Lucid Dreams
There was a shoot out happening in the parking lot and as I was ducking for cover. I see a woman with a shotgun and was not facing my direction. So I tackle her and through trying to get the shotgun out of her hands I became lucid. I got up and started seeing the dream setting begin to change. I told myself I should begin to explore. As I did so I ran into one of my former co-workers from the past and he explained to me about how he is trying to get promoted. I told him I think out of all of them he could do it and we had a long conversation about how. At some point during this conversation, I had lost lucidity.
My dream had ended and I got off my bed to go to my bathroom. I brush my teeth and began to put water on my face afterwards. When I came to my room I felt strange. I started having trouble seeing as if my eyes were being forced shut. I kept trying to open them but nothing I did work. I then began to think this must be a dream right now and I haven't truly woken up yet. Since my eyes were shut, I tried to use my hand to feel the walls of my room to eventually phase through my window. I wanted to see if that would cause my eyes to reopen. But as I kept trying to go through the window I lost lucidity.
I'm in my room checking my work schedule. As I'm looking at it to see what days I'm working and more importantly who I'll be working with to avoid. I noticed that the schedule kept changing so ever slightly. I began rechecking and realized I looked at it wrong the first time. Then it happened again and went back to what it was originally in the beginning. "Is my mind playing tricks on me" I said before seeing the letters change their shape and size in front of my own eyes. I backed up and quickly came to the conclusion that this was a dream. I smiled and thought about what I should do and decided to simply explore. I opened the front door of my apartment and made my way through the hallway. As I was walking I could still hear the same dog that would bark loudly outside from the other apartment unit as in real life. I analyze the realistic details although slightly more wooden as the hallway compared to waking life is more modern. I lived on the 3rd floor and didn't want to go down all the stairs, so I leap from the exposed ceiling roof tops and started hopping to each floor till I made it to the ground. Once I was there I could see people sitting down and eating as if I made it to an outside restaurant. I went over and saw people that I deemed friendly and pulled a chair next to them. I asked them how they were doing and wouldn't get any intelligent response. I tried more socializing till the dream scene changed to a different place. The lights were dark red and I was sitting on a big couch. Not long after that I woke up.
I woke up and checked my phone to see if I had more time to fall back asleep. Only to be shocked that it stated 1:51 pm. "This can't be" I said before checking to see why my alarm didn't go off. I began to panic, realizing that I am late for work and there was no way I'd make it to work early enough where no one would notice. "Something is wrong, this isn't making any sense to me" I continue to stare at the phone and decided to start looking around. "This has to be a dream, it has to be. I don't care how real this feels, I know I must be dreaming" But still nothing would confirm or reveal itself to be an illusion. So I decided that I'm done with this and found any way possible to wake myself up so that I can check to see if I truly overslept or not. I closed my eyes and tried my best to wake up. It took awhile before anything felt like it was happening. I eventually woke up.
Updated 02-15-2024 at 05:13 AM by 67903
I was waking up from a dream and found myself in my bed. I tried to move but was struggling to. My body began to feel sharp pains and cramps all over. My breathing begins to become shallow and increasingly more difficult with each few seconds that went by. I immediately realize something was wrong as I tried to yell out in pain. I was unsuccessful in managing to open my mouth as the pain seep all around my body. I began to think to myself what is happening? That's when something threw me out of my bed and to the floor. I was now at a distance to my bed. I now knew for sure I was in a dream but still had no control of any of my movements. I was then lifted up in the air and smack against the wall. That happened a few more times before I lost lucidity and woke up.
I was running from an intruder at an underground bunker. As I was running I looked down and realized I had no shoes on. I decided to turn back around to the previous area I was in to retrieve them. Once I got back there I noticed a kid who was running as well and came to the conclusion that he was the intruder son. He was very young no older than 5 years old. I skipped past him knowing that the intruder was close behind me. That's when I began to hear a few gun shots. I was almost at the exit after going up a few stairs. As I'm about to reach the last exit he somehow just glitched himself right behind me as if he teleported here. We then struggle against one another in a grapple as he tries to reach for his gun. I thought it was bizarre that he caught up to me like that. I was certain there was no way he would reach me. I then said this has to be a dream because it's just too convenient that he would show up like that. He knocks me to the ground and now has the advantage. But now that I have lucidity and know it's a dream I told him it's over. I raise my hand and use telekinesis to zap him out of existence. I look around my environment and slowly lost my lucidity as the dream continue to a non-lucid dream.
