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      Similar to yesterday, I don't remember waking up at 4:30 even though I did and I don't remember anything. When I first woke up I was very close to remembering something but couldn't quite remember it. In first period I was starting to doze in class and was able to remember the dream but when I lifted my head again I forgot it again.

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      I havn't worked on the app since monday. I am having a frustrating time with it cuz im not very good with adobe flash and there isn't much documentation or tutorials on how to use it to make iphone stuff. I might try and look at some of the few windows programs that are specificly designed for iphone. or maby I should just buy a mac.

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      It was a 2 hour delay again and I remember waking up at 3:00 and remember a dream. I fell back to sleep though and didnt write it down. At 6:00 I couldnt remember the dream anymore and went back to sleep. When I got up at 8:30 I remembered one dream vaugly and a lot of fragments. In some of them I was semi lucid and messin around with my friend Garret and sometimes controling things in the dream. The only part I remember now is the last dream I had.

      exploding jet pack (Non-lucid)


      I barly remember this anymore. Me and Garret were in this building and we were messing around. He had a jet pack of some kind and the building was tall and narrow with a central shaft going up to the top. He used the jetpack to fly up to the top and I went too. It malfuncioned and a self destruct timer was counting down. I told everone in the room to get out, its guna explode but they didn't believe me at first. I was able to convince them and we floated down the shaft. (as if it was a water ladder from minecraft). We ran out of the building and I dived dramiticly as the building exploded like in the movies. I think I was semi lucid. The dream skiped (I think or maby I just forgot waht happened next) and we were in my backyard. There were two kids playing with toy machine guns. They started play shooting at me so I did acrobatics to dodge their invisible bullets. I got closer and disarmed one of them and kicke him over (without hurting him) and then aimed his gun at him and said bang bang. I had to get away from the other one so I backed up and "shot" at him. I imagined i got hit in the sholder and one of them pantomimed a bazooka. I said get down and I takled Garret.

    4. #279
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      again in a bit of a recal dry spell. O well its the weekend so it dosnt matter.


      woke up at 3:00 am sort of remembered a dream but it was really confusing. I wrote down some notes and cant remember it any more. At 4:30 I had the choce between trying MILD or WILD or trying to get as much rest as posible before I got up. I was really tired so I decided the later. I didnt remember any dreams after that I dont think.

    5. #280
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      I had two lucids last night. In one of them I met waking nomad for the first time even if he was a dream character. In the other I had a lot of fun defeating a zelda ice temple and beat the final boss. I can't type my journal until like 10:00pm because my neice and nephue are here.

    6. #281
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      Sorry guys I lost internet connection last night so I couldnt post my dreams but I did type them. My internet connection is obviously working again and my neice and nephew went home. I can't type todays journals right now though cuz I have some homework to do first.


      Meeting Waking Nomad (DILD)


      I sort of want to type this quick cuz its 12:00 pm and I want to go to sleep.

      I was at my house and I dont know exactly what was going on. My sister was on het laptop and downloading a whole bunch of files from random sites. They were all very obviously viruses to me and her moniter was getting filled with windows. I said what are you doing those are viruses stop clicking them! She acted really stupid and I forgot what she said but she said it like she was retarded.

      Eh the dream changed or something and I went out into this castle. There were ghosts and stuff and I did something that caused the castle to collapse. I ran outside and cheared and did the skull kid dance (from zelda) I went back to were the castle was and there were several churches there now. I saw two of the ghosts walking around. They were twins and they were midgets. No body saw them but me. I said hi guys and they looked at eachother in disbeliefe that I could hear and see them.

      I went into a resteraunt and very slowly became lucid. It was a very large resteraunt and filled with tons of DCs. It looked sort of like a log cabon on the inside. I walked around and looked at all the prety girls and then tried to find my dream guide.
      Then I was like, wait a second wtf im lucid? I was afraid that I would destabilize and sure enough I did although it was probably placebo. I grabed one of the waiters shirts and that helped bring things back into focus. I knew I needed to find my DG and I wondered how I could do it. I know! I should ask these DCs were she is but stupid DCs are usualy unreliable so I will ask the intire group at once to increase my odds.

