A few weeks ago, I was at my boyfriends house and was finding it hard to sleep. Tossing and turning for ages, i drifted off but thought I was still awake. I imagined I had phoned my sister and asked her to pick me up because I couldn't sleep. She brought me to her house. I went to the bathroom and then the bedroom. I tried to turn on the light but it wouldn't work. Just then I heard a voice of a girl and it sounded as if it was coming through a baby moniter? Trien to listen, I got an overwhelming feeling of being drained of energy and feel face down on to the bed. Then i could feel someone or something pulling me out of bed and down the hall. I tried to scream for my sister but nothing came out. Then suddenly I woke up in my boyfriends house lien on my belly but I couldnt move. I was terrified and couldnt sleep for hours. Has this happened to anybody else or can anyone tell me what this is or what it means? It hasn't happened since but id love to know what caused it to happen..??