This is something that has been happening pretty much every LD that I have and it's starting to bug me. I think like 5 of my 6 lucids have been like this.

Generally when I get lucid, it's always in my bedroom. For example, yesterday I had a dream where I had a Nova goggle thing on (you know, the thing LaBerge made? My psychology teacher was telling me about it last week) and it told me I was going to dream soon, and it'll flash a light when I do, so I should be ready for that. Well I "fall asleep" find myself sitting in a dark plane, get the signal, return back to my room, and THEN become lucid.

The problem? Despite what I do, it feels as if I've just awoken from like super deep sleep and it's a struggle just to keep my eyes open. I knew 100% that I was lucid in my dream yesterday but to no avail. Couldn't even get out of my bed, let alone keep my eyes open.

Please. Help.