Updated 09-05-2023 at 05:16 PM by 67903
I found myself at my workplace. I was going through the department till I saw a familiar person with his back facing towards me. I looked at his hair and the way he was behaving as I got closer and realized I knew him. It was a co-worker I knew from my last job and this was one of my biggest fears. He then turned around and greeted me saying "Hey it's me, it's good to see you again" I was shocked, couldn't believe it and it didn't make sense to me at all. I immediately began thinking about who gave him the opportunity to work here. I looked at him and said "No screw this". "This has to be a dream, I can't believe this is happening and I don't even remember driving here and why is it in the afternoon already?" I must be dreaming as I gain lucidity for a brief moment. That's when all the other co-workers came to celebrate his new position as my captain. They all started acting like they were going to throw a party for his honor. As he approached me saying "It looks like we'll be working again" I lost my lucidity as the dream scene changed right after.
The dream transition from a treasure hunting mercenary scene to a scene where I ended up tangled inside what appears to be recycled trash. The sky was grey and cloudy but without rain. I was having to maintain my balance as I continue walking on top of these spiral like vents in order to make my way out of this trashy labyrinth. As I'm doing so I begin to realize that I am dreaming and ask myself why I ended up here. Once i made it with the help of my lucidity. I began to think of what I should do as I could see now that I was out in the streets seeing a few other people wandering aimlessly. I decided to do the same right before I clench my hands together tightly and rub them together. I stated I am lucid dreaming a few times to not forget while stabilizing the dream. The grey cloudy sky had now become dark as night with a few clouds still being as clearly visible as they were in the beginning of the dream. I began to walk alongside the other dream characters. One of them being a woman dressed in yellow with flowers printed from side to side. She had spark a conversation between us and asked how I was and where I was going. I told her it is nice to meet her while we shake hands. When I looked into her eyes it was odd in a way where she seemed to have frozen in time and became unresponsive for a brief moment. I told her I didn't know and was simply exploring the environment. Her friends then laughed and the scene began to change again to a new place that seemed similar to a classroom hallway in school. When this happened I made sure to clench my hands together and rub them again to reinforce the thoughts that I am dreaming currently. I overheard a few people talking and followed the voices. It led me to a door and one student told me to open it. So I did then only to lose lucidity.
I was experiencing deja vu in till it click to me I was in a dream. I appear to be in a emerald like room with granite flooring. Through the large windows I could see the city. It was quiet, I could tell the dream was strong due to how grounded I felt and visually clear everything was. I tried to phase outside the window but it was solid and made me think "Wow this is exactly like real life" I began to say I'm lucid dreaming to not forget that I was due to how realistic everything was. I continue saying and made another attempt to go through the building and this time I went through by going under the window. I began to fall down in till I hit the road. For some reason the dream was telling me I was in Washington dc. I made another attempt to fly and as I am in the air I smiled and was happy the sun was out. I realize that it was a high jump rather than staying the in air. I began to thinking negatively and remember that I wasn't having a great day in my waking life currently. I then saw the sky change to semi darkness. I didn't want to ruin this moment in the dream so I close my eyes and as I'm falling down I wake myself up.
Was in a dream where I was fighting a metal robot while being a high jumping metallic rubber band. I decided to run from it and run in to the darkness. I wanted to end my dream as I wasn't enjoying it. During the darkness when the dream faded I became lucid and realized I was waiting for the next dream to form. Once it did it was nighttime and I was in third person. I thought about positive things and sunlight. That's when a grainy sunlight came in to the background but wasn't good quality. I ended up losing lucidity not too long afterwards.
