I try to stay positive and think about possibilties, it hasn't been proven impossible right,
So last night was @ night 12 of trying to wild in evening, and HH which had previously only been colours and lines turned into real images and places, was a dragon and then a wooden floor with tables a ship i think, so i am making some progress.
just for fun
Last job i had went bankrupt back in 2012, so now the company that bought them is called DREAMWORK haha, might be why i am working so hard with my dreams, miss my job and colleagues .
also i saw the wmu is hiring (from previous post) the post is faculty assistent something in my general field but i'm not really qualified, i think i should apply anyway just for fun, although that means i have to write a new cv in english, if i get a interview i will say i had a dream about you haha. At least i am getting an idea what i want to be doing.
for a few months i was having lots of dreams, was pregnant went to doctor checkups, friends were preg etc, the other night finally a baby boy was born was a bit bloody and complicated but ok guess i am ready for a new idea :-)