My normal and most practiced method of becoming lucid is DILDS but recently I've been experiencing more WILDS/DEILDS. I tend to experience these within my last hour of sleep as I often drift in and out of consciousness; and as my dog takes it as his duty to bark at every possible noise he hears in the outside world that wakes me up constantly as well.

My problem is I seem to struggle stabilizing when it comes to WILDS in ways that seem easier for me during DILDS. Normally when I become conscious via DILD my awareness and the vividness of the dream increases immensely and my level of control fluctuates. Sometimes I can do anything and other times I can do nothing. However the majority of the time I can use standard stabilising techniques and can keep quite a good hold on the dream but on average they only last about 2 minutes.

With WILDS the dream feels very different. I go into it quite blurry and it takes a long time for an image to form. My awareness is pretty good but I feel very groggy and tired and often don't pay attention to things. The nature of the dream is quite surreal and not structured, very much like a standard non-lucid, and my level of control is very poor. The only upside to it is I can stay in these dreams for much longer and I don't have to put as much effort in to stay conscious.

So far, for me, DILDS are the most vivid and with the initial spark of awareness I can achieve quite a lot in the dream but it comes to an end all too soon. WILDS/DEILDS definitely feel better as that transition from being awake into a dream is a great feeling and despite being less vivid than my DILDS they somehow feel more real. So I want to get better at stabilising WILDS but nothing I do seems to work. I focus on my hands or rub them together or I shout out things such as "increase clarity" but generally everything is blurry and hard to control.

I can only thinks it's because when I enter into the dream I'm far too tired and don't have as much conscious awareness as I would like. I've tried to wake myself up more during WILDS but then I can't get back to bed.

Anyway any tips and advice is welcome. Thanks.