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    Thread: LD Reading Group [Download links to ALOT of books]

    1. #1
      Member MaxMeents's Avatar
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      LD Reading Group [Download links to ALOT of books]

      I feel like going back and reading books on lucid dreaming (and oneness study) since I'm taking the next year off from work to focus mainly on learning to WILD more quickly and improve the quality of my life through a change in thinking.

      * I suggest you download the pdf files before the links go dead (simply ctrl+s)
      * It is not illegal to download any of these files in this way, they were search results from google

      Amazon Rating out of 5 - Title
      4.7 - Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self (My favorite)
      4.8 - The Tibetan Yogas Of Dream And Sleep
      4.7 - Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming
      4.6 - Astral Dynamics: The Complete Book of Out-of-Body Experiences
      4.6 - Adventures Beyond the Body
      4.5 - Advanced Lucid Dreaming: The Power of Supplements
      4.4 - The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
      4.4 - DMT: The Spirit Molecule
      4.4 - Journeys Out of the Body
      4.3 - The Wheel Of Time: The Shamans Of Mexico Their Thoughts About Life Death And The Universe
      4.1 - Out of Body Experiences
      4.0 - The Art of Dreaming
      4.0 - Lucid Dreams in 30 Days
      3.9 - The Way of the Shaman
      The Art of Lucid Dreaming: A Manual

      Changing your view of reality
      The Bhagavad Gita
      4.6 - The Astonishing Power of Emotions: Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide
      4.5 - The Book of Secrets: Unlocking the Hidden Dimensions of Your Life
      4.4 - Autobiography of a Yogi

      Still adding more...

      What I would love to see...
      a group of people dedicated to learning as much as possible about everything related to lucid dreaming and to share the results of having read these books on a daily bases as well as opinions about what is being read

      simply post the book name and pages you read as well as anything new you learned, similar experiences you've had to what you read or simply you're favorite or most interesting part of what you read

      hope to see alot of you down to read some books
      Last edited by MaxMeents; 01-07-2013 at 07:57 PM.
      Trying to learn to WILD in 5 mins or less (Life's goal is to get it under a minute)

    2. #2
      USA gab is offline
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      Holy ... some awesome books. Thank you for the links. I have read 5 of these and looking forward to reading rest of them. Very exciting.

    3. #3
      Member MaxMeents's Avatar
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      well god damit! thank you for replying gab, this took me about 5 hours to do and I'm not so good with computers these days
      Trying to learn to WILD in 5 mins or less (Life's goal is to get it under a minute)

    4. #4
      lurking in the moon light
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      why thank you, good sir
      "ya have to believe in something that's invisible but if its staring you in the face, nope can't see it. There's a scientific explanation for that, your thick." -The Doctor

    5. #5
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      Thank you! I wanted to read some books on this stuff, but alas, the library didn't have any. Now I can!
      “Never forget that once upon a time, in an unguarded moment, you recognized yourself as a friend.”

    6. #6
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    7. #7
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      Good job,and thanks for intersting material and i am sure that lot of people will appreciate that even if they dont reply..Thanks again..

    8. #8
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      Lets see... 2!
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      Thanks! Cool books! I've wanted to read these!!!

    9. #9
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      This post deserves way more likes, it's very nice of you to post all these links. They for sure help me getting back to reading lucid dreaming material
      Quote Originally Posted by nito89 View Post
      Quote Originally Posted by zoth00 View Post
      You have to face lucid dreams as cooking:
      Stick it in the microwave and hope for the best?
      MMR (Mental Map Recall)- A whole new way of Recalling and Journaling your dreams
      Trying out MILD? This is how you become skilled at it.

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      I downloaded 5 or 6 of them. Thanks for the links. It is true, this post deserves a lot of likes

    11. #11
      daydreamer-nightdreamer Mr Sandman's Avatar
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      Last edited by Mr Sandman; 01-09-2013 at 08:40 AM.

    12. #12
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      Calm down! None of these books are (apparently) illegal! You Mr.Dramatic
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    13. #13
      daydreamer-nightdreamer Mr Sandman's Avatar
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      Last edited by Mr Sandman; 01-09-2013 at 08:41 AM.

    14. #14
      Beginner Miguelinileugim's Avatar
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      Well, others say that it is "sharing culture"...

      I don't agree with any side, the best way would be every author to publish their books for free and then get a compensation from the government or something...

      I mean, when you "steal" a copyrighted book, some of the readers won't buy the book, but in the other hand some of the readers may never read the book unless it is free, for example, I don't have any money nor paypal, but I would find useful some of those books, so in my case is fine.

      The problem is all the others who can pay for it now they won't.

      What's more important, culture or author's compensation? Actual copyright laws raise that dilemma.
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    15. #15
      daydreamer-nightdreamer Mr Sandman's Avatar
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      Last edited by Mr Sandman; 01-09-2013 at 08:41 AM.

