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    1. #1
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      What's so overwhelmingly special about WILD?

      As I looked into the 'Attaining Lucidity' board today I noticed there was an ample number of threads about WILD. Especially many users new to LDing seem to be fascinated by the WILD technique although it requires the biggest effort within the "wake world"? I tried out WILDing multiple times and have perceived quite interesting results (SP, hypnagogia, you might know) but having a lucid dream in the end seemed quite tricky to me? I think you can have better results with less effort through DILD (MILD, VILD, autosugs), so what's that fascinating about WILD?

    2. #2
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      I totally agree with you. I cant see why WILD is so popular, most claim its because of its high success rate. However, I wasnt really successful using it either, but maybe thats my problem (impatience, etc.). I find the mnemotic and affirmation techniques much easier..
      -LD's: 7, pre-LD's: 2

    3. #3
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      for me WILD is hard, but the 2 or so times I succeeded it was spectaaacular. like HD-LD. You have to try it I tell ya!
      TAKE DV members advice with caution! some have had zero or 1-2 LD's yet act like gurus
      TOTAL LD's (almost all DILD/MILD) =160!!
      new goals: have more LD's than Shift[X]
      10-15min LD [ X] Article: A day in the life of an LD-er
      the "Mind V.S. Body" Induction technique
      Everyman 2 LD's/ sleep schedule progress

    4. #4
      of dreaming dreamingofdreaming's Avatar
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      Because it is hands down the most mind blowing experience you will go through thus far ( atleast for most)

      When you make that CONSCIOUS transition of lying there thinkiing of dreaming, then feeling __________ [fill in the blank], and opening your eyes to realize you've just been sucked into a dream, or that you've just entered your "dream room" and you approach it fully aware!! It is the most clarifying experience ever, it is the most in your head and in your thoughts that you will ever be, it is clearer than reality, it is wild!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      If you experience it, then you'll understand

    5. #5
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      That sounds fascinating, but doesn't explain why so many newbs are being attracted to WILD, does it? WILDs are supposed to be much more vivid than most DILDs, but nevertheless need more effort and patience to accomplish and thus require more time. If I had never had an LD before, that wouldn't motivate me

    6. #6
      Yay Avatar working Dizko's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by dreamingofdreaming View Post
      Because it is hands down the most mind blowing experience you will go through thus far ( atleast for most)

      When you make that CONSCIOUS transition of lying there thinkiing of dreaming, then feeling __________ [fill in the blank], and opening your eyes to realize you've just been sucked into a dream, or that you've just entered your "dream room" and you approach it fully aware!! It is the most clarifying experience ever, it is the most in your head and in your thoughts that you will ever be, it is clearer than reality, it is wild!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      If you experience it, then you'll understand

      The thought of consciously entering a dream was enough to get me motivated.
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    7. #7
      DILD: 05 / WILD: 00 Mercen_505's Avatar
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      If I'm in bed I'm usually only a minute or two away from being unconscious, so WILD would probably be rather difficult for me. After I can consistently achieve DILDs I figured I'd mess around with alternative approaches. My DILDs seem to vary in how vivid they are. Some are crystal clear, others are more murky.

    8. #8
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      I think WILD is perfect, because you can travel with FULL CONSCIOUSNESS to the dream world..and that's the best you can have....that, and the hipnagogia, vibrations...!!!
      it's incredible

    9. #9
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      It's a problem with the layout of the forums themselves. There is a "Dream Signs and Recall" subforum, where topics about DILDing get relegated. Because of this, all that's left is the opposite of the DILD... the WILD. So the Attaining Lucidity board gets inundated with repetitive and stupid threads about WILDing, and so every time someone looks into learning to LD they only read about WILDing and assume that's gotta be the way to go. Despite much bitching and complaining on my part, particularly for the need for a WILD subforum, no one seems to care or even notice. It's actually one of the big reasons I'm not a dream guide anymore. I absolutely hate that this is the way it's set up.

      On top of this, the ability to enter a lucid dream whenever you feel like it sure is an awesome thing, and WILDs ARE amazing. They're just not good for those new to lucid dreaming unless they've got ISP or are a lucky minority. I could write ten pages why it should be saved for experienced lucid dreamers and not those starting out. But people still hold this one up on a mighty pedestal even though the majority of newbies aren't going to even be able to come CLOSE to achieving a WILD.

