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    Xanous' Dream Journal

    Impossible Creatures

    by , 09-27-2015 at 05:32 PM (632 Views)
    #469 - DEILD - 4:56AM

    I slightly wake up from some dream involving an intelligent humanoid-hippopotamus creature resembling something Patricia Piccinini would have created. I didn't even find it all that odd. It was like a pet.

    I lucidly relax back into a dream where I am in some mixture of my job and a gym. I look around and marvel how vivid the dream is. There is no one around so I call out. My voice is loud and echoes a bit. No one comes and I decide to just explore. Unfortunately, I wake up.

    I decide it's not time to wake up and visualize walking. In a few seconds I see that I am walking on sand. I reach down and grab a handful. I squeeze feeling the soft crunch and then relax letting it trickle away. This new dream happens so fast that I find myself not thinking I am really in a dream. I feel it's just heavy HI. I'm wrong, of course, but I just tell myself it will all come together as I go along and let the thought go.

    Perhaps I relax my concentration a bit too much because now I have the idea stuck that I was trying to capture Sasquatch by stacking large logs across a wooded path. I suppose I was standing on a sandy beach because now I see the sand ending at a wooded hiking trail. I see I have already cut a log so I heft it on my shoulder and march ahead. I am looking for the spot that I want to stack logs but the trail has opened up too much and it's all sandy again. I feel myself struggle as I move uphill. I decide I am working too hard. Since this is a dream I can always take shortcuts. Suddenly I am at the top of the hill and see a good spot to stack the log. I decided my work is already done and now I see a wall of logs across the trail. The idea is to get Sasquatch to chase me and somehow crash into the logs, knocking it out. Whatever.

    I look to my right and see a log cabin with smoke coming out of the chimney. I turn to go check it out, but some strange creature comes out of the doorway. It looks animal-like, but also resembles a garlic cluster with legs. I have a mix of first and third person view as the garlic thing runs at me and bowls me over. I get up and run but a second garlic thing comes out and cuts me off. Suddenly, two new creatures resembling a mix of Groot and an ostrich comes out to battle the garlic things. I decide this is just the distraction I need to get away. I turn to run, suddenly wake up.

    I recall another super long non-lucid dream where I go have my wife's wedding ring cleaned. I talk to the jeweler a long time as he polishes a huge golden trophy. I don't understand his words and he calls me out on it. When I leave I have a white pickup that runs slow. A lot of pedestrians block my way out and I get lost in some impossible labyrinth of a parking garage. Then I am under a house spending a huge amount of time looking for a lost ring with confusing structures. When I find it I am at my ex wife's parents house. The ring glows when I put my finger in it. I decide its some sort of toy so I go find my girls to give it to them. I look into the bright purple light that consumes me in a white light. I wake up.
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    1. NyxCC's Avatar
      Great job DEILDing back into the dream, Xanous!

      Really cool dreams tonight! I can't possibly imagine these garlic creatures. Never heard of the artist you compared your first creatures to, but after seeing some of her work now, it looks as if she took the idea from a dream.

      Loved the non-ld purple to white light ending too!
      Xanous likes this.
    2. Xanous's Avatar
      It was cra cra.
      NyxCC likes this.