    16. #16
      Beginner Miguelinileugim's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Mr Sandman View Post
      So you would prefer to have higher tax to pay for every author or aspiring author so that the Government can pay them a wage?

      And it is stealing not "stealing". The thing I find hilarious is if you were to spend your day at work, and someone were to come and rob you at gunpoint and take your days wage you would consider that stealing right? so how is it different if an author spends all day working on something and then you steal their wage?

      What is more important culture or an authors WAGE not compensation, wage... they are not being compensated, they WORKED to earn their money just like you or I.

      I'll tell you which is more important paying people for the work they do. Culture would vanish altogether if people didn't pay artists, authors, musicians to do the work. They would simply stop producing it, because they'd not be able to survive.

      It is not "sharing culture" it is "thieving culture" created by a bunch of selfish entitled idiots who think they have a right to everything for free without ever having to contribute anything themselves. Those same people are the first to moan if THEY dont get good money for the work THEY do. But when it comes to artists, musicians, authors and everyone else... well they should do things for FREE so the selfish children can live in a magical world where books, music and art just grows on trees.

      You don't have any money nor paypal... WELL THEN either GET A JOB and earn your way in the world OR don't expect OTHERS TO GIVE YOU FREE HANDOUTS and learn to live with not having things you cannot afford!

      Using your argument, I could just come steal your computer because "hey I dont have a computer like yours, or any money to buy it... so well, it's fine for me to steal yours"

      There is no dilemma. Theft is theft. And trying to blur the morals by vague ideas about governments paying authors is balls, sorry.
      Nothing in life is free, either you pay upfront, you pay by tax or someone else pays for you. In the case of stealing online it is the person who put the hard work into making the book/music/film etc. that is paying for you. And eventually people will just stop making these things, or the quality will go to hell because no one will want to throw their time and money away.
      Interesting argument, I can't say that I disagree with what you say, but I'm interested with your philosophy, could you answer this moral dilemma for me please? I want to find inconsistencies (Below)

      "Imagine a young student that wants to study medicine, he's not interested in money, just in helping people. Unfortunately he's very poor and thus he can't pay for his books. So, he meets a friend who says that he could give him all the books he needed for university for free in .pdf format, in exchange of nothing. Should that young student accept the books or not?"

      And please, no red herrings, answer first the dilemma, then you can say as many red herrings as you want
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    17. #17
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      Last edited by Mr Sandman; 01-09-2013 at 08:41 AM.

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      Can we keep the replies in topic? Just because the mods will lock or not lock this thread depending on DV own judgement/rules. Imo, this material is viewed as educational purpose and besides, no one is doing illegal things, all the OP is doing is providing links of articles published on the internet. It's not illegal to click on the links. Regarding the theft, I doubt many people don't have a illegal download on their computer at least once on their lives. Even your avatar picture could be copyrighted for all we know. And actually, lucid dreamer doesn't say anything about one's attitudes. Many of LaBerge's fame is due online people reading his book and viewing him as an idol on the subject.

      So if a moderator could settle this once and for all, and we could just appreciate the topic (either with or without the links), I'm sure everyone would appreciate it
      Last edited by zoth00; 01-08-2013 at 05:53 PM.
      Miguelinileugim likes this.
      Quote Originally Posted by nito89 View Post
      Quote Originally Posted by zoth00 View Post
      You have to face lucid dreams as cooking:
      Stick it in the microwave and hope for the best?
      MMR (Mental Map Recall)- A whole new way of Recalling and Journaling your dreams
      Trying out MILD? This is how you become skilled at it.

    19. #19
      USA gab is offline
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      We are looking into this.

    20. #20
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      Quote Originally Posted by Mr Sandman View Post
      Ok several answers.

      The young student could promise that he will buy all of these books to repay his debt to the authors from the very first wage he gets as a doctor.

      The student if he truly cared about helping people would not want to steal from the writers of the original text books, knowing that in doing so he is probably not the only person who would have to steal their books and in doing so would make it unlikely that those writers would be able to continue to share their knowledge. HE may become a doctor but he may stop others in the future from having that option, because such books would no longer exist to be stolen.

      OR lets look at it the other way... the poor student uses these "stolen" books and eventually becomes a doctor. Eventually he decides he wants to help people further by sharing his knowledge and decides to write his own book, he wants to give all the money from its proceeds to charity to help build a hospital. He works hard and put years of his work and knowledge into the book. When he sells it he makes hardly any money, because it gets pirated and is available for free. The charity fails, his years of work get shared widely among the undeserving. And he gets a taste of his own medicine.
      Or he just uses that book for helping people, nothing else. The "evil" act of not buying those books is completely compensated by becoming a doctor and helping other people. You may compensate your "evil" deeds with good actions right?
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    21. #21
      daydreamer-nightdreamer Mr Sandman's Avatar
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      Last edited by Mr Sandman; 01-09-2013 at 08:41 AM.
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    22. #22
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      I looked over a number of the links provided. I've read through most of the conversation.

