xanous' Dream Journal

    Fat Kid Syndrome

    by , 02-27-2014 at 04:04 AM (601 Views)
    #286 - MILD - 2:53AM

    I wake for my WBTB and recall a non lucid dream about having breakfast with morbidly obese people. One asked me if I wanted "cool" (cool whip) or peanut-butter on my pancakes. I shout that I want both. The guy asking looks really pleased with my answer.

    Later, I fall asleep a little too fast and forget I wanted to WILD. I find myself at some strange version of my workplace. It's break-time and I see something like cherry cheese cake on a table for everyone to eat. I take an extra large piece with my hands and wolf it down. I see another plain cheese cake and do the same. I begin to feel guilty and like total shit as I realize that I am blowing my calorie restricted diet so blatantly. I've only just started.

    As I walk deeper into the break room, I think some coffee would be nice to go with the sweets and pour a cup from a weird coffee pot. I find it strange that the coffee looks like it has creamer in it already, but I just shrug it off. As I start to turn around, I see a plate of really large lemon muffins. I figure since I am blowing my diet I may as well do it right and take a muffin. I quickly shove it into my face as I pick a seat.

    I start to sit with Ronnie, but I see Glenn and decide to sit with him. I've been wondering why he's been gone from work (sick) and want to ask him about it. He seems to be engaged in deep conversation with Richard so I politely sit with them waiting to speak. As I sit, I slip and land hard, embarrassing myself. Richard seems to be annoyed and purposefully not making eye contact with me. I decide to sip my coffee and notice that it just tastes like creamer and is not very warm. I get up to check the coffee pot and see it's just now making coffee. I assume someone preloaded the pot with creamer prior to starting the coffee. I go ahead and pour a little more in my cup hoping the first of the brew will be strong enough to counter all the creamer.

    When I sit back down, I begin to feel extremely tired and put my head down on the table for a second. I think I am about to dose off, but I suddenly fall out of my seat. I look around, but no one seems to notice. I notice Ronnie's table. He's talking to that one guy whose name I don't know. I suddenly wake and roll over.

    I feel annoyed that I feel asleep so fast and decide its time to get focused about WILD. But first, I want to recall the dream I just had. As I am going over it I feel a little shocked at my binge eating. It try to recall the little details but end up having a MILD and slipping right back into the action.

    I'm sitting in another spot but still in the same scene and moment. I see the nameless guy sitting alone now. He's talking about fitness and health to someone and mentions something about how the skin of fruits and vegetables have a lot of nutrients. I say, "Yeah. Pretty soon, instead of throwing away the peel, people will eat just the skin and throw away the rest to save calories." I am completely ignored.

    I notice a guy I went to high school with get up from another table and tell Nameless that he's been reading a book about core fitness. High School tells Nameless that his "core" is all wrong and needs to work on it. Nameless seems confused and I know why as if I am reading his mind. High School cannot possible know anything about Nameless or his "core" because Nameless hasn't even talked about it.This triggers lucidity.

    I realize that I have been eating some type of fruit, or rather, I am holding it in my hand. I look at it, and it looks to be something like a really large plum. There is a bite missing and the interior flesh looks just as deep purple as the skin. I take another bit lucidly noticing the taste. It is deliciously sweet and plum-like but way better than any type of fruit I have ever had. There is no core or seed and the texture is like solid, seedless tomato or maybe a persimmon. My vision starts to fade, but I don't care. I just continue eating the dream fruit enjoying every second. I decide to really focus on the taste and feel of it in my mouth. The taste intensifies to near euphoric levels. I say, "Goddammit, that's so good." I continue like this until I slowly wake up with watering mouth and smacking lips. I look at my empty hand disappointed.

    I guess you can see what's been going on in my life.

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    Updated 02-27-2014 at 05:06 AM by 5967

    Tags: galantamine


    1. NyxCC's Avatar
      Lol, you got me hungry with all those best, most delicious fruit descriptions.
      Xanous likes this.
    2. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      One asked me if I wanted "cool" (cool whip) or peanut-butter on my pancakes. I shout that I want both.
      LOL. The little kid inside of me was shouting the same thing after reading that sentence. I had a waffle this morning and now I'm wishing I'd slathered it in peanut butter and blasted some whipped cream onto it.

      Congrats on the lucid and getting to have some fun with dream food!
      Xanous likes this.
    3. Xanous's Avatar
      Dream food is the best!
      CanisLucidus likes this.