      I went to the front of the resuraunt and prepared for mass DC mind control. I then shouted HEY DCs! Everyone stand up! All of them looked at me but do anything. It was harder to control them in a group. I got a few of the weaker minded ones to stand up first and then the otherones were more willing. I moved my hands in an upward motion and all of them were on their feet. I then said "now everone clear your mind (probably not to hard) and focus your minds on my dream guide! Try and figure out were she is!" I heard another voice talking to the crowd also. It sounded like Waking Nomad! He was encouraging them and giving them tips on how to telepathicly find my dream guide. I noticed one person in the crowd that was not standing. He was wereing a black shirt and was sort of skiny. I walked over to him and said "Hey, are you Waking Nomad?" He said "Yes, watsup man?" and we shook hands. He looked like Waking Nomad but he had short hair. He was wearing a pair of sun glasses but they wernt tinted enough to keep me from seeing his eyes. For some reason he had another pair of glasses on a string around his neck. They were thos funny glasses that look like they have eyes painted on the front.

      I thought that was prety weird but didnt ask him about it. He stood up and we went into the crowd and asked the DCs if they knew were my dream guide was. They all started saying different random things. The only one I could make out was mithril armor. They were all stupid DCs and probably no help to me. I sort of destabilized a bit and would have listend to the DCs more if it wasnt for that. Me and Nomad left the group out into an open part of the room and I asked him if he knew were she might be. He said "just forget about her, I need you to help me anyways" or something like that. I don't know what he needed me to help me with though. I was loosing lucidity. I saw a couple of guys who were giving us funny looks. We were leaving the building but they got between us and the door. I didn't feel like waiting for them to attack so I punched one of them in the face. We then got in a brawl with them. I tried to make a ball of electricity to strike them with but foun I couldnt use dream powers.
      Thats when I basicly lost all lucidity. I didnt really need dream powers though. I was kicking the guys asses pretty easily with the help of Nomad although Nomad wasnt using powers either. I looked over at him and realized he wasn't Nomad anymore but a random DC. I was having no problem taking all of them on but then two women came up with shotguns and pointed them at me. I put my hands up and surendered. They handed the guys I was fighting battons with shotgun shells on the end so if you hit someone with them they would fire into them. One of them said I wana slam this into his head and kicked me onto the ground. He kept me on the ground with his foot and luckily the women kept him from killing me. I then woke up.

      Zelda Ice Dungeon (MILD)


      The beggining of the dream is more fuzzy. Basicly I was with some kind of talking dog that reminds me of Pakkun from Naruto. I was sort of lucid but not quite. We did some stuff I cant rememeber and we prank called a pizza place. lol

      The dream changed a bit and I was more lucid. I was in a zelda dungeon and it looked to be an ice themed one. It was just like playing the game but still like I was actualy there myself like in a normal lucid. When I did things sometimes I could imagine and feel myself hitting the buttons on a controller but still feel my body in the dream. Also it seems some parts were in third person while many were first person.

      I thought it was really awesome. I don't think I had a sword at the beggining and I don't remember what items I had. The dog came with me and helped me. I went into one of the chambers on the left and there was a largish room and the floor was made out of slippery ice. Metal bars slid down on the intrance I came in and the exit on the right side of the room. and had to fight a mini boss. It was sort of hard. It was a giant turtle and it would go inside its shell and slide at me forcing me to dodge it. The dog sat on a ledge outside the ice arena and cheared me on. I can't remember how I beat him but I did and won the ability to summon a epic ice dragon that would fly around and kill enemys. I asigned it to down and just had to imagine hiting the down button to summon it.