      All this stuff about vividness and consciousness is a moot point, since they're not guaranteed to be either and on top of that, learning to stabilize your DILDs in conjunction with reality checking will give you hyper-realistic lucid dreams- the ones that aren't already that vivid and clear.

    10. #10
      Lover of Sleep Paralysis Ryuinfinity's Avatar
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      In a DEILD.
      My DILDs are always more stable than my WILDs...

      I love DEILD! SP is pwnage!

    11. #11
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      I dunno what is so amazing from WILDs apart from SP, they are less vivid and last less for me <.<

    12. #12
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      Yea and most people are only talking about SP, they don't even make it into the LD but they just get some fun hypnagogic hallucinations.

      One major benefit I should point out to WILD is that if someone suffers from ISP, they can turn it into a very very positive experience by learning to WILD. If that's the case, then there is definitely a good reason to consider it special because it improves the quality of a lot of people's lives.

    13. #13
      of dreaming dreamingofdreaming's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Shift View Post
      One major benefit I should point out to WILD is that if someone suffers from ISP, they can turn it into a very very positive experience by learning to WILD. If that's the case, then there is definitely a good reason to consider it special because it improves the quality of a lot of people's lives.
      Yeah, you hit the nail here... I suffer from SP regularily, but I don't "suffer" through it any more

      I can now relax, go with it and have an amazing WILD....

      When I was very noobish (still am) I was very intrigued by WILD, by reading this one statement "Tricking your mind into thinking your body is asleep" like WHOA! What? Tell me more! ~ Who wouldn't be ???!

    14. #14
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      Quote Originally Posted by lucidinius View Post
      what's that fascinating about WILD?
      Some people can't stand not to have instant gratification when they attempt DILD, so if they have no results in ~7 days, they do WILD. I've seen it with so many new members. Plus, it does sound more interesting.

    15. #15
      Member Tranquil Toad's Avatar
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      It think WILDS are out of the question for me. It usually takes me upwards of an hour to fall asleep, and I cannot stay in one position for very long. For whatever reason, my body get incredibly uncomfortable if I stay on my back, side, or front for more than 5-10mins. So usually I just roll back and forth insessively till I pass out. I pity my future wife...

      I've had DILDs that are as clear and vivid as waking life though, with 100% awareness. So its not necessary to WILD if you want that level of realism, however many people vouch for it as more reliable.

    16. #16
      Stage One - Dream Recall Lucid fanatic's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Shift View Post
      It's a problem with the layout of the forums themselves. There is a "Dream Signs and Recall" subforum, where topics about DILDing get relegated. Because of this, all that's left is the opposite of the DILD... the WILD. So the Attaining Lucidity board gets inundated with repetitive and stupid threads about WILDing, and so every time someone looks into learning to LD they only read about WILDing and assume that's gotta be the way to go. Despite much bitching and complaining on my part, particularly for the need for a WILD subforum, no one seems to care or even notice. It's actually one of the big reasons I'm not a dream guide anymore. I absolutely hate that this is the way it's set up.

      On top of this, the ability to enter a lucid dream whenever you feel like it sure is an awesome thing, and WILDs ARE amazing. They're just not good for those new to lucid dreaming unless they've got ISP or are a lucky minority. I could write ten pages why it should be saved for experienced lucid dreamers and not those starting out. But people still hold this one up on a mighty pedestal even though the majority of newbies aren't going to even be able to come CLOSE to achieving a WILD.

      All this stuff about vividness and consciousness is a moot point, since they're not guaranteed to be either and on top of that, learning to stabilize your DILDs in conjunction with reality checking will give you hyper-realistic lucid dreams- the ones that aren't already that vivid and clear.

      Hey us noobs read these threads too! I'm going to wait til i get good dream recall before i try anything... Well thats my excuse anyway! I really just want my first LD to be the best experience ever!

      Also, why'd that make you stop being a dream guide?
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    17. #17
      Moonshine moonshine's Avatar
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      In my experience WILDs are fun for the experience of the transition, and the spookily real false awakening segueing into the kooky dream world.

      (for example I once pushed my bedroom wall and it fell away to reveal the room was flying through the air and the landscape was far below).

      But really, once your in the dream it doesn't matter if you WILDed or MILDed.
      The experience is very similar.

