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    Thread: If a Tree Falls in a Dream forest...

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      Question If a Tree Falls in a Dream forest...

      So I was thinking along the lines of the nature of dreams and how things work and the amount of detail put into it and blah... Blahh.... Blah.... I have a freakishly strange mind and you will get some insight on how it works during this thread.

      Do you remember the Truman Show? Jim Carrey adopted by Hollywood and spends his whole life in a bubble surrounded by cameras that he knows nothing about and a bunch of actors that he thinks are his friends? great paranoia inducing show right?
      When i was a kid i noticed so many strange things that reminded me of that show, so much that whenever I was alone I would think about people watching me and think out loud in case they were getting bored. It caused me to think about "what would people watching me right now think?" Many times. Lol. But that really isn't the point. I started seeing things like how every small town looked alike, there are only 4 basic water towers, mountains in the background could easily be changed, they would just have to have more technology than me. The internet must be very carefully edited, or the whole thing might just be something that they put on here for me and anything about me isn't posted, just stuff that they would want me to read. What if my religion was made up by them? Are these books from the outside or are they put here as reading for me? Do all of these books have stories or are they props? Would they have put old encyclopedias and dictionaries or have edited ones?
      Yes yes. Insanity at its finest, please dont take me away, to those nice young men with their clean white coats.

      I was reminded of this by my wife on my vacation this last weekend (as that insanity has passed) because she brought it up since I have told her about these past thoughts. I started thinking about it and how it pertains to LDing. All those questions, I asked about the LD now. When people ask how many reality checks I do throughout the day or how much time I spend in the day on lucid dreaming, I have a hard time answering, because everything that pops up through the day, every conversation, every movie, I apply to LDing. I also look at things as they relate to a couple other things (religion and such) but LDing is always on my mind.

      main point if you dont like my rambling
      So in a lucid dream you have the same setup, an entire world that is made to trick you into thinking that it is real, every single dream. It is easy sometimes because you are not very aware, but other times it is about flawless.

      If you run across a tree in a dream that looks knocked over, then was it knocked over or just made knocked over?
      If you look at a mountain in the distance, is it already made by the dreamscape in full details, or is it just the image of a mountain in the distance?
      If my phone rings when I am lucid, would it have rang when I was not lucid?
      Do dream characters that know that it is a dream know it the whole time, or just when you realize it?
      If Ipicked up a book in a dream and read the story (full story) would it have been the same in all the books? Or is all the writing on every book in every dream a full story without plotholes?
      If I don't look behind me in a dream is there anything in the dream or is it just made as I turn around? What about behind that door? Or above you?
      Are DCs programmed with phrases or personalities? If I ask one if it loves me would it have answered the same if I asked it if it loves chocolate?
      Are the stars in the sky actual stars or just lights? If I flew to it when would it stop being a light and start being a mass of incandescent gas?

      And my favorite question of all goes after this question.
      What proof is there that everyone else is sentient like me, stuck inside this body, thinking like I think, feeling like I feel?
      Do we have any more proof that other humans are sentient than DCs? Because it seems the same.

      I know that this is a lot of questions, haha, but I would like to know your ideas on these things. It is really just another philosophical quest, but it might yield something. If someone knows how to experiment or has experimented with this iI would like to hear it. I would like a "if you do this or that in a dream and it turns out this or that way it has to be this" type of experiment. I answered one question by myself when I wasn't a lucid dreamer. I read the circle trilogy by Ted Dekker (good LDing material, goes to sleep in our world, wakes up in heaven, goes to sleep in heaven, wakes up in our world) and after heaven was ruined and turned similar to earth, he was a prisoner of people that couldn't read. He read books to them and they said that it was impossible to read and that he must be making it up as he went along. So my question was:
      If I started talking out loud and went with a story would it be possible to make a full sized story with no noticabke plot holes, almost as if i was reading a book, but not really reading it?
      I had a dream that I read an entire book, and even though it was boring and now I have forgotten most of it, when it was still in my head I went through and noted that each page had a pages worth of real words and that the whole story was made by my subconscious that quickly, so it is possible, it would just be difficult.

      So there is a dose of crazy. Feel free to put your own questions like this. Maybe we can find a way to get sanity back together.

      Aha! I thought of it. An example question for all of them.
      So you are in a dream and you walk out of a home and turn left around a corner. You see a boat and you talk to the three men on their. Hank, Frank, and Joe. They serve you up some scotch and ask you if you want ice in it. You say no. They hand it to you and you can feel the ice and hear it tinkling in the glass. It is cold and the scotch tastes amazing.

      If you had turned right instead of left, would the ice still have been there? Would those personalities? The function in your brain for scotch? The boat? Had you chosen without ice would their have even been the ice in the first place? Had you refused the scotch, would it have existed?

      This is more of the idea that I am looking for. How much of the dream is already there, and how much is built on spur of the moment subconscious decisions? Does it make a whole universe and then send you in, or does it just have what is immediately in your senses?
      Last edited by Sensei; 03-22-2014 at 05:59 AM.
      Wasatch, Mismagius, Antoia and 4 others like this.

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