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    Xanous' Dream Journal


    by , 09-18-2013 at 02:54 AM (591 Views)
    #232 - DILD - 5:55AM

    I am working at Wal-Mart in the cereal isle with Spencer whom I work with IWL. I realize this is not what I do for a living and I try to reason out how this fits. My explanation doesn't make sense and I become lucid.

    I see Spencer and bullshit with him a bit. I ask him, "So what now?" I can't remember the conversation but he says something that I said at the same time I do. I laugh at this because I know why this happened. He is an extension of my subconscious so it made total sense.

    I see some young woman walking past with a man. They appear to be having a wedding rehearsal. I recognize her from an earlier part of the dream before I was lucid. I tell myself to remember that part for later and I felt like I could. I think it is totally rediculous that I would dream a wedding at Wal-Mart so I walk out and follow behind them mockingly. I hear them counting out the steps together, "Step. Step. Walk. Walk. Wedding. Wedding." I continue to follow them around and kind of lose my concentration. I realize I am caring a bag of ice and a bag of M&Ms. I have the bag squeezed so the air expands on one side and I shake the candy inside. The result is a very loud and annoying sound to be making while following closely behind people. The woman says to her betrothed, "I don't know why people are showing up 3 hours early. It's annoying." She emphasizes the last sentence and turn to look at me over her shoulder. At that, I realize that I must have dazed out and regain some lucidity. I assume she meant that for me so I turn off another isle.

    My memory here is really hazy but mostly I just wonder around exploring and enjoying the very vivid lucid. I think about going outside but I really feel like this dream would be more stable where I am. At some point I realize I still have the bag of ice and it has nearly melted. I place it one of the freezer bunkers and walk away. Now I look around and notice all of the people have vanished. I feel like this means the dream is about to end. I feel very pleased and happy with this dream because it felt like it was such a very long LD. I wake up.
    NyxCC and CanisLucidus like this.

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