So I've had this certain dream a few times. Either lucid or not. It's basically me in some sort of burtonesque town searching for a "key"

While in my non-lucid version of this dream, the scene is light, the town is vibrant and the towns people chatty and very welcoming. They actually catch my attention to finding this key. I want to say this town is set on the shoreline. there is an endless deep blue ocean that is at the mouth of the town. (I hate water in my dreams, always frightening of what's hidden in there) The people plead with me to solve this mystery in the town by finding the key. They're very helpful....

So now I re-enter this dream in my lucid state. Everything has changed from the cheery colouful town to the dark burtonesqe town. I have this really strong feeling that in my non-lucid state of the dream that they were all setting me up. So I go to question the towns people (who have also transformed into darker characters of themselves from the previous dream) On where the key is, and how I know that their involved with hiding it. They don't tell me anything helpful except for "you think you're awake" then it's like they've been puppets the whole time and just shut down.

So knowing that, I jump into the ocean. and wake up.

I guess I was just wondering if anyone's ever had a dream like this? Im wondering if me trying to figure out the dream by re-entering it lucid has any significance. While lucid I often turn back to this dream to try and find out more. I always get the same response from the towns people.