Well you have a point, but I never said men were all pigs, I said many men are, and I guess women and people like me who are quite effeminate take it personal, put yourself in a woman's shoes and read this thread and tell me you won't take it personal, thats impossible to me. Most of this thread ive seen some jabs taken at women, which are really shallow and immature, of course we're gonna take it serious.

If I go out in public and state all straight men should be castrated, would you take it personal? damn right you would. You see, men have a tough time empathizing with women, and that's your problem, you guys lack empathy.

Put yourselves in a woman's position for 1 week, and your perspective on feminism or chovanism will drastically change.

I guess the reason I take this so personal, is cause im trying my best to be a woman myself lol....

But honestly, if you want to maturely participate in this arguement, dress as a woman (if you can pass as one) for ONE DAY, and report to us how you are treated by various men.