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    Xanous' Dream Journal

    Low Gravity

    by , 11-24-2013 at 08:00 PM (544 Views)
    #243 - SSILD

    3:00am (alarm for WBTB)

    I am at Patrick and Jessie’s house with my wife. We are all talking about the 50th anniversary episode of Doctor Who. Then a bunch of people start making a Dalek formation on the floor I join in and become the head. I put a arm out for the "eye". I look at my wife standing there and ask if she is going to take a picture.


    I am working on some cables at work on the overhead boards. I check lengths on some woods boards and pass them off to someone. I pick up a stack of pink paperwork but they look like some type of black ink has been spilled on them with areas that have been bleached out. I realize that I am dreaming but for some reason I think that I can't do that now since I am at work and I lose all lucidity.

    The scene turns into a party at some fancy mansion and I see a younger and slimmer version of Jana in some kind of cop costume. In fact everyone is in costume. Jana looks at me a poses with a grand gesture at her body. Yeah I get it. Your slim. She then walks over to some women and begins flirting with them. I wonder if they know she is a lesbian.

    Then Justin walks in the front door in some type of Phantom of the Opera costume but the mask looks like a Cyberman. He sings something to some nearby people and wonders off into the main room. I get the idea that I must be dreaming but I wake up.


    I am at work and decide that I am dreaming. I don't really have that dawning realization but I actually decide that I want to be dreaming. I only remember thinking that all these work dreams must be because I've been working so much overtime. I lose lucidity.

    I am in my house doing something... I don't know what. Again I decide I want to be dreaming. At first I think it might just be HI because after my last waking at 3:56am I wanted to WILD. But no, this seems a little more than that and I accept it as a dream.

    I look around and notice my house. My vision is blurry but notice how my house looks like a blend between my normal house and something that I think of as an apartment. After a moment, I decide to go outside. I reach the front door and notice the door knob is at the top. There are dark yellow opaque panes of glass on either side of the door. I concentrate and expect a door knob in the proper place. When I look again its there but it wont turn. I blindly reach for a dead bolt and turn it. The door opens.

    Again the area looks like waking life with a blend of something unfamiliar. Gravity becomes light and I begin taking long slow jumps into the air. I begin to giggle like a kid enjoying the feeling. After several jumps I begin making a swimming motion in the air and start to actually fly. I move above the tree line and lose my reference point. I get a feeling of vertigo and all I see is light blue sky and dots of green. I will myself back down. Once I feel myself touch the ground my vision returns to normal. I decide to settle for bouncing around more than flying.

    I am in a wooded area with open-walled sheds that have old corrugated tin roofs. I jump to the roof tops and bounce from building to building. That's when I begin to think about several goals I have. I pick the first one I think of: China. I look forward and notice that I seem to be in a mountainous area heading up a steep rocky hill where the building are built into. There is a long structure jutting out of one the buildings on the hill; It looks like a conveyor belt with an enormous valve at the end. My first thought is that must be some type of grain mill. It all looks familiar and I think of something from Fallout. I don't pay too much attention to it because I want to get over this hill and use expectation to make it to the great wall. A huge tree is in front of me and the branches cover me. At the top of the hill I see a train passing by. I find this curious and begin to float toward it. Unfortunately, I get hung up on one of the branches and can't seem to escape. I feel like a helium balloon with no way to control my flight. I look back at the train and notice a thick wall of trees that stand impossibly high. I realize that I must not only reach the train but fly over the giant wall of trees. The task feels impossible and I give up.

    I have some wakefulness at this point and stay up for about 45 min before returning to bed.


    I am in some house with a door that wont close properly. I think it must need vents. My dog daisy is whining from some place in the room but I can't find her. I go outside and my wife has put several animals in a large rabbit cage. I expect to see ferrets but they look odd and hairless. There are also a few sugar gliders curled up in hammocks with several white birds perched on wooden dowels. I shrug at the sight and laugh to myself as I walk back in the house. I think we probably need to find a place inside before it gets cold. I pause at the back steps. Something isn't right it should be cold. I become aware of the temperature but notice its not hot or cold. Well, it's still fall but we should probably do something soon. I look down and realize I grabbed something from the trash can that is next to the cage. I have a bag of old rotten potatoes. I smell it and it's pretty foul. Instead walk all the way back to the trash, I hurl the bag toward it, missing. Close enough. I walk inside.

    There is a pretty open floor plan and the kitchen and living room are pretty much the same room. I feel like my hands are dirty so I wash them in the sink. There is blood and I notice cuts on my hands. Two of my fingers are missing halfway. I franticly pray, "OH DEAR JESUS NO. PLEASE NO!" I take my hand out of the water and take a closer look. My hands are fine. I relax and think I must be losing my mind.

    I hear my dad laughing and turn around to see him watching some comedian on TV. He keeps telling me that it's not funny. I ask him, "Then why are you laughing?" I walk around a partition to relax in a recliner while I listen for his reply.

    I hear him say, "Well it was, but they lost me at..."

    I wake up.
    NyxCC and CanisLucidus like this.

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    1. NyxCC's Avatar
      Congrats on the ld! Really cool effect with the gravity and the jumping and bouncing sounds great!
      Xanous likes this.
    2. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Cool LD, man, sounds like a good time!

      You know, something struck me both about the long LD as well as the short lucid you had at work. In both of these, the desire to be dreaming struck you. You thought that you wanted to be dreaming right now, and this kicked off the realization that you were. I like this quite a lot. It reminds me of an approach that worked well for me in the past, which was to throughout the day get really excited about the possibility that right now could be a dream and I'm about to become lucid. Got a lot of LDs that way.

      I think that what you did here could be a great way to form this habit. If throughout the day you're desiring an LD, that thought is likely to strike you in a dream. And it's something that feels good to think about, which makes it all that much more habit-forming. It seems like a good approach all the way around.

      Anyway, was this something you've been intentionally doing lately or did you just happen to be in that mindset last night?
      NyxCC and Xanous like this.
    3. NyxCC's Avatar
      That dream and your comment CL are a great reminder that some of us here (Nyx) need to be doing more of these useful and indeed pleasant day practices. This mindset can give us more of those exotic no wbtb dilds too
      CanisLucidus and Xanous like this.
    4. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      That dream and your comment CL are a great reminder that some of us here (Nyx) need to be doing more of these useful and indeed pleasant day practices. This mindset can give us more of those exotic no wbtb dilds too
      I completely agree, and I think the part I bolded is really key. I loved getting all excited during the day thinking about all the possibility that lucid dreaming had to offer. I've not managed to work this into my default mental loop as readily lately (other excitement crowding it out presently) but I still try to do something like this when I remember.

      Speaking of excitement, this present conversation is certainly helping!
      NyxCC and Xanous like this.
    5. Xanous's Avatar
      Thanks you two. Yeah you know what? I have sort of been doing something like that but its more like whenever I think of lucid dreaming during the day (quite a lot) I do a RC. I think another factor was, I had been thinking all week that with all this OT I'm bound to dream about work a lot. Also, I went in Saturday morning and it dawned on me how often I dream of working at the wrong time so I had that moment where instead of convincing myself I am dreaming I had to actually convince myslef that I was awake. Maybe I created or reinforced my own dream sign.
      CanisLucidus and NyxCC like this.