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    Things to Run Away From Really Fast

    #115. The Mafia

    by , 07-25-2010 at 06:47 AM (731 Views)

    Something about angels that die at the same time as their human mates... I should really stop reading bad fanfiction.

    I'm running away from zombies. I want to take to the water, so I steal my uncle's boat and go down the creek.

    I need supplies. I find another boat, but apparently it's owned by the still-surviving Mafia. I steal the boat.

    Now I'm being chased by thugs sent by the Mafia, as well as zombies. I run into a building, blasting holes through walls and ceilings, trying to make a route to the roof. I realize that I'm dreaming. I try to black out and go to the first location I think of (the apartment in Ixburg). I stop, everything around me faded to grey, and wonder why the hell I'd want to go to Ixburg. I fade back into the dream and keep running.

    I make it to the roof. My enemies are right behind me. I jump down onto a white truck, and make a run for it, laughing.

    Later. I'm on the road in a camper-trailer. I'm making dinner and doing dishes. Oma wonders if there's not enough protein in the pasta I made.

    We're going to see a movie in Moose Jaw (real place, I do not kid). We park the camper and I step out with my cousins. I look at the showtimes, but Despicable Me isn't playing in that theatre anymore. Apparently this is the first day it's not showing. I'm very sad.

    The Mafia. Scare Factor: 3.

    Notes: I'm writing up an especially epic dream from two days ago, which seems to directly follow up Seven Minutes in Heaven. Basically, Castiel (from Supernatural) gets captured by someone, and I take the opportunity to thoroughly mindfuck Team Free Will.

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    Updated 07-25-2010 at 06:53 AM by 31096



    1. Mzzkc's Avatar
      Samael runs from Zeds? This is blasphemy.
    2. Samael's Avatar
      I've never gotten over my "running is fun" conviction.
    3. Mzzkc's Avatar
      You've obviously never gone toe-to-toe against the horde with nothing more than two Katanas in hand. XP

      Even IRL, tearing into the horde is much more satisfying than the oftentimes obligatory running. Oh, the stories I could tell. . .
    4. Samael's Avatar
      I don't actually remember any zombie DCs, honestly. The whole thing just had "zombie apocalypse" written all over it, and it's the survivors that are the scary part.

      My running's more like a carefree "Can't catch me!" taunt than anything else.

      Dream!Zombies themselves are pretty harmless, since their bites never take and even being eaten alive won't kill me properly.

      obligatory running.
      Fair point. I'll add, "Fight horde of zombies with melee weapons" to my lucid goals.

      ETA: Wait, IRL? Am I missing something?
    5. Mzzkc's Avatar
      Yeah, I fight Zeds IRL quite often.
    6. Samael's Avatar
    7. Mzzkc's Avatar
    8. Samael's Avatar
      *facepalm* And now I remember you telling me about them.
    9. Serenity's Avatar
      We're going to see a movie in Moose Jaw (real place, I do not kid).
      I had to read this twice to figure out what you meant by this... then I remembered, "Oh right... the non-Canadians won't get the silly names we give cities in this country..."

      I've never faced Zeds straight on yet... they gross me out.