      I went into the next room and used it to kill all the enemys in the room. The next room after that had a bridge and a white cloud making a ring and spinning around the bridge. Im not guna act like this part isnt fuzzy and say anything between here and nearer to the end of the dream may not be perfectly acurate. The room was connected to the one I sarted on. That door was now unlocked but the door on the other side of the bridge was covered by bars. I realized that I could use my dragon to get the clouds so I hit down and the dragon flew in a circle and got rid of the cloud. That caused the bars to go away but bars came up on the other entrances. I went into the next room.

      There was a bunch of stone cubes and some of them would fall into the deep pit underneath. I cant remember the exact mechanics of this room but it was definitly minecraft inspired.

      After that I fought the dungeon boss and defeated him. Regretably I can't remember this part of the dream but I won the master sword!

      I walked back through the dungeon to the room with the cloud which was now back. I went into the first room and then decided I wanted to use my dragon on the cloud again cuz it looked cool. The dragon got the cloud but then I relized I was still on the other side of the door and when the dragon got the cloud the steel bars went back up again. GRRR now I cant go back and the dragon is stuck in there! I went back to the left to go around back to the room but had to fight the mini boss again. This time I remember it better. This time I would dash out of the way and then slash his tale or head when he crashed into the wall. It was taking a lot of hits and I saw in my HUD that I was running out of hearts. I called apon a pokemon (I think squirtle) to help me. (I had been doing this and other types of hacks throught the dream but no longer remember the other instances) I started to wake up but stabilized myself in time. I realized I had a jetpack item and flew up in the air. I imagined that if I dashed down it would do quite a bit of damage so I flew abouv the turtle. I had only one heart left. He slid and stoped spinning and poked his head out and right then I flew downward to try and crush him but the instsnt before I hit everything faded to black and I woke up.

    7. #282
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      I've always wanted to beat a Zelda-like dungeon while lucid !
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    8. #283
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      Quote Originally Posted by AndresLD View Post
      I've always wanted to beat a Zelda-like dungeon while lucid !
      You should try it sometime. It was really really fun!

    9. #284
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      I will if I ever become lucid again =/. Only one lucid dream in february, and all I remembered about it was doing a RC. I'm trying to figure out how to ask my dad if I can buy a REM Dreamer, but I can't come up with anything xP
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    10. #285
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      oh and i forgot to mention! The ice dragon looked a lot like this but ice instead of pink crystal. It was pretty epic! I want to try and summon it in another lucid!

    11. #286
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      wasnt able to update yet but theres not much to mention because I didnt remember any full dreams.


      IDK what happened. I woke up at 3:00 I think and didnt remember anything I remember waking up at like 6:30 and almost got a WILD. I wasnt trying specificly for WILD I think but just became aware while I was almost asleep. I maintained my concousnes in a ball with no body and wated for a dream. A dream started to form but I tried to look around to early and it caused me to fail, either wake up or loose the WILD. I got up at 9:00 instead of 11:00 because I wanted to spend the time with my niece and nephue before they left.


      I went to sleep at 12:30 so I didnt turn my alarms on on purpose so I might not be as tired when I got up. I didnt remember any dreams but I was probably just as tired.

    12. #287
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      That'd be awesome if you could summon that dragon at will x)!
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    13. #288
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      Quote Originally Posted by AndresLD View Post
      That'd be awesome if you could summon that dragon at will x)!
      I think I should be able to if I try and use Mzzkz's archetypal control properly. That is something I need to practice and this dragon is a perfect thing to test it on. Ive always wanted a dream dragon!


      WTF I am still in a recal dry spell and didnt remember anything. :I

    14. #289
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      Dragons can make for interesting friends.

      Good luck coming out of the dry spell. It happens, but you'll be churning out dreams at full throttle again in no time!
      Nephanim Nocturn ~ The Verse awaits...

      I grant you permission to dream with me.

    15. #290
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      Quote Originally Posted by Nephanim View Post
      Dragons can make for interesting friends.

