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    Xanous' Dream Journal

    The Secret Lover

    by , 09-05-2013 at 11:50 PM (505 Views)
    #224 - DILD - 4:00AM

    I wake from another highly vivid dream at 3:40AM but I didn't become lucid. I was too pissed off at my wife because someone gave her their child and she brought him home. I yell at her and explain that this is illegal. Besides she didn't consult with me before she did it. On top of it all I find the boy in an overflowing diaper in the back bathroom with a strange dog. From the looks of it she had them both in there for several hours if not all day. I was furious that she would do something like that.

    I when I wake up I realize that I didn't mantra with WILD and I lost awareness really fast. So this time I include it. Though I didn't WILD I was happy with a DILD as well as the extreme vividness of it all.

    The first thing I notice is that I am lying flat on my stomach. There is some small square packets that I think of as some type of lube. I can hear the audio from a very cheesy 1950's instructional video explaining that this lube acts like a like a liquid condom and spermicide.

    I sit up and see that I am in a darkened class room. The video is over and the other students are leaving. I make sure I am the last to leave as I am unsure of what is happening. Standing outside the door, I see a very sexy teacher dressed in a dark blue and black dress. She has long black hair pulled back. Her skin tone is on the pale side and I notice she is watching me with a flirty half smile. Her dark crimson lipstick makes me notice the shape of her mouth and I want to kiss her. I hear another student in the distant mention something about going to lunch. I say to the woman in a suggestive way, "So. Do you wanna go get some lunch with me?" (Not the greatest pick-up line but hey it's a dream ) She immediately throws herself into my arms and passionately kisses me. I think this is risky and we will get caught doing this. Then I remember that I am married but quickly dismiss this thought as false. She is the one married but I don't really care right now. I think of her as someone I know in waking life though she does not look like her at all. Feeling confused by all of this, and thinking that I am missing something, I stop the kissing her. I leave knowing that she will meet up with me at our usual spot.

    As I step outside, I notice the countryside and immediately become lucid. The school is seated in a impossible valley with beautiful green rolling hills. There are no other buildings for as far as I can see and the sky is a pale and cloudless blue. I begin to fly low to the ground taking in the beautiful scenery. Soon, I begin to lose control and a strong wind destabilizes my flight. I decide to stop here and settle to the ground. When I turn back to the school I see the same woman lying in the grass waiting for me. She is on her back with one hand on her brow and the other resting the flat of her stomach. Her long shiny jet black hair is spread out on the grass beside her like a silk carpet. For the first time, I notice her eyes are a deep majestic and other worldly blue. Her crimson lips part slightly like she is about to speak. The sight of her takes my breath away and l lose all self control. I begin making out with her passionately. The feel of her lips on mine are as real as waking life. Once we begin having sex I fight against it and wake up a little but I relax to DEILD and re-enter anther part of the same dream.

    I am still lucid but I have no control. I am looking over her shoulder from a third person perspective. I see myself sitting near but not with her in some type of foyer of the school. I am not myself but some overly mature high school kid. Probably a senior. She looks down at her hands, then quietly and sadly, she whispers, "I am not happy with my marriage."
    With a look of annoyance, I shrug and say, "You think?"
    I float around around to get a better view of our conversation but at that moment the dream goes black and I wake up a little.

    I start to DEILD again but this time I start to form the TARDIS. I begin to feel the around the console rails but I stop myself thinking I should record the previous dream.

    I have several other short vivid dreams after this but non are lucid.
    CanisLucidus and NyxCC like this.

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    Updated 09-07-2013 at 08:43 PM by 5967

