I just started a youtube channel which should be run by some trustworthy members here on dreamviews. LucidDreamTutorials - YouTube

The goal of the channel is to inform and teach other people how to lucid dream, and hopefully spread the word. We can use the info and knowlage of this site and spread it around to the users who dont know about dreamviews or never lucid dreamed before.

I plan on having the directors make certain tutorials such as

Dream Recall
and a few other things. There will be dream control tutorials, stabilization and a few others.

I hope to make this a pretty successful and by the off chance we ever got a partnership i would let the dreamviews admins take over and hopefully use the cash to help the website.

Im looking for people who are smart in the subject, can make youtube videos, be active, maybe a gfx artist, and be able to commentate.

The commentaries can come in many forms such as a vlog, or maybe just you talking while showing some pictures.

Only a select few will have the account details, but most of the directors will send the video files to me.

If you would like to help please tell me or fill this out.

Can you make youtube videos:
What Can You Provide?:
Other Info:

Thanks for reading if you got here, i hope this channel will work out!