Welcome to the DILD workbooks LucidCamostar34! It sounds like you are off to a good start and you definitely can achieve the goal of 1-3 a week, with the appropriate effort. For MILD, what you might want to consider is to start with the mantras before moving to visualization, but I do think the visualization part is the more powerful of the the two. If you can work in both mantra and visualization, as in traditional MILD, that improves your odds. MILD is typically used to achieve DILDs. To help you as best as I can, could you explain what you mean by "Right now, I use the MILD technique. And one time I did a DILD." You may be categorizing your 10 LDs listed in your lucid count as 9 MILDs and 1 DILD which I personally don't mind at all. I just wanted to point out that when you are discussing what type of lucid dream you had as opposed to the type of technique you used, that most of us on DV would just say "10 DILDs, mostly through the MILD technique" unless some of them were WILDs or DEILDs (then it could be 8 DILDs, 1 WILD, and 1 DEILD, for example). 10 LDs of any type really is a good start.
I currently alternate between MILD and SSILD techniques myself (usually using each separately on different nights, though I have combined them) both of which produce a bunch of DILDs for me. I sometimes get a WILD doing SSILD (though mostly DILDs) and I want to get back to going after DEILDs, which are a form of WILD.