Quote Originally Posted by FryingMan View Post
My personal recommendation with awareness is to start out slow. Begin with trying to recognize times that you've "zoned out" and gone on autopilot. Try to hold on to that "tuning back in" moment for a little bit, but gently, don't force it. Be happy when you "come back "to yourself and start paying attention again. Do not be frustrated when you lose attention/mindfulness, as it is normal. It's OK to have "maximum effort" days once in a while, but not all the time, you don't want to burn out. Generally, one of the key words in LD practice is "balance," finding the balance that works for you.
Ah, yes. I'm trying to keep things balanced. They're usually down to the hill or just exceptionally high. Things are getting more balanced now. Thanks for your advice in this case also. Improvise!

Quote Originally Posted by FryingMan View Post
Yes, really! You know who wants to cry? "Someone" (to remain unnamed me) discovering something as awesome as lucid dreaming only when he's in his late 40's. Oh, all the wasted years. You're the lucky one, you get to have a life full of amazing awesome dreams every single night. Just don't give up, keep building your skills consistently over time, spend some effort every day, and the rewards will be huge.
Still, not a thing people around me would believe or such. Anyways, I'm glad I've my private adventurous journey. (This eventually becomes interesting point for my life. I've been living with boredom for long time already.)

Time to copy-paste the progress!
Quote Originally Posted by AquaBlitz11 View Post
As for last night's progress, I can finally recall some dreams again after 2-3 days of low/no recalls. Also, I'm finally able to recall a dream before my natural awakening at 3 AM. Length is not too satisfying yet, but I believe this is great sign. Anything could be looked upon, here. (Sadly, I haven't made any uses of my physical dream journal since a dream before Fabricated World.) Gonna recall more tonight!