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    Thread: I need an army of lucid dreamers...

    1. #126
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      You have my kick starter backing and support on social media. Unfortunately I don't have a very big scope for social media... but every bit counts!
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    2. #127
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      @shadowwolf6tail - That's brilliant! Thank you ever so much! You're quite right, absolutely every little bit of promotion helps and you never know what will come of it. For example, I asked a friend of mine to do her bit to spread the word, she casually mentioned the project to her landlady, who, several hours later, backed the project by a very generous sum and e-mailed something like 1000 contacts! I guess this is part of the wonderfully unpredictable nature of this world, we really can't predict the consequences of any particular actions. It's exciting and just goes to show that as you say, every bit really does count - sometime's in quite unexpected ways!

      @Everybody - We should have an article over at the World of Lucid Dreaming early next week, so that should help raise awareness among a different crowd. There are a few other exciting bits and pieces being worked on as we speak, I'll let you all know as soon as theirs something more tangible to share!

      On a side note, if any of you take part in other lucid dream communities or forums, if you could let them know about the project, that would be fantastic.
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    3. #128
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      That's amazing! It can be easy to forget sometimes that something you do can help in big ways. I've always loved the idea of the ripple/domino effect and it's interesting to see how it plays out with word of mouth.

      Quote Originally Posted by DanielLove View Post
      So here's the idea:

      Do whatever you can to share the project with big media types. Even, if we can get only one of them to give us a tweet, we'll reach a BIG audience.

      Perhaps, if any of you think it's a good idea, we could also compile a list of certain, relevant figures or websites that we can all contact on mass?

      Here are the links to share again:

      Short link:http://kck.st/1NSjUJN
      Long link: www.luciddreamersguide.com

      Let me know what you think, and if you do think it's a good idea - go be awesome and get started
      I'm definitely up for that!

      I know there are some news sites and journalists that have published a lot of stories on lucid dreaming, Vice and the Huffington Post are ones that come to mind immediately. Contacting news sites or journalists that have written on the topic before might have higher chances they'll write on it again.
      Last edited by Mismagius; 06-03-2016 at 10:13 AM.
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    4. #129
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      A while ago a journalist contacted me on Dreamviews about some of my dreams involving American political figures (eg. Trump) for something he was writing, so I emailed him about this campaign as I thought he might be interested and could spread the word around .
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    5. #130
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      I've signed up and thank you Daniel. Loved your book.
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    6. #131
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      @mismagius - Fantastic, whatever you can do to get the word out to media outlets would be great. Keep me up to date with your progress and I'll do the same from my end. If everyone else who does this can also share what they've been doing here, we'll be able to coordinate our efforts.

      @BlairBros - That's really great of you - I hope he bites and shares the campaign. Do keep up the good work

      @Oneian - Thanks so much for supporting the project. It's so exciting to have other dreamers involved and enthusiastic about it. Thank you!

      @Everyone - I've just posted a project update, with a few new suggestions to help give the campaign a boost. I've also mentioned dreamviews! You can read it here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects.../posts/1594399
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    7. #132
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      Wow this is great, I'll definitely spread the word
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    8. #133
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      Hey guys.

      To keep things tidy - I've created a new thread, with all the important information listed in the first post.

      You can find it here: http://www.dreamviews.com/general-lu...ml#post2196090

      It'll help me out immensely if you could use that new thread to continue the discussion. As it will keep things all in one place, but also give a better introduction to those who don't know about it yet.
      At this point let's focus on the campaign stage of the project - but after that, the thread will be used to develop ideas, submit content, share skills and knowledge etc.
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    9. #134
      USA gab is offline
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      Hey everybody!

      Thank you all for nice conversation here. Please continue in the above listed new thread. http://www.dreamviews.com/general-lu...ml#post2196090

    10. #135
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      Bumping this to let the people that are subscribed to this thread know. Only 9 hours left, it's currently 88% funded with 133 backers, it just needs £1,313 ($1,1742) more to be successfully funded. Anything you can do to help would be greatly appreciated, whether that's backing it or sharing on social media. Here's a link to the kickstarter and the discussion thread on DV below:

      https://www.kickstarter.com/projects...to-the-cosmos/ or www.luciddreamersguide.com


      Also, if you back the project at any amount (even $1) and share the project you'll receive an ebook copy of Daniel Love's book "Are You Dreaming?" for free! Checkout some of the rewards on the kickstarter too, there's a bunch of different ones. Some being receiving an ebook, paperback, or hardback of the first book in The Lucid Dreamer's Guide to the Cosmos series when it comes out.

      This is a truly great project for the entire lucid dreaming field and community, something that will benefit it for years to come. The books will help to support dream research, events, etc. And they'll help to spread awareness and knowledge of the subject. So in a way by supporting this project, you're supporting lucid dreaming itself
      Last edited by Mismagius; 07-03-2016 at 02:19 PM.

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