Here are a few statements to help / hinder this subject.

Terror is caused by countries that the USA has invaded, or are sucking the recorces from. ( Y / N )
Jealousy over American freedom is the worst reason any fool ever made up as an excuse for bombings. ( Y / N )

Take a hint from another part of the world
There are arab leaders that accept the oils is running out.
They are now spending their trillions on making their country the most popular destination in the world.
They are building islands that represent the world, and selling them off to very wealthy investors for billions of dollars.
Building the tallest buildings in the world.
Best of everything that money can buy.
When their 'oil money' dries up, they will not be invading other countries for their upkeep.

America should put a few extra billion dollars into alternative energy sources.
Then you would have no reason to send your young army recruits to their deaths in oil supplying nations.
The cost of war to the USA is so massive, that it vastly outstrips what the money could do at home.
How much does war cost America each year ? in lives, and dollars, and retribution
I will let others answer that one.

Somehow, the greatest nation on the face of the earth, has started to fall down.
It is up to you lot to put it back on its feet. If not, your Civil Liberties, and your freedom will soon be gone.
Chatting about it on a Dream Forum may not be the best way forward, but it is a start.