Okay, now that I have your attention, my topic is this:

Whenever I have a lucid dream (which I, in fact, control, slightly), I notice that the only control I have reflects things that I subconsciously think about. HERE'S WHAT I MEAN: I have this song that's literally, ALWAYS stuck in my head, and in a lucid dream I had, I was about to get in trouble by this person.

So, being that I was lucid, I essentially made that person break out into the song that's always stuck in my head. However, my concern is that it wasn't REAL control, because:

1-I didn't explicitly tell the person to do that in the dream
2-That song is always in my head

I don't feel as if I had real control in that situation because I just did something that I always think about: that's not control, that's jsut me being passive!

Any thoughts? Anyone understand? Anyone else feel this way?