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    Thread: What is the most DRAMATIC way to boost dream recall?

    1. #1
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      Question What is the most DRAMATIC way to boost dream recall?

      Well, I have been inactive for a while now. I just got done with school and now I have all of summer to lucid dream!

      So, with that being said I would like to know the fastest way to improve dream recall. I know about dream journaling and I have been able to get my recall to about 6 dreams remembered per week. But, I would like to get to 12 per week. 12 per week is a crazy goal but I would like to achieve it before summers end. So my questions are:

      - What is the fastest way to improve dream recall?
      - Is my goal of 12 dreams per week by the end of summer do able?
      - How much should I write down in my journal per dream?

      Thank you so much!


    2. #2
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      I don't really think there's any fast way or "magic technique" to improve dream recall. As long as you are consistent and put effort into journaling your dreams every night, you'll naturally get better at it. Being that it's quantitative, the more you try to journal them the better. Also, WBTB can also help as a booster. It can serve as a "halfway point" through the night. Meaning, instead of waking up after your normal time and recalling all the dreams of that sleep time, you'll recall your dreams halfway through and recall the other dreams on the other half. This will inevitably improve your ability to recall dreams, even if you don't do it consistently. MILD can help too, and though it's generally used to aid in gaining lucidity, it can also be used to improve the chances of waking up through the night and recalling your dreams. And both of these techniques have the added effect of increasing chances of lucidity, which is great as well.

      As for your goal, anything is possible if you believe .

      You should write down as much as you're able to remember in your dream journal. But you don't have to necessary write them in chronological order. Sometimes you're not even able to recall them in the exact order it happened anyway, so why bother? Just write whatever events happened and that'll be fine. If there's a lot to write down, whether it be the amount of dreams recalled or the amount of detail, don't bother with the detail and even write it in bullet form if you like. For an example:

      - There was a guy in a car driving down a very muddy road. I was watching him from a bird's eye point of view.
      - The guy slipped and his car crashed on the side. Many people came to see him.
      - Scene changed and I was with my family in a house I don't know in waking life.
      - A person riding a giant eagle came crashing through the window. Everyone was surprised.

      So on and so forth. I wish you good luck on your goal of 12 dreams per week! Sweet (recalled) dreams..
      Sageous, sscheaper, Eamo24 and 1 others like this.
      Just a scared old llama on the outside planning to dominate these forums...

      Don't you dare defy me!
      Note: I'm big on grammar, you won't see one error coming out of me!

    3. #3
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      -Make dream recall important. The more important something is, the easier it is to remember. If you want to be DRAMATIC, you could set healthy punishments for yourself if you don't achieve your goal on a given night (No processed food, no electronics, x# of pushups, ect.)

      -12 dreams per week by the end of summer is very doable.

      -Write down as much as you want to remember from the dream. The dream journal is there to make dream recall important to you, transfer details of your dreams to long term memory, and to find dreams signs to aid lucidity.
      Sensei and sscheaper like this.

    4. #4
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      Quote Originally Posted by ParanoidLlama View Post
      I don't really think there's any fast way or "magic technique" to improve dream recall. As long as you are consistent and put effort into journaling your dreams every night, you'll naturally get better at it. Being that it's quantitative, the more you try to journal them the better. Also, WBTB can also help as a booster. It can serve as a "halfway point" through the night. Meaning, instead of waking up after your normal time and recalling all the dreams of that sleep time, you'll recall your dreams halfway through and recall the other dreams on the other half. This will inevitably improve your ability to recall dreams, even if you don't do it consistently. MILD can help too, and though it's generally used to aid in gaining lucidity, it can also be used to improve the chances of waking up through the night and recalling your dreams. And both of these techniques have the added effect of increasing chances of lucidity, which is great as well.

      As for your goal, anything is possible if you believe .

