This only happened to me only once even though I see it happen to fictional characters on TV all the time. I fell asleep on the sitting room couch and had a dream. This was when I was young and all into super power.

The dream became lucid almost as soon as it started. It was like a real life version of the Mario Cart games only with bicycles. Since I realized it was a lucid dream I tried to shoot energy beams out of my hands to take out my opponents in this race. It was really fun. So I shot the guy to my right and blasted him off the road. Then with my left hand I shot at the guy to my 11 O'Clock. But then I couldn't stop the energy beam from coming out of my hand. It felt like electricity was shocking my left hand and forearm.

That's when I woke up and realized that I was sleeping on my left arm and it was half numb and half pins and needles. Didn't think much of it at the time, but thinking about it now it made me wonder what were other peoples experiences like this.

I'd like to hear similar stories from anyone who's willing to share.