A dream scene where a kid was running around seeming crazy while kicking a soccer ball ended and switched to me waking up in a bed at the old townhouse I used to live in. When I got up I was greeted by a former co-worker in the past and his friend. I said hello and asked him what he is doing here? He told me that he was trying to reunite co-workers again that he enjoyed working with. He and his friend wanted to go find more co-workers and ask me if I wanted to join him and I agreed. As I am walking out to the front door with them it started to dawn on me how odd this situation is. I also realize that I was taller than I previously was because I now had to duck down my head to walk through doors. I realize I am dreaming and attempted to phase through the window but it wasn't working. I then remember that I was planning to lucid dream today because I wanted to meditate in my dreams. I sat down and crossed my legs to begin meditating. I started to hear an intense ring and heavy vibrations flowing within my head. Unfortunately the vibrations and intense ringing got so intense that it was painful and I began to scream about my head hurting. I had failed, I tried my best to wake up but it just seemed the dream faded and I was only in darkness with a few blurred lights coming in. That's when another dream began to form and I found myself in a bed again to soon realize it was a false awakening. I attempted to wake up and found myself in another false awakening only this time I was not lucid.
Updated 01-18-2023 at 03:17 AM by 67903
I had found myself in a van with a couple of other people and when we parked somewhere we all got out to examine where we were. It was bright daylight with an empty parking lot. There was one building in the middle of the empty parking lot which I thought was odd and it would appear the other people with me were all going in that direction. I follow them to the building and notice that I'm significantly taller than I originally am. I was finding it difficult as well to walk on my two feet without almost falling. I manage to enter the building and immediately recognize it from the dream I had a couple of days ago. I became lucid and started running around in the building saying it looks exactly the same as before. I could see groups of people having conversations about something that seemed important. I went through the hallway and found myself inside an airport station now. I notice a lot of people sitting down waiting for their flight to be announced. I stopped and began thinking I had goals for the next time I would be lucid but was struggling to remember what they were again. I took a pause and eventually gave up unfortunately and continued with the lucid dream. I talk to a few dream characters while they waited before the dream ended and I had a false awakening right after.
I was in school walking down the sidewalk of the building and going to the school's gym. As I walked in with other people the coach told me I wasn't a student. I nodded and began turning back to the entrance of the gym till she told me to wait. She said she wanted to pray for me and to stay in front of her while she did so. I agree with this and watch her as she begins the prayer. At the end I do a cross symbol and thank her for it before leaving towards the entrance. Once I did I found myself in a grassy field. I looked down at my hands and stated I'm dreaming and continue to walk through the field thinking about life. I started feeling my head pulsing loudly as if it was ringing. I eventually walk enough to encounter other people and notice families and children playing at the park. I walked in to see what was at the top of the tree-like building that everyone was going towards. There was a bridge connecting others to get to it and it had curve stairs around the tree ascending higher. As I got higher from walking up the wooden stairs I eventually got hit by another person falling down and forcing me to fall down as well before waking up. I woke up in my bed and wanted to check the time as I was surprised it was still dark and was wondering if I was in a false awakening. I heard the sound of water and felt odd till I woke up again.
Woke up in my living room and thought it was strange that I could remember myself not too long ago being somewhere else. I immediately began suspecting that I was dreaming. I decided to do a few reality checks such as pushing my finger through my palms and holding my nose to see if I could still breathe through it. Which to my surprise they all failed to work correctly. I still had this dreamy feeling in my gut and decided to not believe the reality checks. I then look at my bed and saw a blue card magically appeared on top of it and this made me begin questioning things even more. I look to a near by wall and decided to attempt to phase through it while convincing myself this has to be a dream. I phase through the wall and became lucid. I was outside beginning to fall from the 3rd floor apartment complex. I told myself I am going to fly and began slowly starting to ascend during my descent. Only for it last momentarily before again falling harder to the concrete sidewalk. I got up and observed the area and was disappointed that I still couldn't fly. I began walking towards people and could see that the scenery was spring-like with a very sunny atmosphere. I woke up soon after.
Was in a basketball court inside a school. I ended up growing from my original height to above 7 feet tall and had trouble as I left the court with my head touching the roof of the hallways. I went around looking for help until I saw my mother sitting on a chair taking a phone call. As I am rushing to her I become lucid and wanted to tell her that I'm in a dream and that for some reason I still needed her help to return back to my original height. She kept ignoring me on her phone so I grabbed it and told her that I am in a dream and that I need help. She looked at me with a confused and irritated expression before telling me to go away. I lost my lucidity afterwards.