Side Notes
First DILD since a very long time, I have been listening to lucid dreaming audiobooks and doing reality checks for a few last days, truly the daily practice is the most important thing in lucid dreaming, and not a particular technique, especially considering that I was trying WILD's unsuccessfully for a few months without much day-light practice.. The dream was too personal to relate, but I'll just add that I slept listening to LaBerge's ETWLD, woke up at 4:00AM and went back to sleep at 5:30, during the dream I just realized that something was wrong in the scenario and became lucid, I used that opportunity to truly connect with someone, I really needed this, it felt so good.
Nothing much, just remember myself being in a hotel's bathroom, what's interesting that I have never been in that hotel in real life, and yesterday too I had a dream about place where I have never been including some long and thin snake into which I was assured my sister had transformed and I tried to bring her back by squeezing the snake! Anyway, it is now quite clear to me that PLACE is the best category for me to look forward as a dream sign for MILD technique.
I am eating something with meats and suddenly I get the idea that strings of it look like worms, and ... one of such start to move on front on me, on the table, I am scared to death because I am still eating a portion so I start taking it out from my mouth and those too start to move and a moment after I am looking at rain worms. Notes: It's heavily raining out there, maybe that gave me association. Also worms is one of my biggest fears in life.
Following another dream, in which I was actively searching for my room in a weird housing building, I found myself passing customs at airport, or maybe it was just a general check, anyway, there was some officers, one of whom had found my hat that I didn't care about and lost somewhere earlier. He looked as if he found an evidence of my guilt against the country or something, when I made it clear how preposterous his allegations were, he went on to get some pages out of my personal journals (maybe he has intercepted the images or found torn out pages) and presenting them to me showing the words and phrases I have removed, as if to say, "I know you are at something nasty!", at that point I lost all tact and fear and started to yell at him that it's none of his business and I am free to do whatever I want in my notebook. Notes: It's a strange dream for me, because otherwise I am a timid person and more than often see dreams in which I am running from someone, feeling fear and worry (as I do IRL), so I woke up from that dream quite good, not feeling happy, but it had some sense of reassurance. Before that dream, I was wondering along some streets, which I have never seen IRL, as well as those places in dream above. I saw a few cars without front tires, I rationalized that thieves probably have stolen them because they are usually in a better condition than rear tires (I have no idea about whether that is actually true or not). The interesting thing about dreams, about which is written in ETWLD of Stephen LaBerge, is the absence of critical faculty, how easy do we rationalize absolutely stupid things! Then I thought remembering his dream sign categories that in my case it's clearly the Place that is different more than anything else. I am always dreaming about places which I have never seen in real life though in drems they seem to be mega familiar so I never question their reality. I have to concentrate on "Where I am" more to attain lucidity with some better results.
I was searching for some medical equipment in a doctor's pc, idk what. The dream was fragmented, had bad, short sleep last night but vividness was better. I am convinced it's because of "nofap" as I head from too many sources that sexual energy is a must for awareness.
Every night going to sleep to make it easier to fall asleep I listen to different audiobooks, nonfiction stuff mostly. Tonight it was Power of your subconscious mind, and the guy was telling how important it is to make autosuggestions and visualisations then I remembered that I almost never done that for lucid dreaming, because I never really believed in any of it, even the existence of subconscious mind seems like some tale for me even though intellectually I know it;s there and exists and stuff.... So maybe that's the reason why in 8 years I only had 30 lucid dreams, I am going to give it a try, I don't believe in it, but I am going to try anyway, that's why it's done after all, to build faith, right?)
I guess trying even MILD's is a too high goal that I set for myself. Currently I have HUGE trouble just falling asleep on my back. And if not on my back I don't have usually any dream recall. So, first of all I should concentrate on two things: 1. Falling asleep easily while on my back 2. Remembering and recording as much detail from my dreams as it's possible 3. Improving self-awareness by doing RC and the like Maybe I should just try to look at my hands in dreams, I have had two LD's with that technique even without much practice.... P.S. If you can give me an advice on how to quicken the process, please share, I am eager to learn!
Yesterday I went to sleep at 8PM and slept till 7AM, during the sleep I woke up a lot of times and tried WILD huge amounts of times, never worked out. I even don't remember any dream except for a few fragments. I think I should concentrate on something other than WILD, it's too damn hard. I can lie for 3 hours without moving a muscle but I never even have SP! Yes a few years ago I did WILD a few times, but now it got harder for me, mostly because of my great expectations, I get too excited about possibility of lucidity and what I will do once there. I was looking for an easier technique and remembered MILD, I'll focus on it, will try to do it for 40 days as some people successfully did on this site. I'll make daily reports on my progress.
I am always dreaming, even in the waking time I am dreaming, daydreaming, dreaming at nights and dreaming in dreams. My mind is too far away from being lucid for most of the time, I have to do something about it. I remember that the best recall and few lucid dreams were products of my sleeping on my back (usually I sleep on side), so I will try to make a habit of sleeping on back, last night I did it, my sleep monitoring app even said that as it didn't notice ANY movements it can't analyze my sleep! Starting from today, I will try to go to bed before 21:00, wake up after 4.5 hours of sleep, analyze the dreams or read this forum for 20 minutes and try WILD. I hope it will help... Summary for to-do: Sleep on the back Stay for 20 minutes awake after 4.5 hours of sleep and try WILD Record everything
I am experiencing problems with falling asleep on my back. I can relax and lie for 2 hours without moving a finger but I never reach full SP and even just falling asleep is a huge trouble. Also for years I have been a xxx addict, so whenever I feel on the edge of sleep I start fantasizing about the sex stuff and it makes concentration almost impossible. Although one of the main reasons of my starting this practice is having dream sex, yet I realize there is no way to do that without first mastering some basic skills like easy dream induction and stabilization. I will try not to think about anything sexual until I reach 50 on my lucid dreams counter... Tonight I'll try to go WILD and fly.
Updated 10-19-2018 at 05:29 AM by 95667