      Good luck coming out of the dry spell. It happens, but you'll be churning out dreams at full throttle again in no time!
      Ya I am only having a dry spell cuz of laziness and could get it back in one night if I tried. Luckily my recall dry spells dont usualy effect my ability to get lucids on the weekends by much.

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      at least you've been lucid lately =/
      man I think I'll definitely have to try something new. Maybe your DEILD alarm will work x)!
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      Quote Originally Posted by AndresLD View Post
      at least you've been lucid lately =/
      man I think I'll definitely have to try something new. Maybe your DEILD alarm will work x)!
      If I can find the time and patience to program it

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      haha alright , I'm not trying to push you. Hey, I'm taking a one-week break from lucid dreaming, starting tomorrow.
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    19. #294
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      Quote Originally Posted by AndresLD View Post
      haha alright , I'm not trying to push you. Hey, I'm taking a one-week break from lucid dreaming, starting tomorrow.
      Its all right I really want it done asap too.

      Maby your break will give you a lucid. That seems to happen to people often.


      thats right, no recall again. At one point though I suddenly became very aware that I was sleeping, but not that I was dreaming. I was very tired so I tried to make sure that I got the most rest out of it as I could. Didnt think about lucid dreaming at all.
      Last edited by MadMonkey; 03-03-2011 at 07:34 AM.

    20. #295
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      omg havnt updated in a long time! I havnt had any full dreams since the the 27th of last month. Damn dry spells! I wasnt able to post yesterday because I went out of town to another karate seminar with the head of my federation. I didnt post the day before that because I was lazy.


      who knows lol


      A zombie dream in which I was semi lucid. I was the leader of a group of survivors. I didnt hesitate to jump out of 5 story buildings to get away from the zombies because I knew I wouldnt get hurt. I wish I could remember more of the dream.


      Because of my recall dry spell this lucid is hard to remember. I actualy met Nephanim in it!

      Nrphanim (DILD)


      I was lucid and with some girl. I think the dream could have been minecraft themed. I ran into Nephanim and tried to tell him it was a dream. He started to wake up and disapeared but he came back. He said he needed a diamond pick axe and I told him that he could just summon it because it was a dream. He summoned a pick axe (though it was an iron one) out of then air and thanked me although he still wasnt lucid. I think the dream skipped or something.

      We were in a library that looks sort of like a library in minecraft. I was still trying to convince him it was a dream but he was getting frustrated with me.

      I went back to sleep and tried to lucid but failed. I had to get up at 9:00 to drive to the siminar.


      I had one fuzy lucid that was mostly semi lucid. I bairly remember it. I remember driving over a realy bumpy hilly road with my dad and it was in third person. The car was about to flip over on one of the bumps but I gave it a push with telekinesis and stoped it. my dad said that was realy close. At one point which was more lucid I remember flying and then growing dark bat like wings out of my back. I usualy dont do that because I dont need them to fly but I guess they look cool. I also remember a practily non lucid part with a crowd around a speaker or concert and there being cops.

      You know I think I should take a break from lucid dreaming too as long as everyone else is. I will just not set my alarm for a few days. I think the problem has been that I have been going to bed an hour later and that threw off my sleep schedual and I dont even remember getting up to turn off the alarm anymore. I will also give myself a more modist task to complete which usualy helps me get out of dry spells. Next time im lucid I will practice archetypal control and summon that ice dragon again.

    21. #296
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      Cool, you had a dream about me.

      I'm right with you on the alarms... That happened to me a couple of days last week, and I had to play around with my sleep schedule a little this weekend to fix it. Good luck readjusting and getting back into the flow of things! Your dragon's waiting!
      Nephanim Nocturn ~ The Verse awaits...

      I grant you permission to dream with me.

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      I remembered one dream but forgot i at school. I could also remember an erotic dream from sometime during the night that seemed semi lucid but I cant really remember anything else about it.


