So I did the one thing I said I wouldn't do, I gave up learning to lucid dream and now I really need some advice on how to get back into it stuff to keep me very motivated and so on. I had been practicing for about a nearly a year when I stopped I was making some progress but not much, this maybe why I quit? I had a LD some time ago maybe about a month completely random but once again, a common theme with me I knew I was dreaming yet I had no control and I just followed the dream as it went on until I lost what little consciousness I had. So like I said I need something that will help me stick at it this time, there are things I really want to do in a LD and my life isn't going that great at the moment and I feel that the only way I can really sort it out is to ask my sub-conscious why I am like I am and maybe along the way I can find out what I really want to do in my life and not to mention I may learn some more skills though this, so yeah, any advice would be great thanks.