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    Xanous' Dream Journal

    Fire And Ice

    by , 10-25-2014 at 05:47 PM (577 Views)
    #373 - DILD - 12:11AM

    I went to bed around 10pm after watching Grimm and Constantine so I was really prepared to enjoy some crazy dreams and hoped for a DILD ( I think this dream was more inspired by "The Last Airbender"). I was a little shocked how early this LD happened, though this seems to happen a lot, it's just a matter of recall. Unfortunately, my recall is full of holes and lucidity was low for the most part. Some possible chemical influences: I enjoyed a 40 oz of Mickey's stretched throughout the evening. I also took a Zyrtec and used some Veramyst nasal spray for my horrendous allergy problem that I currently experiencing. gahhhh!

    Another thing to explain the content of the dream is that I have been doing some recreational reading on erowid.

    I have taken an abusive but fairly low dose of Dextromethorphan Hbr (100mg). I see what I think of as tracers and some mild distortions of reality. The experience is fairly enjoyable but I have some nervous twitches and body jerks that I try to hide and only allow myself to experience when I am alone. I have some conversation with a dream character and wonder off.

    I begin to feel really sleepy now and almost consider taking another dose of DXM but decide that would be really dangerous. I eventually lay down someplace and fall asleep.

    I have a dream inside the dream. This is were my memory has gaps. I am involved in some story line about a young man that has ice powers. I see him and my son on a carpet gliding over a snowy landscape and seamlessly crossing over land water/ice. They seem to be in awe but this is nothing new to me.

    I have a moment of lucidity here. I show some female DC how they are gliding over water and ice. I walk out into the ice but it breaks. It feel cold at first but I generate some heat in my body to feel warm. Then I use some ice power to re-freeze the water. I step on it but it breaks right away. The young man (who looks a lot like the helper in "Waterbending #2) comes to aid me. He freezes the water while I am in it and then pulls me out. I have ice encases on my legs and it looks like knee-high boots made of ice. I marvel at this for a moment and then feel the dream slipping away. I am not sure what to do other than look at the boy and focus on him visually. My concentration wavers.

    Now I am talking to my wife like it was all a movie or TV series that we have been watching. I spoke as if it was my story but portrayed by actors. I mention something how they stuck really close to what actually happened. I told her that I might really be "The Drac", meaning the dragon. I talk about how ice doesn't bother me and I can generate high amounts of heat with Chi energy.

    *huge memory gap*

    I am somehow lucid again and talking to the DreamGuide/Avatar. I can't recall the actual conversation but I have a gist of what was said. I talked about our powers. I ask him something... I think I wanted his name. He says something and I respond, "This IS a dream but go on."
    He says something really profound but in a confusing way. I sum up what he was trying to say in one sentence. He responded like he was impressed with me but also annoyed. I worry that I will forget what he said but I feel confident that I will remember my summary of it so I let it go. I am really excited about whatever he told me and anxious to write it all down.(I am so pissed I don't remember this! )

    We enjoy some using some fire and ice magic together though I don't recall much of this. My fire magic never produced flame; just high amounts of heat that melted ice. I should explore this again.

    *memory gap* (or just non lucid)

    Lucid again. Trying to focus on the dream so I won't wake up. I wake up.
    CanisLucidus and NyxCC like this.

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    1. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Dang, man, the appearance of this new Dream Guide / Avatar is really exciting! The fact that he appeared not only in your prior lucid dream but also twice in this most recent lucid dream is incredibly exciting.

      Ha ha, I was wincing during the part where he said something really profound, very concerned that you weren't able to bring it back with you. And then at the end I of course had a big moment!

      What's cool, though, is that you're going to be seeing a lot more of him, so you could always ask him to repeat the profound advice he offered last time.
      Xanous likes this.
    2. Xanous's Avatar
      Yeah it's really interesting! Too bad my recall was crap. I had a G night last night hoping to find him again but I just didn't get lucid at all... that I can remember. I did have some intense NLDs though.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    3. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      That's cool, it's just a matter of time. I'm very excited for you! It'll be a lot of fun seeing where this leads. Especially since this guy's rather an ace with the dream powers!
    4. NyxCC's Avatar
      Ohhh that avatar/DG DC appearance is so cool! And you are progressing really fast with your waterbending skills!

      Well done bringing back as much as possible from this early dream. We know this is often a challenge.