      I could remember the dream but unfortunatly the story is fragmented so I cant remember how the whole thing went which has been happening latly. There was a hotel and a girl and a guy and my sister. I thought the girl was kind of cute. Everyone in the hotel started taking pictures of us like paparazis. There was an earlier part of the dream that was different but had the same tone to it but I cant remember what I was doing in it.

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      I have seen a noticible improvment out of my dry spell though my recall is still not as high as I want it to be.

      I again didnt turn on any alarms and woke up out of a dream at 6:10 am. It seemed like a very strange time to wake up because It felt like earlier in the night and I only had 10 minuites before I got up for school, so I did a reality check, otherewise I expect I could have gotten an easy but short DEILD. After moving I wasnt able to DEILD but I was able to go back into the dream were I left off to enjoy it. Even though it wasnt a lucid it felt refreshing to remember a fun dream. I wrote the dream down at school and I will type the dream out tomarow.


      WOOT, got another 2 hour delay so I ended my break from using my alarm. When I woke up at 6:00 I remembered a dream. For some reason I thought I would be able to rmember it when I got up. (Of corse when I got up at 8:30 I completly forgot it.) I MILDED and my plan was to summon my dragon and do the task of the month if I can.

      The Green Moon (MILD)


      I was with some friends outside looking at the stars. The moon was especialy large in the sky and we were marvling at it. I noticed some strange yellow tint that was coming to it spreading from the center. I pointed it out to the other people. It reminded me of the moon from the dream I had yesterday (lol oh yeah I havnt typed it yet) and it made me lucid. The yellow coloration turned to green and spread further and the craters started to fill up with blue. I realized that the green was plant life and the blue was water. The water formed into oceans and the green and land into continents. It actualy looked like I was on the moon looking at the earth. It was sort of a magnificent way to become lucid. I felt like I was percieving Nomads green moon for the first time. I wanted to fly up there and check it out. Maby I could find Nomad.

      I took off and flew out into space. It didnt take long at all for me to get their. As I got closer I realized that everything was made out of cubes. It was a Minecraft world! I was let the gravity take me the rest of the way. I let my body go lip and made a crator when I hit the ground but it didnt hurt at all. I saw a big minecraft style tree house sticking out of a large cliff face nearby. I climbed up and hear people in a glass room near the top. I climbed up to it and saw through the glass floor 3 karateka in gees with black belts. One was a giving camands to the other who were doing kata. I broke a whole in the glass and jumped up and refilled the whole. I bowed and said helo sensie. He bowed back and I asked him if Nomad was here. He said no, he is away right now. I said oh, do you know were my dream guide is? The witch. He looked like he was reminising old memories and said he hadn't seen her in a long time. I tried to remember my other goals but couldn't remember them no mater how hard I tried.

      The sensie started to show my a diagram on a chalk board and I woke up. I DEILDed back into the dream but was less lucid. I was in the same minecraft world and it was some one elses server. One of the operators told me to work on this leaf sculpture at the top of the cliff trea house. He was working on a big elaberate structure but it was leaning to one side. He said that each block has phyisics that move it in local space so if a structure is not strong enough it will lean or even fall. I was suprised that the blocks had phyisics in local space and tested it out. One of my friends loged and when he poped up I punched him which nocked him off the tree house. Then I got banned.

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      I'm back ! however I don't have time to write a dream right now, I'll write it later, it was about Angel!
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      Quote Originally Posted by AndresLD View Post
      I'm back ! however I don't have time to write a dream right now, I'll write it later, it was about Angel!

      also I forgot to mention that the Karate sensie in the last dream is very similar to that Karate sensie who trained me in a dream a while back.


      I took one last day off my alarm and when I was laying half asleep before I got up for school I could remember two whole dreams but I could feel that as soon as I got up I would forget them. I tried hard to memorize them but when my mom made me get out of bed they disapeared.

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      Last Post: 07-27-2010, 11:58 PM


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