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    1. Isochronic Tones WILD with trigger MP3 (20 minutes)

      by , 08-01-2010 at 10:38 PM (My Official Journey Into Lucid Dreaming)
      Thanks to everyone that tried Sleep in 30 minutes. I have designed another Isochronic tones sequence specifically for use with WILD. This track is 20 minutes long, and takes you down to 6 Hz pretty quick. It stays there for a long time so that you can relax and get comfortable. At 19:11 into the track, a trigger goes off. This is to pull you back from going totally to sleep, and hopefully will induce your LD. You should downlod two files. One is the actual file. This is what you listen to. The other is the trigger file, which is the sound you will hear at 19:11.

      Follow these instructions:

      Download these files:

      1. WBTB WILD with trigger.mp3
      2. WBTB WILD trigger sound.mp3

      Prior to going to bed, listen to the trigger sound, and say to yourself, "When I hear this sound, I will do a Reality Check". Do this as much as you can to prep yourself. The more you do this, the more effective this technique will be.

      1. After a WBTB, put on the headphones or earbuds (it might work with just loudspeakers because they are Isochronic, not Binaural).
      2. Concentrate on the whooshing sound, and clear your mind. Let your thoughts take you where they may.
      3. At 19:11, you will hopefully be in the Transition Phase. You will hear wind chimes. This is your trigger.
      4. Do a RC immediately. If you fail, try again from step one.

      Good Luck!