      Most of the sites linked have specific policies listed about copyrighted material and compliance with copyright laws and the Millenium Digital Copyright Act. That's a good sign, and it means they are at least willing to remove anything found to not comply.

      I did find one site that my malware program did not like. Best advice: Always have a good program protecting your computer when downloading anything.

      As long as those websites follow copyright laws and rules you are fine to click on the links. Additionally, by reading them online many people may seek them out to purchase the hard-copy document for themselves.

      If you wish to complain to anyone about copyright issues or theft you should speak to the authors of the books and/or the respective websites hosting the material.

      DreamViews has guidelines and rules regarding posting of copyrighted or illegal material. If evidence appears that copyrighted works are posted illegally we will remove the material and infract/ban the user.

      I do not see that happening here.

      Please make every effort to support the authors of any material you find interesting.
      MaxMeents, zoth00, gab and 1 others like this.

    23. #23
      daydreamer-nightdreamer Mr Sandman's Avatar
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      Last edited by Mr Sandman; 01-09-2013 at 08:41 AM.

    24. #24
      USA gab is offline
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      @ Sandman

      I did a quick search and found that:

      Dream Yoga is public domain
      Power of subc. mind is a free gift from a website
      R.Bruce is giving away his Astral Dynamics ebook on a different website that the link links to. And it's almost in its entirety on bruce's website.
      The whole Journeys out of body is on google books (free to read)
      243 out of 290 pages of Bhagavad gita is on google books
      458 out of 507 pages of Autobiografy of a Yogi is on Google books free to read
      205 out of 271 pages of The Book of Secrets: Unlocking the Hidden Dimensions of Your Life is on google books
      Most of the The Astonishing Power of Emotions: Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide is also on google books
      Out of body experiences be Peterson is a free e-book posted by author here

      I would probably find more if I searched longer. Reading some of the books online - that's what made me by the book. Liked it so much, wanted to have a paperback at home. I'm sure many people do the same.

      I own 5 of the books listed. Wanted to buy some other from the list and I still will, simple because I like to cuddle up with a book instead of a laptop.

      I still read and re-read my books, but if I want to find something fast, it's really nice to search a pdf by keyword. If you check the book threads in the Education center, you will see that most of everybody who replied to those owns many lucid dreaming books. So I don't think is fair from you to label us without morals. Those books are on the internet, anybody can find them with little bit of a search.

      To me, these links do the same as a trip to the book store. I go there to sit down and read few pages from a book to decide if it provides what I'm looking for. If yes, I buy it, if not, i keep looking.

    25. #25
      daydreamer-nightdreamer Mr Sandman's Avatar
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      Sorry Gab I don't agree with most of your arguments. Most of these books have an e-book option available, so if you prefer the convenience of e-books then buy the e-book don't steal it!!!

      If you want the "library experience" then go to Amazon or another book store and browse the "look inside" options or better still pay to borrow the books and support the author that way. I don't know many library's where you get to keep the book.

      I've included a list of most of these books, where you can buy them legally.

      For those of you who have morals and respect the hard work and right to a wage of the authors of these books, here's where you can get them legally:

      Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self: Robert Waggoner: 9781930491144: Amazon.com: Books
      Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming: Stephen LaBerge, Howard Rheingold: 9780345374103: Amazon.com: Books
      Adventures Beyond the Body: How to Experience Out-of-Body Travel: William Buhlman: 9780062513717: Amazon.com: Books
      Astral Dynamics: The Complete Book of Out-of-Body Experiences: Robert Bruce: 9781571746160: Amazon.com: Books
      Advanced Lucid Dreaming: The Power of Supplements: Thomas Yuschak: 9781430305422: Amazon.com: Books
      DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor's Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences: Rick Strassman: 9780892819270: Amazon.com: Books
      Journeys Out of the Body: Robert Monroe: 9780385008617: Amazon.com: Books
      The Art of Dreaming: Carlos Castaneda: 9780060925543: Amazon.com: Books
      Amazon.com: Lucid Dreams in 30 Days, Second Edition: The Creative Sleep Program (9780312199883): Keith Harary, Pamela Weintraub: Books
      The Way of the Shaman: Michael Harner: 9780062503732: Amazon.com: Books
      The Astonishing Power of Emotions: Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide: Esther Hicks, Jerry Hicks: 9781401912468: Amazon.com: Books
      Autobiography of a Yogi (Reprint of the Philosophical library 1946 First Edition): Paramhansa Yogananda: 9781565892125: Amazon.com: Books

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