I have been lucid dreaming for a long time naturally but just started to work on doing it intentionally and researching about it. A common thing people tend to do is try to find their spirit guide. I am really kind of skeptical about that type of thing because I'm not big into any sort of supernatural stuff but I figured it wouldn't hurt to give it a try. I have tried to find my spirit guide on at least five different occasions and all of them have turned out poorly. The first time I called out for my spirit guide and this white and red alien looking being appeared. It was very ominous and definitely not my spirit guide. I have read all kinds of things about having an "instant connection" and feeling safe with your sprit guide. So I flew away from that one. The next few times I didn't have any luck. Then I asked a DC if she was my spirit guide and she said yes. She said her name was Marla. She didn't really give me any advice or anything when I asked her and I didn't feel any connection so I don't believe she is my spirit guide either. The last time I tried to find my spirit guide I asked a DC and his eyes turned yellow. Then an exact copy of him appeared. They said something like "you are capable of great evil"... then I smashed them together with my telekinesis cause they were freaking me out. I don't know what to think. Could these DC's really be demons or angels or spirit guides? and why does it always go poorly when I look for my spirit guide.