So I just want to ask what people think about drugs.

This is a question open to any answer you want to give!

"It is bad!!!! and it hurts you!"
"It is awesome duuuuude! Here I have some!"
"Drugs are a doorway to a greater consciousness, you should take some."
"Drugs are a chemical break down in the brain that cause hallucinations or pleasant feelings"
"Drugs let you see spirits harshiwashiwiiizlybop!"

Now, i'm interested in seeing what you all think, I might not respond, but thats ok, your points are still valid, well, if they are valid they are valid =).

I'm sure a post like this has been created before, but wheres the fun in reading OLD points that will simple be addressed here again? I bet you next year there will be another and another, aww, isn't it cute how we all recycle old ideas?

On a side note, last night I tried marijuana in a lucid dream...Know whats funny? It was good lol, after taking it I got PARANOID Ahh, I know too cute right? I used my powers to seal the windows and it got dark in the room. I then created a little black light, but the neat thing was it turned out to be one of the caladoscopy looking things, and everywhere you specificly looked the light pattern would follow, it was fun for sure!