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    Xanous' Dream Journal

    Shopping *LUCID*

    by , 07-22-2012 at 07:36 PM (563 Views)
    Technique(s): WILD - Failed, DILD - Success, DIELD - Failed, Awareness (Sageous)

    Thoughts:I am happy with this dream. It was short but it was still progress. I don't remember all of it clearly because I tried other methods after waking. Plus it was a really boring and mundane dream until I was lucid. I think the biggest contributor to becoming lucid was the fact that I really concentrated on Sageous' idea of self-awareness all day. And my wife and I did in fact go grocery shopping that night and I practiced awareness all much as I could.

    WBTB. Up for 5 - 10 min thinking about dreams and lucidity. Fall asleep during WILD. Turns instead into DILD

    Shopping *LUCID* - 7:00AM
    I am shopping with my wife. (The store reminds of a store in other dreams) It is supposed to be Wal-Mart we are in (the store seems darker or dimly light) I am doing the normal check out thing. Waiting for the cashier and then put the sacks in the cart. My wife forgets something and runs off.

    The next thing I remember, I am pushing the cart in the parking lot to my car. It is night time outside. Then I remember my self-awareness. Then suddenly I realize. "Hey I AM dreaming!" I quickly think about what I wanted to do. TOTM. I reach into my pocket and pull out a glowing florescent green potion with carbonation bubbles in a clear glass bottle with a cork on top. (I have imagined this prior) But at that very instant the world goes black and I feel my waking body lying in bed. NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

    DEILD - I enter SP and feel the vibrations. Then they fade and I move (or I think I move) because I feel uncomfortable and I wake up for good.

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    Updated 07-22-2012 at 08:08 PM by 5967

    lucid , task of the month


    1. Wurlman's Avatar
      Great job on the awareness! And woot woot nice becoming lucid bro!
    2. Xanous's Avatar
      Thanks. Its all about awareness. If only it would last longer.