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    Inner World حلم Gamma Waves

    Ascending Tree DILD

    by , 01-05-2023 at 09:56 PM (298 Views)
    I was in school walking down the sidewalk of the building and going to the school's gym. As I walked in with other people the coach told me I wasn't a student. I nodded and began turning back to the entrance of the gym till she told me to wait. She said she wanted to pray for me and to stay in front of her while she did so. I agree with this and watch her as she begins the prayer.
    At the end I do a cross symbol and thank her for it before leaving towards the entrance. Once I did I found myself in a grassy field.

    I looked down at my hands and stated I'm dreaming and continue to walk through the field thinking about life. I started feeling my head pulsing loudly as if it was ringing. I eventually walk enough to encounter other people and notice families and children playing at the park.

    I walked in to see what was at the top of the tree-like building that everyone was going towards. There was a bridge connecting others to get to it and it had curve stairs around the tree ascending higher. As I got higher from walking up the wooden stairs I eventually got hit by another person falling down and forcing me to fall down as well before waking up.

    I woke up in my bed and wanted to check the time as I was surprised it was still dark and was wondering if I was in a false awakening. I heard the sound of water and felt odd till I woke up again.
    Rodulf and Dusskee like this.

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    1. Rodulf's Avatar
      So, you had a false-awakening?
    2. Yumnش's Avatar