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    Thread: Is there something wrong with me?!

    1. #1
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      Ballymena, United Kingdom

      Is there something wrong with me?!

      I am now getting to the point of concern. I have accidentally trigger lucid dreams for 3 people in total, and the 4th can do it, but didn't even realise it was a thing. lol. first i mentioned, was done during binaural beats of the theta brainwave. second was a guy in work i told him how to do self awareness and all day awareness. the last i took for a guided meditation. she was able to still kinda hear my voice but she was able to have a lucid dream at the same time. she was walking down a japanese garden. she said she saw the purest green trees. like no human colour she's ever seen before. so vibrant. she woke up abruptly when i finished the meditation. the lack of my voice woke her.

      I am somewhat concerned however, because my mind's eye is hazy, at best. when i think of things, it seems to be through a kinda "fuzz" or haze. it's so frustrating. Like my dreams (non lucid) are barely 100% clear. usually around the 60%-70% mark of clear vision. So then i began to worry about my mind's eye being clear and tried what was classed as a simple exercise and i couldn't even do it!!!! it said try and visualise a red square being drawn out in your mind's eye.... am i broken or something that i can't do that?! is this the reason why i can't lucid dream? as i say, my dreams are very rarely in first person. last night's for example, i saw it from 3rd person view again. in fact, i have dreams where i'm not me, but i seem to be following a person in the dream and it seems that it has to be me in this body, as i am experiencing their thoughts and stuff. have i hit a serious brick wall that i can't overcome? i am feeling despair if i am completely honest. can anyone help? btw, still recording my dreams in my book. When i recall them, i can see them in my head and remember the whole dream, but they're as clear as they are when i remember back. my recall isn't the problem. the guy in work says i'm trying to hard, which made me wanna cry because if i try less i definitely won't get it, therefore feel stumped and nearly pissed off with it. but i am not giving up. i want this.

      sorry, bitchy whining rant over. anybody able to help? :\



    2. #2
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      Well I used to feel almost the exact same way as far as dream clarity goes. However, I have worked on dream awareness. One thing that has really helped me is simply understanding that dreams are really the same as reality. With both dreams and reality, you are merely experiencing sensory input. So you must understand that you are just as conscious in your dreams as you are in reality, because dreams are reality, even if they only happen in your imagination. As for the mind's eye thing, I would suggest exercising your imagination. Just try imagining things. Just play out a story about how you do something cool in your mind's eye, and stuff like that regularly. Because I frequently exercise my imagination I have perfect control of my mind's eye. You just need to practice more. But for me it isn't really practice, it is fun.

      Picture your mind as a car. Your motivation is fuel. To get to your destination (a lucid dream) you have to use a sustainable amount of fuel (motivation). If you rush it and go hardcore for a week chances are you will get tired out and stop. If you are lazy about it and give it no effort you will probably make no progress. I did this for 4 years and I have made more progress in the last 2 months than I would have in 30 years at that pace. So just do the perfect amount of practice each day, and you should see amazing improvement.
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      Birds of the night..

    3. #3
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      I don't have huge experience like alot of the people on here but as far as your dreams being hazy that's a normal thing alot of my dreams can be hazy even while lucid unless I spend sufficient time to stabilize it and raise my awareness only then it becomes 1oo percent clear as day, also I have had 3rd person dreams aswell not as many as you say you've had though, I could only suggest that you imagine or visualize yourself dreaming through your own eyes when dreaming like if you are seeing third person and are lucid imagine that the person in view is a dream character and you are in fact behind them walking or flying which ever view point you are looking from.. Everyone can lucid dream there arnt many naturals out there and I'm definitely not a natural I have to put loads of effort into it but I do reap the rewards when I do maybe reconsider what technique you are using or how you are going about your awareness.
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    4. #4
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      Avian... just wow! such a well written piece. thank you firstly for the empathy. secondly, the advice about practicing visualisation is a great idea. However, i must say the car analogy was my fave part of the whole post! excellently said. i work particularly well with analogies, as I use them frequently myself that's excellently said. i will heed this post and advice

      LucidEveryNight, thank you for making me feel normal. It's good to know others have hazy and third person dreams. I feel I need to practice more. I am heeding your advice too yeah i will review what techniques work for me.

      I did wake after 6 hours and went back to sleep. I did use a isochronic thing to help me sleep. My brain went nuts with it! I saw space.... like.. through my own eyes!!! I saw stars and I went down in a curved motion. But I wasn't asleep properly. It made me snore lightly, but my mind was still very active. I am gonna start meditating to calm those thoughts, along with more focused ada and self awareness

      thanks for the responses. genuinely appreciate them!

    5. #5
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      Sounds to me like you had a wild or at least hypnogogic imagery. So you are definitely close.
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    6. #6
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      Dreams, non-lucid or lucid, occur on a spectrum of so many different qualities: clarity, awareness/presence (how much am I "me" in the dream?), control, active/passive, bold/meek. I find that the more active/clear/aware dreams occur when I'm better rested and on a regular sleep schedule.
      DO dreams (3rd person, floating "disembodied observer") dreams are perfectly normal, I have them fairly frequently, mixed in with the 1st person dreams.

      Don't despair (that leads to anxiety and stress and takes you farther from vividness, good recall, and lucidity). I strongly recommend for LD newbies following LaBerge to the letter. His "A Course in Lucid Dreaming" which accompanies "Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming" is a clear, step-by-step exercise-by-exercise approach to achieving lucid dreams. Once you get a dozen or so LDs then I'd maybe start branching out and understanding other different approaches. But when just starting out stick to one approach and LaBerge MILD / PM exercises / RCs / Reflection/Intention are just what you need to get those first lucids (+ dream recall, goal setting, etc.). Honestly, it's all in those two books, read them, and follow them!
      Last edited by FryingMan; 10-04-2014 at 08:21 PM.
      DragonLucid likes this.
      FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall -- Both Day and Night[link]
      FryingMan's Dream Recall Tips -- Awesome Links
      “No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dreams.”
      "...develop stability in awareness and your dreams will change in extraordinary ways" -- TYoDaS

    7. #7
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      After a couple hundred LDS you discover your awareness in dreams covers a spectrum. Mostly I am aware but like being somewhat drunk... inhibitions reduced. But sometimes I am pretty normal and even think I am awake at first until I RC (even if I don't stop to think "how did I get here?") Once in a while I will have only slight awareness...almost forgotten upon awakening. But all these crossed a line where I truly knew I was in a dream.
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