      I'd always reccommend that new lucid dreamers concentrate on the MILD induction techniques which are incredibly powerful if you focus correctly.
      Lucid Dreams:-
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    18. #18
      DILD: 05 / WILD: 00 Mercen_505's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Shift View Post
      All this stuff about vividness and consciousness is a moot point, since they're not guaranteed to be either and on top of that, learning to stabilize your DILDs in conjunction with reality checking will give you hyper-realistic lucid dreams- the ones that aren't already that vivid and clear.
      Thanks. I was beginning to suspect that. I've noticed that my DILDs are becoming steadily more vivid and easier to control. I've had a few short accidental LDs and false awakenings that were (at the time) indistinguishable from reality, so I know this is possible without having to resort to a WILD.

    19. #19
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      Quote Originally Posted by dreamingofdreaming View Post
      Because it is hands down the most mind blowing experience you will go through thus far ( atleast for most)

      When you make that CONSCIOUS transition of lying there thinkiing of dreaming, then feeling __________ [fill in the blank], and opening your eyes to realize you've just been sucked into a dream, or that you've just entered your "dream room" and you approach it fully aware!! It is the most clarifying experience ever, it is the most in your head and in your thoughts that you will ever be, it is clearer than reality, it is wild!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      If you experience it, then you'll understand

      I agrree completly, it is amazing and you described it to a tee

    20. #20
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      Yea and most people are only talking about SP, they don't even make it into the LD but they just get some fun hypnagogic hallucinations.
      I also assume this is the point, most likely the aforementioned sort of beginners do WILD because they hear more experienced LDers talking about hypnagogia and such stuff, forgetting that having an LD was their original goal. They seem to skip the posts where the 'pros' talk about WILD being very hard and tricky without the right technique

    21. #21
      Stage One - Dream Recall Lucid fanatic's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by lucidinius View Post
      I also assume this is the point, most likely the aforementioned sort of beginners do WILD because they hear more experienced LDers talking about hypnagogia and such stuff, forgetting that having an LD was their original goal. They seem to skip the posts where the 'pros' talk about WILD being very hard and tricky without the right technique
      I had a go there with the goal in mind being SP... It was pretty cool but my fingers kept twitching every few minutes tho so i couldn't go mush futher im considering taping them ha

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      Controlling my feelings for too long,
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      Pushing us into self destruction.

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    22. #22
      Back from Hiatus! BigFan's Avatar
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      I think its because of SP. I mean I haven't had a full blown out SP experience, but, in the past, I've felt myself spinning, etc.... which is pretty fun to say the least. Also, it sounds to me if you can maintain your consciousness through SP, you'll easily enter a dream which for me, sounds much easier than a DILD, because, even as I write this, I only did one RC the whole day compared to something like 20 or so back when I started trying to LD. If I ever able to get the full SP experience, then there is no way I'll let the opportunity to WILD go to waste
      # of LDs so far: DILD-1, WILD-0, Awareness-5
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    23. #23
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      Personally, the first time I tried it it worked,
      Also I've noticed after having a DILD that even after stabilizing the dream,
      It wasn't quite up to par with the lucidity attained in the WILD.

      Everything is insanely clear in a WILD. I remember looking at the texture of the fiber on my blanket, it was so crystal clear it shocked me. WILD is definitely the (in general) most potent form of LDing.

      Then again, my experience is little and so though I suspect I'm correct, I could be wrong.

      Quote Originally Posted by Shift View Post
      But people still hold this one up on a mighty pedestal even though the majority of newbies aren't going to even be able to come CLOSE to achieving a WILD.
      Hm? I personally had no trouble at all the first time, though I did fail the second time I tried.
      However, if someone who was a newbie was good at WILDing the first time, would you still suggest they don't attempt it? And what other reasons are there besides the difficulty level that you wouldnt suggest it to a newbie.
      Last edited by Yume.no.ato; 04-20-2009 at 04:04 AM.

    24. #24
      Motion Personified Alpha Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by Shift View Post
      Yea and most people are only talking about SP, they don't even make it into the LD but they just get some fun hypnagogic hallucinations.

      One major benefit I should point out to WILD is that if someone suffers from ISP, they can turn it into a very very positive experience by learning to WILD. If that's the case, then there is definitely a good reason to consider it special because it improves the quality of a lot of people's lives.
      I suffer from SP on a daily basis and for awhile it made my life a complete nightmare. This is the reason why i have turned to WILD.
      If it makes my night terrors less terrifying and more fascinating then I am happyy

    25. #25
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      i wish i could WILD. the reason is because if you nail the technique you will be able to it pretty much any night you want, and it doesnt rely entirely on you having a habbit of doing RCs.

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