So I have been lucid dreaming for a few weeks now and had 2. I try to practice ADA as much as possible so I'm doing that. I also try to MILD.
First question is about ADA. If I walk my dog for about 15 min a day and practice ADA the entire time is that good enough. If not how can I do it more throughout the day.
Next question is about WILD. What is sleep paralysis like. And how noticeable is HI when it first begins. I can never tell if I'm in sleep paralysis or not. When I do finally move after like 20 minutes its kind of difficult and my entire body feels tired. Is this good?
Last question is about things happening in my dreams. It's happened a few times. For example I think in my dreams. Like the other night I had a dream where I was in class and had to go to the bathroom. Then all the sudden I was in my car driving. And I thought, how the hell did I get in here and why am I driving to go to the bathroom. Then I got out of the car and my friend Cassidy was doing a research project on lucid dreaming. Then I woke up.
Is this good? Is it because of the ADA or what? Also will this eventually progress into lucid dreams?
Another example is last night. I was at this girl lizzy's house and I was laying on the floor and I thought. I wonder if her ex boyfriend would get mad at me for being here.
Is this becuase of ADA or does this happen in most dreams regardless of practicing ADA.
