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    Xanous' Dream Journal

    Sex It Up - semi lucid, Mountain Biking - NLD

    by , 06-27-2013 at 10:26 PM (468 Views)
    I was feeling sad my recall sucked all night so I really focused after the snooze.

    I found myself having see with my wife. We almost flipped into an impossible position. There was brief darkness a vertigo. Then we actually do flip. I thought," This feels very dream like"
    But before I really think it through we are now walking together on a long wooden deck outside.

    I look back at the bed and see its red with some creepy boy sitting on it messing with a hand held device. I note part of my house has no walls but think nothing of it.

    I follow my wife into the shed. She bends over to pick something up and I put her pants down to continue. At some point there is a dual image of me having see with her and humping some random plastic tote. I can hear her and feel really confused. I begin to question things when the alarm goes off.

    I snooze again and find myself mountain biking with my parents. (lol ya right) I want follow a trail to a hidden park but dad is convinced it's the other way. I follow and when we get there I am proven right. There some yard and abandoned farm equipment.

    We go back but it's dark now and I have some red flashing light on my bike. The are some people with some sort of ATV ahead and their lights blind me. I try to shield my eyes but it doesn't help. My bike fades away and I begin running. I enjoy the ease of it.

    Now I am back at the start the next morning. I freak out that I left my bike. Dad's says it's not there but I have to at least look. I run and see that I am on some boat dock. There are life preservers and fish nets lying around. The water looks a little on the brownish green side. The alarm wakes me.
    NyxCC and CanisLucidus like this.

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    Updated 06-27-2013 at 11:52 PM by 5967



    1. NyxCC's Avatar
      Xanous likes this.
    2. Xanous's Avatar
      Nope haven't experimented with that in a long time.
      NyxCC likes this.
    3. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      I got a good laugh out of the plastic tote.
      Xanous and NyxCC like this.