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    Xanous' Dream Journal

    Fractal trip

    by , 11-26-2021 at 02:47 PM (400 Views)
    Not a lot to say and I am on mobile since I am out of town. I have trouble faliling asleep and eventually doze. I am only asleep for 30min when something triggers the same WILD/OBE feeling as the last entry. I float up and start to roll in the air. I open my dream eye and try to put feet on the floor but every thing is broken into fractals. Again everything is very trippy. I just ride it out trying to stabilize the dream as I can. I try to interact as much as possible but theres not much I can do. Several minutes pass and I start singing and saying silly things. I make my voice sound like Optimus Prime and I state authoritative things like this is my domain. I control all things here. I am in charge by the power of the lord jesus christ. Eventually I start hering a voice that sounded like my wife challenging my statements. I dont recall the conversation but its ends in getting annoyed and I just say oh shutup and she does. Then I wake more and am stuck in SP. I kind of start feeling panicky like there is an evil presence and that adrenaline wakes me up.

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