*Moved thread to a more fitting place* |
Hi, |
Last edited by UToo; 04-25-2011 at 12:36 PM. Reason: Addition of sentence
*Moved thread to a more fitting place* |
Previous Lucid Task: Flying [X]
Next Lucid Task: Telekinesis [ ]
2012 - LD's: 17 | Dreams: 24 - Updated every now and then...
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Hi Matte87, |
4 dreams in one night |
Usually 1-3, depending on the stuff I did that day, |
Kitty says: "Achoo..!"
Disregarding dream fragments, I usually remember an average of one dream a night. But that is up from the one dream per month I was previously able to remember, so that's good. |
1-2 usually, plus a few fragments I can't really associate to any of them |
1-5 dreams nightly |
1 max 2 - the last one is more detailed and some dream fragments from earlier dreams |
Current goals: (long list!) [x] = completed [ ] = under testing / not completed
[ ] Have a Long and Vivid Lucid Dream, [ ] Transform into a dolphin / mermaid, [ ] Swim in the ocean / explore it, [ ] Try out magic, [x] Fly with my own wings, [ ] Travel to another planet, [ ] Explore space (planets, star clusters, galaxies, black holes), [ ] Meet my DG, [ ] Visit an expensive hotel, [ ] Visit older dreamscapes, [ ] Explore random dreamworlds (just enjoy and explore the dreamscape)
I averaged 3-4 a night for 3 months a while back. However, in the past month and half, I've recalled 3 dreams and 2 fragments. Feels bad man. |
Three dreams on average. |
on average 2-4 (not really an average but it varies due to time and other things) |
At the fork in the road I turned left while everyone else turned right..