      You should write down as much as you're able to remember in your dream journal. But you don't have to necessary write them in chronological order. Sometimes you're not even able to recall them in the exact order it happened anyway, so why bother? Just write whatever events happened and that'll be fine. If there's a lot to write down, whether it be the amount of dreams recalled or the amount of detail, don't bother with the detail and even write it in bullet form if you like. For an example:

      - There was a guy in a car driving down a very muddy road. I was watching him from a bird's eye point of view.
      - The guy slipped and his car crashed on the side. Many people came to see him.
      - Scene changed and I was with my family in a house I don't know in waking life.
      - A person riding a giant eagle came crashing through the window. Everyone was surprised.

      So on and so forth. I wish you good luck on your goal of 12 dreams per week! Sweet (recalled) dreams..
      Thank you for the detailed response! This answered my questions completely.

    5. #5
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      Thank you for the response! Much appreciated.

    6. #6
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      You have some good advice here. My biggest advice from me is that Micro-WBTBs are the best things that I have ever found for dream recall.

      I think that it is important not to think of it as a project (like how can I change dramatically), but think of it like a process. Don't think of it like "What can I do today for lucid dreaming?", but "What can I do every day for lucid dreaming?". Not "What changes can I make in the next few months to be amazing?" (though goals like that are really good) but "What changes can I make today that I will be able to continue doing every day from now on?"

      This also isn't to say that everything that you do has to be a daily thing, but the majority of your work should be a day to day basis.

      Think of it like working out. People always try this "30 day", "60 day", and "90 day" work out programs, and if you continue to do that program it will work, but in order to actually make a change in your life, you must change "who you are" I was raised to eat a little healthier than most and to be active every day (by parents that ate a little healthier and were active every day) and people keep saying that I am going to gain a bunch of weight some day because the only reason I am skinny is because I am young. But by the time most people were my age (24) they usually have destroyed their metabolism. Not because of a project (I honestly hate working out, but love all sports), but because of who I am.

      This is the same with naturals. They started a small change when they were young, and it became a part of them,.

      So when deciding what to do with recall and lucidity practice, make lasting changes. The most dramatic thing that you can do is to continue practicing it forever!!! haha.

      This doesn't mean that you can't take a night or a day off, but the majority of the time, this is what you do, and this is how you do it.

    7. #7
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      Yea I agree Micro WBTB's (and dream journaling) are the best ways I have found and I've had 13 dreams (1 Lucid) in the last 7 days so 12 is definitely doable. FryingMan has 20+ a week as do some others here I'm sure. As far as how detailed to get... I don't know personally what makes a difference. I don't like to spend forever writing details unless the dream was pretty spectacular... Like this morning I spent like 45 minutes writing one dream (because it was awesome), but many dreams are like 5-10 minutes of writing. I'm sure being more detailed helps in some way shape or form, but I don't think it's something you have to go crazy with unless you want to.
      sscheaper likes this.

    8. #8
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      Thank you for the excellent replys! I look forward to trying the micro WBTB's and changing the way I journal!
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    9. #9
      Lurker Firetrapped's Avatar
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      I find it difficult to remember anything from my dreams when I have to wake up for school or other things. A lot of the time I could go an entire week without a single memory. So, just having that time set out and not being under the same pressure may help you remember your dreams 10x easier. Just remember to write them down!

    10. #10
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      I agree with Firetrapped, make sure you write your dreams down as soon as possible! I went for a week or so's period of remembering a few dreams per night, but due to thinking 'Oh, I'll just remember this later and write it later', I forgot about what my dream was, and by the end of the week, my recall was severely impaired. Even if you don't recall any dreams, always write in your journal for that day, even if it's only to say 'I didn't remember any dreams today'!

      Also, at my best time in terms of my LDing skill (I came back a month ago), I was remembering 3-4 dreams per night, so 12 per WEEK is certainly doable. When you achieve it, you can set yourself a higher target afterwards anyway, so it doesn't matter if you achieve 12 per week significantly earlier than the end of summer!

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