You're having a really bad nightmare about being trapped in a tight spot,your heart beats 70 times a second and the intrusive thoughts of what could happen next seem to be pouring in, in the thousands.

You wake up.

Your heart is still beating,adrenaline running with it,you are still under the attack of intrusive thoughts and fear is present and very alive.

It is very interesting how feelings can be transferred from an abstract place and physically manifest in you body, or in your thoughts,merging with reality.

I honestly wonder if it is possible to do the same with effects.An example of an effect that is carried over to reality is satisfaction or pleasure. Both release dopamine(the chemical that makes you feel good) into the brain and can even cause other things to happen (e.g. A wet dream)

But what I'm getting at is, can you carry other effects into waking life from your dreams.

A wet dream is powerful right? I mean it has a huge effect on waking life.
But it's not a concious action,most of the time.You aren't lucid.

But what if you were.Because when you become concious(lucid) in a dream, everything is amplified,you can see in detail,hear in clarity and feel with responsiveness,but can you amplify effects.

One effect that seems to be looking me in the eye is the use of drugs and or other consumable products that cause pleasure.Can they be amplified and can the effects be carried into waking life?

It would be interesting to get feedback on this post and to hear other peoples opinion on the subject.It's just something to experiment with so if you get a chance ,consider it.

Sweet dreams,
