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    A bit of lucid yeye!

    by , 08-14-2010 at 12:00 PM (772 Views)
    I don't remember how it started, but I was on a grass plane in biologigränd in umeå with my brother jimmy. It was night time. Suddenly I realised that I was dreaming somehow. It was kinda funny because at the same time I realised it, I therefore realised that Jimmy was only a DC and not real. However I asked him to give me the notepad which he was holding that was apparently my DJ. I wrote "dreaming" for fun on the last page to somehow strengthen the fact that I was dreaming and to see if it would be written in the real notepad when I woke up (I don't really have a notepad like that anymore).

    Now I wanted to try something with my lucidity so I flew up in the sky fast like a rocket. It worked and I remember thinking that it was somewhat clear to be a dream (I am not sure anymore if it was, because my memory has faded some. Maybe it was just something I thought in the dream). I flew only for a short while over the roof tops before thinking "okay, what to do now then?". I couldn't really think of anything to do and then the dream kind of faded away.

    I think that I wasn't really fully lucid in this dream for several reasons. Firstly, I wrote that word in the DJ that doesn't exist. That is like something you would do in a dream and if I would have the complete mindset of awake, I doubt I would have done that. Secondly, the thing that I couldn't figure out what to do when lucid. I have heaps of stuff I would like to try.

    Anyway, it was awesome. XD

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    1. Baron Samedi's Avatar
      Good job.

      I do the exact same thing.

      Fly to "now what", then wake up. It's an odd pattern.