there is news spreading on the internet that on october 14, 2008 - we will have first contact. A large alien vessel, as larger than ever before will be in plain view - travel across the states *im assuming they mean US states here* and be visible - for days. Around three. Giving the media, the average man, and the rest of humanity all the evidence it needs to believe in UFOS, and forcing the US government once and for all to - disclose

sounds like a dream?

where is the news coming from?

. . . a source most people mistrust. new age channelers. a handful of them as far as I can tell are all saying the same story. aliens - disclosure- october - 2008. thats only a month away!!

this will either be

1. history that will change the world
2. or make alien-new-age, which has its entire credibility on the line, history

its not just, the new agers who are saying "ALIENS IN OCTOBER!!", but also the web bot project, according to some, has alluded to UFOs.

the web bot project, I am new to. basically if you haven't heard of them, these little internet robots collect patterns from the human language that indicate a change in the sum of human consciousness. originally created to predict stock market trends, the creators now believe it can predict the future. riding on the idea that the human mind can either tap into the future - or that our thoughts manifest. thus, the sum of human consciousness is creating the future.

well, according to the web bot project - big things for october

" The Web Bots see September 22-27, 2008 as precursor dates to the main turning point date of October 7, 2008. Closely watch events during September 22-27, 2008 for hints as to what to expect on October 7, 2008.

Cliff said whenever "it" happens, and whatever "it" turns out to be, "it" will be a date in history you remember like 9/11, we will remember 10/7.

The Web Bots foresee that October 7, 2008 to February 19, 2008 will be filled with emotional intensity, and the length of the release period will be extraordinary. The Web Bots have never picked up any event lasting this long. In comparison, 9/11 length lasted about 10 days. This event will be four months of high emotion."

of course, like the new age source, the idea of technology predicting the future based on patterns in the human language - has some people screaming BS

what happens if nothing..happens?

everyone will laugh at the new age channelers, and the entire new age area will once again be thought of as out of touch with reality - or even satanic

but what if they are right?

actual, disclosure, only a month away? can you taste it?

the channelers say, the aliens come in peace and in love. however, another new age channeler warned against the first contact, warning that the first aliens to come only pretend to come in love and peace. their real objective is to manipulate humanity, not that we aren't being manipulated already! I mean, who can trust the media? the aliens that are first to come, according to this idealogy - are no different than the power elite on earth.

ultimately, it was a warning against any alien race that would say "ill save you humanity!!" because humanity needs to learn to save itself, which, I agree in all honesty

so, what are your thoughts?

how do you feel if it does, or if it doesn't happen? does what happen make you feel different towards spirituality? *since the messages were channeled* would it change your life? how do you think it would change the world?

oh last thing, the new agers would also like to warn - that the American government would try to portray the aliens as evil and aggressive, but this is really just an excuse to build bigger and badder weapons.