Quote Originally Posted by Mocari View Post
Science gets us somewhere but i'm not so sure it has gotten us that far. I can't really measure it. It's certainly been useful, but as far as we know there may have been a different take on truth that would have gotten us much further. There's still infinite room for improvement, we agree on that.

I haven't been talking about right or wrong. But i understand our beliefs on what the right mindset is like, differ.

I'm not aware of being a bad person, and have little direct control over how people view me. I say one thing they hear ten others. I don't know myself as a bad person, but i would if i would ignore my own beliefs. We agree on rather being not known than being known as a bad person.

I dislike ignorance as much as You do. It causes misunderstanding, and harm.
Science isn't me. I would like to know things, but knowing things according to me, does not have to be the same as knowing things according to You, or science. I see more ways to know things than through a scientific approach.

My beliefs have changed plenty of times, it is nothing rigid. Science kept changing because it kept being wrong, alike my beliefs. But science does seem to approach truth even to me, and is in my experience incredibly useful. I won't deny that and i hope You understand i am not suggesting You do anything wrong.
Well, there really are multiple ways to get explanation of things. What I say is that some of the mis rather wrong.

Another thing: science is almost never wrong. It bases on hypothesis, just like anything else. If the hypothesis is real, then the thesis is real.

An example of hypothesis-thesis:
Hypothesis: All women are fat. Jane is a woman.
Thesis: Jane is fat.

That thesis is based on the hypothesis that all women are fat. If that hypothesis proves false, then the thesis proves false. But still, if the hypothesis was true, the thesis would also be true.

If you don't think science has gotten us far, compare the belief of a square earth to the possibility of finding water in other planets by using light. I believe that's pretty much an advancement.


To me, prejudicial judgment is pretty much wrong. If you do it consciously, it makes you a bad person. Again, that's my belief, you don't have to agree with that.

What I say is that you defend people who prefer to believe in something convenient, rather than fight ignorance.


Finally, I do not yet know of a situation in which science was blatantly wrong. If you mind to point an example, I'd be really glad.


Quote Originally Posted by Scatterbrain View Post
Then I suggest you take interest, do your research and realise that evolution IS real.

I would also like to know exactly how did the bible predict the 9/11, or anything at all for that matter.
It's strange how people only predict things AFTER they happen.

That's what sucks about interpretation of the bible. ANYTHING can be interpreted.