So I have finally noticed that I may have a dream sign. My mom (who is dead) is in about 8/10 of my dreams for the past six months. In a every dream thus far I always believe she is really alive (however in most she is sick and sometimes it's like I know she is going to be dead soon, and some she is perfectly fine). I have a few question though, I don't know whether I should focus on making her my dream symbol, one reason is because in some dreams she offers wisdom and I wake up really thinking about what she said. Another is that for awhile I get to be with my Mom thinking she's really alive and it's really nice, even though I have to wake up and realize she's not. The last reason is (and depending on your view of lucid dreaming) I tend to think that sometimes these dream characters are more than just my subconscious. And even if they are I would feel bad to wake up (in my dream) and have to tell her that she's already dead. (I know that sounds crazy!) So I'm just looking for some advice, do you think I should try to make her my dream symbol or just keep it as is? Thanks for reading and any answers!